Heads Fan The Top, Extend, 1/4 Thru, Switch To An Interlocked Diamond, Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru, Center Boy Run Right, DYP Boys Wheel & Deal, Girls Turn & Deal, Cross Chain & Roll, Right & Left Grand
Heads Pass The Ocean & Swing Thru, Scoot & Ramble, Cross Chain & Roll, Scoot & Weave, Switch The Wave, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line With The Flow, R.L.G
Heads Star Thru & Spread, Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Girls Sweep 1/4, Girls Left Square Chain Thru To A Wave, Chain Reaction, Star 1/2, Recycle, Cross Chain & Roll, Star 3/4, Spin The Top, Step Thru, Boys Trade, Follow Your Neighbor, Extend, R.L.G
Heads Pass The Ocean & Extend, Girls Left 1/4 Thru, Boys Concentric Follow Thru, Girls Switch The Wave, As Couples Alter The Wave, Concentric Turn & Deal, The Axle, Square The Bases, Cross Chain & Roll, Acey Deucey 1 & 1/2, Wave Of 6 Grand Swing Thru, Girls Flip The Diamond & Lockit, Each Wave Slip, Ends Step & Fold, 3 By 2 Acey Deucey, Center Wave Ah So, Explode Outsides Roll Home
Sides Wheel Thru, Rotary Spin, Cross Chain & Roll, 1/4 Thru, Percolate But, Ah So, Ends Bend, Centers: Walk And Dodge, Twist And, Pass The Ocean, Scoot And Ramble, Tandem, Single Circle To A Wave, Acey Deucey, Extend, R.L.G. (at home)
Heads Swing Thru, Face The Caller, Siamese Wheel &Deal, Siamese Zing, Siamese Alter The Wave, Regroup, Touch 1/4, Swing & Circle 1/4, Ping Pong Circulate, Extend, Fan The Top, Relay The Shadow, Zing, Brace Thru, Cross Chain & Roll, Ends Counter Rotate, All 1/4 In Home
Heads Touch 1/4, Sides Triple Box Vertical 1/2 Tag, Tandem Peel The Top, Swing The Fractions, Diamond Circulate, Crossfire & Boys Roll (1 boy can roll), Boys Box Counter Rotate, 8 Circulate & Girls Roll (1 girl can roll), Ignore End Girls For Press Ahead, Those Who Can Tandem Of 3 All Scoot & Weave, All 8 Recycle, Follow Thru & Roll, Cross Chain & Roll Star 3/4, 2/3 Recycle, Tandem Centers Run, Zing & Centers Roll, Home
Heads Wheel Thru, Left Cross Chain & Roll (L H waves), Stretch Recycle, Double Pass Thru, Peel Off, Switch To A Diamond, 6 2 Acey Deucey, Side Boys Press Ahead, Boys Diamond Circulate, Wave Of 6 Grand Swing Thru, Center Diamond Cut The Diamond, Concentric Step & Fold (c wave stay c), Cast Left 3/4, Acey Deucey, Explode Home
Heads Wheel Thru, Left Wheel Thru & Roll, Leads Cross Cast Back, Girls Jaywalk, In Your Block Zing, Outsides Press Ahead, Square The Bases, Cross Chain & Roll, Ends Fold,(3 in outside box), Triple Box Right Roll To A Wave, Wave Of 3 Swing Thru, All Right Roll To A Wave,(tidal wave), Relay The Shadow, Left 3/4 Tag, Clover And Recycle, Home
#1 Man & #3 Lady Jaywalk, Head Girls Trade, Heads Any Hand 1/4 Thru, Those Facing Pass To The Center, Any Hand Spin The Windmill In,(odd), Split Dixie Diamond, Inpoint Triangle Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Counter Rotate, Near 4 Zing, Far 4 1/4 In, Cross Chain & Roll, Vertical 3/4 Tag, Centers Ah So & Roll, Outsides U-Turn Back, Home
Couples 3 & 4 Half Sashay, Heads Touch 1/4 & Cross, Swing Thru, Extend, Outsides Left Hinge, Center Wave Ah So, Wave Base Triangle Circulate, Everybody Hinge, 3 By 2 Acey Deucey Twice, Center Wave Swing Thru 1 & 1/4, Magic Column Split Circulate 1 & 1/2, (centers of p. to p. with left hands), Cut The Diamond, Concentric Cycle & Wheel, Centers Left Square Thru 3/4, Cross Chain & Roll, Centers Trade, Boys Run, Far 4 Partner Trade, Wrong Way Promenade Home
(Zero Box) Cross Chain Thru, Circle By 1/2 By 3/4, Motivate, Cross Chain & Roll, Tally Ho, Follow Your Neighbor, Boys Only Spread, Stretch Explode The Line, Step And Slide The Axle, Pass The Ocean, Swing Thru, Spin Chain And Exchange The Gears, R.L.G