(Zero Line) Square Thru 3, Courtesy Turn, Dixie Style To A Wave, Boys Trade, Boys Cross Run, Spin Chain Thru, Girls Circulate Twice, Spin Chain Thru, Boys Circulate Once, Recycle, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, L.A
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, 1/2 Tag The Line, Ends Circulate, Men Run, Star Thru, Right & Left Thru, Pass To The Center, Zoom, Centers Square Thru 3/4, Left Allemande
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=5512Print
(Zero Line) Ends Touch 1/4, Centers Spin The Top, Outside 6 Walk & Dodge, Centers Recycle, All Trade By, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, L.A
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=6004Print
(Zero Line) Pass Thru, Wheel & Deal, Girls Only Zoom, Centers Turn Thru, Pass To The Center, Centers Only Allemande Left, R.L.G
Mainstream -- Zero Line ➔ ResolveMediumID=4324Print
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Circulate, Single Hinge, Scoot Back, Boys Run, Touch 1/4, Circulate, Boys Run, Pass To The Center, Centers Square Thru 3, L.A