Heads Pair Off, Pass To The Center, Zip Code 4, Centers Do Your Part, Percolate, Here Comes The Judge, Slide Thru, Boys Roll, Funny Square Thru 2, Center Boys Jaywalk, Circulate, 1/4, Invert The Column, Centers Slip And Slide, Chain Reaction, Alter And Circulate, Counter Rotate, Detour, Peel The Top, Swing Along, Circulate 1 & 1/2, R.L.G
Heads Spin The Top, Scoot And A Little More, Boys Kickoff, Split Circulate 1 & 1/2, Squeeze The Diamond, Drop Inners Perk Up, Veer Left, Trade By, Pass Thru, Girls Run, 3/4 Cross Invert The Column, Columns Of 3 1/3 Invert The Column, Outside Triangles Reshape, Split Counter Rotate 1/2, Diamond Circulate, Drop Right, Left Allemande (5/8 promenade)
Heads Split Catch 4, Invert The Column 1/2, Inlet, Scoot & Counter, Motivate, Head Boys Ripple 2, Triple Box Circulate 2, End Girl Right Loop 3, Once Removed Brace Thru, Vertical 1/2 Tag, Recycle Twice, Right & Left Grand On 3 Promenade Home
Heads Split Swap, Catch 3, Cross Invert The Column 3/4, Center 4 Cross Roll To A Wave, All 6 By 2 Acey Deucey, Center Wave Left Swing Thru, 3 By 1 Triangle Circulate, Relocate, Columns Of 3: 2/3 Invert The Column, 1/2 Reverse Crazy Ah So, Grand 1/4 Thru & Spread, Ah So, L.A
Heads Star Thru, Zip Code 3 & 1/2, New Centers Touch 1/4, Checkpoint Shazam By Circulate, Galaxy Circulate, Reverse Flip The Galaxy, Chain Down The Line, Touch 1/4, Invert The Column 1/4, 3x1 Triangle Circulate, Partner Trade & Roll, Touch 1/4 And Circle 1/4, Scoot And A Little More, Circulate, In Roll Motivate, Turn Thru, Left Allemande (3/8 promenade)
Heads Face, Squeeze, Butterfly Zing, Outer 4 Phantom All Touch 1/4, Reverse Truck, Inside Offset Wave Mix, Girls Press Ahead, In Your Block Zing, Boys Phantom Left Touch 1/4, Triple Cross, Center 4 Circulate, Siamese Peel & Trail, Cut The Diamond, Alter The Wave, End Boys Ripple The Wave, Triple Box Counter Rotate, Invert The Column 1/2, Crazy Scoot Back, 8 Circulate 2, Explode & Outsides Roll Centers Backaway Home
Heads Pass Out, Pass In, Chisel Thru, Pass The Ocean, [2/3 Recycle] Er's Percolate, Chase Your Neighbor, Split Counter Rotate, Circulate, 3/4, Invert The Column, Very Centers Shazam While The Others Counter Rotate, Triple Lines 1/2 Tag, Triple Boxes, Ignore The Side Boys For Circulate, Each Wave, Slip And Slide, Triple Boxes Circulate, Single Bounce The Boys, Double Pass Thru, Stack The Line, Motivate, R.L.G
Heads Pass Out, Rotary Spin, Linear Cycle, Grand Chain 8, Pass Thru, Beaus Run, Invert The Column 3/4, 3 By 1 Triangle Circulate, Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangle Funny Circulate Twice, Centers Switch To A Diamond, Heads Jaywalk, Girls Cut The Diamond, Boys Squeeze, Spin The Windmill, Outsides Right, Girls Run, Promenade Home
Heads Pass The Ocean, Extend, Girls Walk & Dodge, Criss Cross The Shadow, Girls Left Swing Thru, 1/2 Reverse Crazy Ah So, 1/2 Invert The Column, Alter & Circulate, Inlet, Funny Pass Thru Twice, Little More, Split Recycle, Pass In Centers Roll & Backaway Home