Mainstream - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveEasyID=7580Print
Heads Pass Thru & Step Ahead, Sides Pass Thru & Step Ahead, All Wheel Around And 1/4 More, Wrong Way Promenade Home
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ ResolveMediumID=4431Print
Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Pass Thru, Centers Recycle, Other Girl Run, Centers Left Turn Thru, R.L.G
Mainstream - SSD Week 7 -- Static Set ➔ ResolveHardID=10463Print
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Circulate, Wheel And Deal & 1/4 More, Boys Trade, Bend The Line, Star Thru, Forward And Back, Pass Thru, Wheel And Deal, Centers Wheel Around, Right And Left Thru, Veer Left, Circulate Twice, Wheel And Deal & 1/4 More, Boys Trade, Bend The Line, Pass Thru, Allemande Left, R.L.G
Theme is Wheel and Deal Wheel 1/4 more - At Wheel and Deal from a Two faced Line the Center Dancer is the piviot point. Normally the Dancer wheel 180 Degrees to the center of the Formation.
Wheel 1/4 more means that the Dancers will turn 270 Degrees so we will get a two faced (Tidal) Line.
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Heads Pass Thru, Reverse Wheel Around, Reverse Half Sashay, Slide Thru, Allemande Left, R.L.G. On 4th Hand, Dopaso, Courtesy Turn 1/4 More, Wrong Way Promenade Home
Mainstream -- Singer (R-H Lady progression)EasyID=7180Print
Heads Square Thru 4, Right And Left Thru, Dive Thru, All Double Pass Thru, First Couple Go Left, Next Couple Go Right, Forward And Back, Ladies Chain; Turn A Full Turn & 1/4 More, Promenade Home (10 steps)
R-H lady progression resolve
Mainstream - SSD Week 6 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveEasyID=8996Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru, Ladies Chain, Right & Left Thru And A 1/4 More, Veer Right, Left Allemande
TdBy Formation The 1/4 More on the Right & Left Thru will create a Right Hand Two Faced Line
Mainstream - SSD Week 6 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=9008Print
(Zero Line) Each Four Circle Left 1/2, Dosado, Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Partner Trade, Promenade Home
RLT and 1/4 more sets up a two faced line.
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=2265Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Tag The Line, Face Left, Ferris Wheel, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru, Swing Thru, R.L.G
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=6513Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Trailers Half Sashay, Couples Circulate, Ferris Wheel, Centers Swing Thru, Extend, Spin The Top, Right & Left Thru, Dixie Style To An Allemande Left
Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=4404Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Couples Circulate, Leaders Wheel Around, Pass The Ocean, Scoot Back, R.L.G
Mainstream - SSD Week 10 -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=6491Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Half Sashay, Boys Trade, Ferris Wheel, Centers Pass Thru, R.L.G
An unusual use of Half Sashay
Mainstream - SSD Week 6 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineMediumID=6341Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru And 1/4 More, Couples Circulate, Bend The Line (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 7 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineMediumID=6340Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru And 1/4 More, Girls Trade, Wheel & Deal, Slide Thru (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 10 -- Zero Line ➔ Zero LineMediumID=6342Print
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru And 1/4 More, Girls Trade, Ferris Wheel, Centers Pass Thru, Slide Thru (Zero Line)
Mainstream - SSD Week 7 -- Zero (Facing Couples)MediumID=6495Print
Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Trade, Wheel & Deal, Star Thru
Mainstream - SSD Week 10 -- Zero (Facing Couples)MediumID=8380Print
Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Trade, Girls Run, Boys Trade, Girls Run, Cast Off 3/4
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Zero (Facing Couples)MediumID=7827Print
Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Trade, Couples Hinge, Bend The Line, Star Thru
Head Ladies Chain & 1/4 More, Head Ladies Trade, All The Girls Pass Thru, Centers Spin The Top Others Cast Off 3/4, Each Side Fan The Top, Spin Chain The Gears, Swing Thru, Boys Circulate Twice, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Step Thru, 3/4 Tag, Centers Swing Thru & Trade The Wave, Others Face, L.A
Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Pass Thru, Centers Fan The Top, Others Hinge, Each Wave Fan The Top, Boys Run, Chain Down The Line, Slide Thru, Pass Thru, L.A
(Zero Line) Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, 4 Girls Follow Your Neighbor, Boys Circulate, All Flip The Diamond, Couples Circulate, Boys Trade, 1/2 Tag, Boys Run, Load The Boat, Pass Thru, Trade By, L.A
Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Pass Thru, All 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, Girls Pass Thru (again), Everybody Partner Trade, Boys Pass Thru, 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, Boys Pass Thru (again), Center Line Mix, Others 1/4 In, Centers Bend The Line, All Load The Boat, L.A
Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Pass Thru, Centers Spin The Windmill, Others Trade & Roll, Crossover Circulate, Cast A Shadow, Centers Pass The Ocean, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond Boys Roll, 8 Circulate Side Girls Roll, Centers Circulate Head Girls Roll, Transfer & Girls Trade Boys Individually Roll, Crossover Circulate, ( your choice lockit twice or ), Motivate Twice, 1/4 Thru 3 Times, R.L.G., Promenade Home
Couple #4 & #1 Half Sashay, Sides Pass The Ocean, Center 4 Recycle, On The Double Track Dixie Style To A Wave, Walk & Dodge, Tag The Line, Heads Run, Transfer The Column, Slip, Boys Run, Bend The Line, Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Wrong Way Promenade Home
4 Ladies Chain Heads 1/4 More, All 8 Cycle & Wheel, Near 4 Scoot Back, Spin The Windmill In, Prefer End Girls For In Roll Circulate, Cycle & Wheel, Center 4 Swap Around, Brace Thru, Pass & Roll, Switch The Wave, Mini-Busy, Spin The Windmill In & Roll, Dixie Grand, 1/4 In Home
All Four Couples Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, All 8 Diamond Circulate, All 8 Diamond Circulate, All 8 Flip The Diamond, 3/4 Top, 1/2 Top, Right & Left Grand
Heads Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Girls Jaywalk, Linear Action, Relay The Deucey, Explode The Wave, Shakedown With The Flow, Checkmate The Column, Cast A Shadow, Left Swing The Fractions & Roll, Pass Thru, Shakedown With The Flow, R.L.G
Partner Trade & Roll, All 8 Right & Left Thru & 1/4 More, Head Leaders Cast A Shadow, Leaders Step Ahead Trade, In Your Block Swap Around, Girls Phantom Run Right, Make Magic,(odd), Boys Turn & Deal, Triple Cross Twice, Horseshoe Turn, Rotary Spin, Ah So, Walk & Dodge, L.A., Promenade Home
Ladies Chain 3/4 & 1/4 More, Counter Rotate & Roll, All 8 Dixie Diamond, Head Leaders Cast A Shadow, Tally-Ho ( Left Handed ), Trailers Crossover Circulate, Any Hand Remake, ( cast 1/4 centers trade cast 3/4 ), Prefer The End Girls For In Roll Circulate, Tag Back, Vertical 3/4 Tag, R.L.G., Promenade Home
Heads Left Wheel Thru, Touch 1/4, Peel To A Diamond, Diamond Circulate, Triple Trade, Drop Out, The Axle, Grand Chain 8, Weave, Reverse Truck, Reverse Explode, Offset Lines Here Comes The Judge, Cross And Turn, Offset Lines Hubs Trade Back, Split Trade Circulate, Girls Run, Right And Left Thru & 1/4 More, Parallelogram Couples Circulate, Parallelogram Centers Trade, Reverse Truck, Bounce The Boys, In Single File Go Dixie Style, L.A
Heads Split Grand Chain 8 And 1/4 More, Fan Chain And Circulate In, Cross Roll, About, Plan Ahead, Strut Right, Ah So, Slip, Echo Central Crackle, Make A Pass But Crossfire, Funny Square Thru 2, The Action, 1-1-1 Alter And Circulate, Relay Your Pleasure, Centers Trade, Fall Into A Column, Lead The Way, Invert Lines Box The Gnat Thru, Quadruple Lines Working Forward Load The Boat, L.A