Heads Wheel Fan Thru, Circle By 1/4 By 1/4, Split Recycle, Step And Fold, Transfer The Column, Alter The Wave, Slip, Scatter Scoot, Boy Run, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style, Mix, Tally Ho, Swing The Fractions, Acey Deucey, Extend, R.L.G
Heads Left Touch 1/4, Boys Pass Out, Boys Wheel & Deal, Girls Press Ahead, Girls Follow Your Neighbor, All 8 Recycle Girls 2/3, In Point Triangle Circulate, Center Wave Recycle & Roll, All Counter Rotate, Swing The Fractions 4/5, Counter Rotate Centers Twice, Concentric Peel Off, Bend The Line Centers Backaway, Home
Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Jaywalk, Linear Action, Relay The Deucey, Explode The Wave, Shakedown With The Flow, Checkmate The Column, Cast A Shadow, Left Swing The Fractions & Roll, Pass Thru, Shakedown With The Flow, R.L.G
Sides 1/4 To Promenade, Heads Pass The Ocean & Cast Off 3/4, DYP Boys Split Circulate Girls Ah So, O Walk & Dodge, Those Facing Squeeze, Outsides Cross Cast Back, Explode Square The Bases, Rotary Spin, Swing The Fractions, Cross Your Neighbor, Promenade Home
All 4 Couples Square Chain Thru, Single Wheel, All 8 Dixie Style To A Wave, Heads Hinge, Very Center Boys Trade, Chain Reaction, Swing The Fractions, Crossfire, Scatter Scoot, Peel & Trail Chain Thru, Stretch Turn & Deal, Centers Sweep 1/4 & Backaway Home
Heads Split Dixie Sashay, As Couples Follow Thru, Boys Single Wheel, 3 By 2 Acey Deucey, Center 6 Some Work Tandem (for a) Swing & Mix, Other Boy Counter Rotate 1/4, Center Diamond Cut The Diamond, Swing The Fractions, Follow Thru, As Couples Trail Off, Partner Hinge, Boys Run, Centers Square Thru 3, L.A
Heads Split Dixie Sashay, As Couples Follow Thru, Boys Single Wheel, Outside Triangle Circulate, Center 6 Some Work Tandem Swing & Mix, End Boy Counter Rotate, Center Diamond Cut The Diamond, Swing The Fractions, Follow Thru, As Couples Trail Off, Concentric Wheel & Deal Centers Sweep 1/4, Home
Heads Split Dixie Style To A Wave, Finish Left Swing The Fractions, Chain Down The Line, Dixie Sashay, Couples Circulate, Crossover Circulate & Roll, Siamese Circulate, Siamese Peel The Top, Cut The Interlocked Diamond, Wheel And Deal, Pass & Roll Your Neighbor, Trade & Roll, L.A
Heads Split Square Thru 3, Chase Your Neighbor & Spread, Acey Deucey, Scatter Scoot Chain Thru, Explode The Wave, Tag The Line, Right Roll To A Wave & Weave, Swing The Fractions, Explode The Wave, Chase Your Neighbor, L.A
Heads 1/2 Square Thru, Pass & Roll, Centers Left 3/4 Thru, Diamond Circulate, 4/5 Swing The Fractions, Diamond Circulate, Centers Mix, Any Hand Swing The Fractions, Ferris Wheel, Single File Left Dixie Style To A Wave, R.L.G
Heads Star Thru & Spread, All Right & Left Thru, Dixie Diamond, Diamond Circulate, Centers Swing-Slip-Slide, Left Swing The Fractions, Explode The Wave, Tag The Line, Leaders Trade, L.A
Heads Star Thru, Magic Dixie Style To A Wave, Swing The Fractions, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond & Roll, Rotary Spin, Flip Back, Follow Thru, Mini Busy, Scoot & Plenty, Scoot & Ramble, Magic Transfer The Column, Stretch Recycle, Magic Dixie Style To A Wave, Recycle, R.L.G
Heads Touch 1/4, Girls Pass Thru, Swing & Circle 3/4, Boys Concentric Recycle, ( each side ) Finish Alter The Wave, Triple Trade & Spread, Relay The Shadow, 2/3 Recycle, Swing The Fractions & Mix, Counter Rotate, Relay The Top, Split Circulate, Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/2, Girls Trade, Centers Trade & Roll, All 1/4 In Home
Heads Touch 1/4 & Cross, Swing Thru, Stretch Ah So, In Tandem Cross Extend, Centers Left Remake, Outsides Left Roll To A Wave, Coordinate, Cast A Shadow, Swing The Fractions, Cross By, L.A
Heads Touch 1/4, Make Magic, Cast Off 3/4, Step & Fold, Couples Circulate, In Roll Circulate, Any Hand Swing The Fractions 4/5, Step & Fold, Track 2, Extend & Little, R.L.G
Heads Touch 1/4, Make Magic, Magic Column Circulate, Centers Trail Off, Chain Reaction, Star 1/2 (odd), Each Wave Slip, Alter The Wave, Triple Box Vertical 1/2 Tag, Left Swing The Fractions, Slip-Slide, Relay The Deucey, Extend, R.L.G
Heads Touch 1/4 & Roll, Split Square Chain The Top, Couples Hinge, Crossfire, Swing The Fractions & Roll, Square Chain The Top To A Wave, Trade Circulate & Weave, Relay The Deucey & Spread, L.A
Heads Wheel Fan Thru, Swing Thru, Flip Back Boys To A Wave, Boys Explode The Wave, All Press Ahead, Girls Pass In The Axle, Girls Percolate To A Wave, Boys Spin The Top, All Lockit, 4/5 Swing The Fractions, Counter Rotate Heads Twice, All 1/4 In Centers Backaway Home
Heads Wheel Thru, Boys Only Wheel Thru, Scoot & Weave, Diamond Circulate, Center 6 Counter Rotate 1/4, Other Boy 1/4 In, 4 Boys Scoot & Weave, Center 6 Walk & Dodge, The Windmill Out, Tag Back, Swing The Fractions, R.L.G
Heads Wheel Thru, Circle By 1/2 By 1/2, Left Swing The Fractions, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey(same spot), Center 4 Wheel And Deal, Other Boy Run, Triple Box Right & Left Thru, Triple Box Flutter Wheel, Centers Square Thru 3, Ends Start Split Square Chain The Top, Tally-Ho, Explode And Square The Bases, Square Chain The Top To A Wave, Slip, Split Circulate, Centers Hinge & Explode, Ends 1/4 In Home
Heads Wheel Thru, Circle By 1/2 By 1/2, Left Swing The Fractions, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey (same spot), Center 4 Wheel & Deal, Other Boy Run, All Triple Box Right & Left Thru, Triple Box Flutter Wheel, Centers Pass Thru, Split Square Chain The Top, Tally-Ho, 2/3 Recycle, Trade Circulate, L.A
Heads Circle By 1/4 By 1/2, Cross Extend, Left Swing Thru, Left Swing The Fractions, Cross Extend, Spin The Windmill Right, In Roll Circulate, Ends Bend, L.A
Heads Cross & Turn, Clover And Swing Thru, Centers Recycle, In Tandem Pass The Sea, 4/5 Swing The Fractions, Acey Deucey, Ah So, Triple Cross, Center Boy U-Turn Back, R.L.G
Heads Cross Trail Thru, Sides 1/4 Out, As Couples 1/4 Out, Ends Bend, Split Square Chain The Top, Left Chase, Swing The Fractions, Boys Roll, Chain Reaction, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Relay The Shadow, Scoot Chain Thru, R.L.G
Heads Fan The Top, Extend & Weave, Switch To An Interlocked Diamond, Siamese Diamond Circulate, Centers Trail Off, Others Single Wheel, All Interlocked Diamond Circulate, Very Centers Trade, Interlocked Flip The Diamond, Centers Trade, In Roll Circulate, Any Hand Swing The Fractions & Roll, R.L.G
Head Fan The Top, Scoot & Plenty Replace The Split Circulates, With A Swing The Fractions, Chain Reaction, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Motivate, Star 1/4, Trade Circulate, Alter The Wave, R.L.G
Heads Left Touch 1/4, Heads Walk And Dodge, Recycle, 4/5 Swing The Fractions, Girls Run, Pass The Sea, Tandem Flip The Line 3/4, Right Roll To A Wave, Chain Reaction, Trade Circulate, Cast A Shadow, Tandem Swing Thru 1 & 1/4, Roll, Home
Heads Pass Out & Spread, Any Hand 1/4 Thru, Centers Pass Thru, Any Hand Swing The Fractions, Tally-Ho, Recycle, Girls Pass Thru, Any Hand Grand 3/4 Thru, As Couples Partner Tag, Centers Swing Thru & Recycle, Outsides Partner Trade, Centers Pass Thru, L.A
Heads Pass Out, Relay The Top, Girls Hinge & Center Girls Jaywalk, All Phantom Explode The Line, Phantom Cast A Shadow, Boys Start Left Swing The Fractions, Motivate, L.A
Heads Pass The Ocean & Swing Thru, Sides Half Sashay, Scoot & Plenty, Chain Reaction, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Stretch Linear Cycle, Tandem Fan The Top, Swing The Fractions & Mix, L.A
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Little, Explode The Wave, Girls Run, Boys Work Phantom: All Touch 1/4, "O" Circulate, "O" Split Counter Rotate 1/4, Boys Phantom Swing Thru, All Triple Scoot, Checkmate The Column, Cast A Shadow, Finish Swing The Fractions, R.L.G
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Little, 1/4 Thru, Boys Run, Boys Work Tandem: All Acey Deucey 1 & 1/2, Galaxy Circulate, Girls Vertical Tag Back, Girls Box Recycle, Wave Of 6 Grand Left Swing Thru, Boys Flip The Diamond & Trade The Wave, Girls Explode, Scoot & Little, Swing The Fractions, R.L.G
Heads Pass The Sea, Then Switch The Wave, Chain Reaction, Cycle And Wheel, Cross Chain Thru, Rotary Spin, Swing The Fractions, Split Circulate, Girls Run Right, Turn And Deal, Allemande Left
Heads Pass The Sea, Same 4 Switch The Wave, Chain Reaction, Cycle And Wheel, Cross Chain Thru, Rotary Spin, Swing The Fractions, Split Circulate, Girls Run Right, Turn And Deal, Allemande Left
Heads Pass The Sea, Extend, Swing Thru, Swing The Fractions, Boys Step & Fold, Girls Concentric Follow Thru, Siamese Partner Tag, Girls Swing Thru, Boys Right Roll To A Wave, All 8 Recycle, Follow Thru, Square Thru 3, L.A
Heads Pass The Sea, Scoot Chain Thru To A Wave, Reverse Explode, Ends 1/2 Circulate & Hinge, Girls Touch 1/4, All Split Counter Rotate 1/4, Girls Roll, Girls Fan The Top & Spread, Left Swing The Fractions, Swing Thru & Roll, Single File Dixie Style To A Wave, Fan The Top, Reverse Explode, R.L.G
Sides Left Wheel Thru, Square Thru Your Couple Number, Shakedown, Sides Pass In, Square Thru Your Couple Number, Heads Trade, Split Circulate 1 & 1/2, Left Swing The Fractions, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey (crash), Triple Box Or Line Counter Rotate 1/4, Outsides Start 1/4 Thru, Ah So, Ends Finish Load The Boat, Centers Walk & Dodge, Split Circulate & Roll, Centers Pass The Ocean And Recycle, Home
All 8 Recycle Twice & Heads Roll, Sides Pass The Ocean, Swing The Fractions, Stretch Split Circulate, Triple Box Circulate, Explode The Line, Left Chase, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, Heads Phantom Turn & Deal, Those Who Can Tandem Of 3 All Trade The Wave, Heads Squeeze, Chain Reaction, Mini-Busy, Ping Pong Circulate, Centers Recycle & Sweep 1/4 Home
Allemande Left Go Forward 3 To An Allemande Thar, All 8 Spin The Top, Swing The Fractions Heads 4/5, Centers Cross Roll To A Line, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey(gs to same spot), Remake, Split Counter Rotate, Box Recycle, Triple Box Counter Rotate, Transfer And 1/4 Thru, Chain Reaction & Spread, Reverse Explode, Ends Bend, All 1/4 In Centers Backaway Home
Heads Touch 1/4, Sides Triple Box Vertical 1/2 Tag, Tandem Peel The Top, Swing The Fractions, Diamond Circulate, Crossfire & Boys Roll (1 boy can roll), Boys Box Counter Rotate, 8 Circulate & Girls Roll (1 girl can roll), Ignore End Girls For Press Ahead, Those Who Can Tandem Of 3 All Scoot & Weave, All 8 Recycle, Follow Thru & Roll, Cross Chain & Roll Star 3/4, 2/3 Recycle, Tandem Centers Run, Zing & Centers Roll, Home
Heads Wheel Thru, Circle By 1/4 By Grand Swing Thru, Concentric Cast Right 3/4, Cross Roll To A Wave, Left Swing The Fractions, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, Concentric Turn & Deal, Girls Pass The Ocean, Outer 6 Magic Circulate, Linear Action, Triple Box Circulate, Stretch Cycle & Wheel & Boys Roll, Girls In Your Distorted Column Double Pass Thru, Transfer & Turn & Deal, Tandem Left Square Chain The Top To A Wave, Individually Roll, Centers 1/4 In & Backaway Home
Heads Reverse Rotate, Girls 1/4, Boys 1/2, Sides Circle By 1/4 By 1/4, All Galaxy Circulate, Centers 1/4 Thru & Spread, 4 Boys Any Hand Remake, Girls Concentric Ah So, Outside Triangle Circulate, Center 4 Counter Rotate, Other Boy Run, All Jaywalk, Center Diamond Flip The Diamond, Linear Action, Crossover Circulate, Swing The Fractions, Cut The Diamond, Girls Circulate 1 & 1/2, Boys 1/2 Circulate, All Explode Home
Heads Reverse Rotate Girls 1/4 Boys 1/2, Galaxy Circulate, Tandem Base Triangle Circulate, Center Boys Run, Siamese Cross Roll To A Wave, Siamese Ah So, Siamese Remake Boys Roll, Outside Boys Run Right Left, Boys Jaywalk, Scatter Scoot, Peel & Trail Chain Thru, Counter Rotate, Cast A Shadow, 8 Circulate, Swing The Fractions, Slip, Explode Outsides Roll, Home
Heads Single Rotate 1/4, Sides Veer Left, Siamese 1/4 Thru, Tandem Base Triangle Circulate, (YOUR CHOICE ), Girls Trade ( or ), (Siamese Slip-Slide-Swing-Slither ), Girls Bend The Line & Roll, Alter The Wave Turn The Diamond 1/4, Relay The Shadow, Stretch Recycle, Centers Swing Thru, Scoot & Plenty Replace Split Circulates, With A Swing The Fractions, Swing & Circle 1/4, All 8 Recycle Girls 2/3, Boys Slip, Cut The Diamond, Wrong Way Promenade Home
Head Men & Corner Jaywalk, Girls Box Recycle, Very Centers Hinge, Girls Diamond Circulate, Wave Base Triangle Remake, Split-Centers Run Left, Jaywalk, Those Facing Start Chain Reaction, Boys With The Flow, Swing The Fractions, Inpoint Triangle Substitute, Boys Hinge, Step & Slide, Wheel And Pass The Sea, Centers Ah So & Roll, Home
Heads Circle By 1/4 & 1/2, Scoot & Ramble, Double Star Thru The Axle, Relay The Shadow, Swing The Fractions, Stretch Single Wheel & Roll, As Couples Follow Thru, Stretch Wheel & Deal, 8 Circulate, In Tandem Centers Cross Run, Slip The Clutch, Cross By, Slip The Clutch, Boys Counter Rotate, Explode Home
Heads Face, O Checkmate The Column, Squeeze The "O", Press Ahead, Any Hand Swing The Fractions, Centers Start Right & Left Thru & Roll, Cross Your Neighbor, Couples Mix & Roll, Single File Dixie Diamond, Chain Thru, Tandem Single Wheel, Concentric 1/2 Circulate, Bend The Line Home
Head Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Boy Lead Right, Those Who Can Couple Of 3 All Pass & Roll, Those Who Can Couple Of 3 All Scoot & Weave, Finish Tally-Ho, Girls Concentric Ah So, Any Hand Grand 1/4 Thru, Fan The Top, Outer 4 Triple Box Scoot Back & Cross, Any Hand Swing The Fractions, Beaus 1/4 In, Centers Box Counter Rotate, Siamese Circulate, Transfer & Cross Roll To A Wave, Scoot & Little (left handed), Scoot Back, Extend, Allemande Left, Promenade Home
Heads Left & Right Thru As Couples Roll, Chain Reaction, Cast A Shadow, Twist & Split Dixie Diamond, 3 By 2 Acey Deucey, Boys Mix, Left Swing The Fractions 4/5, Girls Switch The Wave, Diamond Chain Thru, Outroll Circulate, Triple Box Counter Rotate, Transfer & Box Counter Rotate, Make Magic, Ends Reverse Single Rotate 1/4, In Roll Circulate, Centers Run, Ferris Wheel Centers Sweep 1/4, Home
Heads Pass The Ocean & Extend, Tandem Switch To A Diamond, Tandem Diamond Circulate, Concentric Peel Off & Boys Roll, Siamese Scoot & Weave, Ignore Side Girls For Triangle Circulate, 3 By 2 Acey Deucey, Siamese Turn & Deal, Transfer & Cross Roll To A Wave, Split Dixie Diamond, Center Wave Mix, Diamond Circulate, Swing The Fractions, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears, Explode & Outsides Roll, Centers Backaway Home
Heads Pass The Sea, Heads Work 2/3 All 8 Recycle, Centers Mix The Windmill Forward, Stretch Crossfire, Boys Peel & Trail, Heads Jaywalk The Windmill In, Percolate, Acey Deucey, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Ends Start Split Square Chain The Top To A Wave, Left Relay The Shadow, Skip The First Part Swing The Fractions, (1/2 left 3/4 right 1/2 left 1/4 right), Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears Star 1/4, Cross By, All 8 Swing & Mix, Explode Home
Heads Press Ahead Partner Trade 1 & 1/2, Linear Action, Flip Back, Percolate, Beaus Run, Tally Ho, Relay The Top Star 1/2, Swing The Fractions Boys 4/5, Phantom Acey Deucey, Phantom Girls 2/3 Recycle Boys Split Circulate, Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears Star 1/4, Explode Outsides Roll Centers Backaway, Home
Sides Flutter Wheel & Backaway, Heads Phantom Touch 1/4, Centers Walk & Dodge, Centers In, Girls Hinge, Boys Distorted Box Circulate, Tally-Ho (odd) (all to left hands), Switch To An Interlocked Diamond, Diamond Chain Thru, Outer 4 Triple Box Recycle, Head Boys Run, Siamese Spin The Top, Centers Linear Cycle & Roll, 4/5 Left Swing The Fractions & Roll, Reverse Swap Around, 1/4 In Heads Twice Home
(Zero Box) Swing Thru, Flip Back, Boys To A Wave, Boys Explode The Wave, All Press Ahead, Girls Pass In, The Axle, Girls Percolate To A Wave, Boys Spin The Top, All Lockit, Swing The Fractions, 2/3 Recycle, R.L.G
(Zero Box) Centers In, Any Hand 1/4 Thru, Tag The Line, Ends Cross Cast Back, Any Hand Swing The Fractions, Centers Pass Thru, Explode And Square The Bases, Alter The Wave, L.A
(Zero Box) Rotary Spin, Stretch Recycle, Girls Sweep 1/4, Split Square Chain Thru, Clover And Pass The Sea, Boys Jaywalk, Centers Single Wheel, All Triple Scoot, Grand 1/4 Thru, Relay The Shadow, Swing The Fractions, Boys Cross Run, L.A