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Static Set ➔ Resolve  AND  Promenade (fract)

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78 records

Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   ID=6894   Print 
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Heads Bow & Swing,
  Promenade All The Way Around,
Sides Right & Left Thru,
Heads Lead To The Right,
Circle To A Line,
Forward & Back,
Pass Thru,
Turn To The Left Promenade Single File,
Make A Star And Turn It A While,
Boys Reach Back With Your Right Hand (over left shoulder)...,
Pull Them Thru To A Right & Left Grand

CDP Published as Runottanames in SIO Magazine. This figure was very popular at square dances during the 1950s.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6873   Print 
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Allemande Left Like An Allemande Thar,
Right & Left & Form A Star,
Shoot That Star, Go Forward Two To An Allemande Thar,
Shoot That Star,
Promenade (The Next)
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6957   Print 
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Allemande Left,
Ladies Star Right & Boys Promenade,
Skip That Girl Allemande The Next (R-H lady),
Boys Star Right & Ladies Promenade,
Skip That Girl Allemande The Next (corner),
Ladies Star Right & Boys Promenade,
Skip That Girl Allemande The Next (R-H lady),
Boys Star Right & Ladies Promenade,
Skip That Girl And Guess Who (corner),
Original Corner Dosado,
Onto The Next Right & Left Grand

CDP Cal15 Named "The Four Corners" In SD MAg 8/1962
The 'allemande's in this sequence are Left Arm Turn 1/2s and not techinally allemande left in which the men are facing counter clockwise afterwards and the ladies facing clockwise.
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6889   Print 
*** not validated ***
Allemande Left & The Ladies Star,
Men Promenade,
Allemande Left & The Men Star,
Ladies Promenade,
Allemande Left,
Grand Right & Left,
(Meet Your Partner And) Promenade Home

Cal15 CDP This was called the Triple Allemande in the SIO Magazine of 5/51

Triple Allemande is actually a call. This sequence is not 'technically' correct since after an Allemande Left the Men should be facing counter-clockwise and the Ladies clockwise. Perhaps replace the second Allemande Left with a 'Turn Corner Left'.

Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6868   Print 
*** not validated ***
Allemande Left,
All (Couple) Promenade,
Put The Ladies In Front, All Single File Promenade,
Ladies U Turn Back,
4 Men Star Left One Time,
(Same Lady) Box The Gnat,
Pull By,
Left Allemande

Cal15 CDP Just change the Box the Gnat to a Right Arm Turn.
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6861   Print 
*** not validated ***
Head Boys Turn The Right Hand Lady With A Right Hand Around,
Partner Left Hand Around,
Opposite Lady Right Hand Around,
Partner Left Hand Around,
Corner Right Hand Around,
Swing Your Partner,

Cal15 CDP Arkansas Traveler. You can also do the dance routine one gent at a time and all four men at once. At beginner parties, I do the individual men first and then the Head and Side Men. If everything is going well, all four men finish.

There's a similar old time dance, named Arkansaw.

Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6916   Print 
Heads Dosado (your Opposite),
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Dosado (your Opposite),
Sides Promenade 1/2,
All Circle Left 1/2,
Dosado Corner,
Promenade Partner

Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6925   Print 
*** not validated ***
Heads Forward & Back,
Heads Circle 4 To The Left (8 steps),
Heads Circle 4 To The Right (8 steps),
Heads Star Left (8 steps),
Star Right (8 Steps),
Turn Corner By The Left,
Promenade Partner Full Around

Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=11216   Print 
(Lesson 1),
Head Ladies Chain Across,
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Side Ladies Chain Across,
Sides Promenade Halfway,
Four Ladies Chain,
Forward & Back,
Allemande Left,
Swing Partner,
You're Home
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=11212   Print 
(Lesson 1),
Head Ladies Chain Across,
Sides Promenade 3/4 (Stand Behind The Heads),
Heads Pass Thru,
Allemande Left,
Swing And Promenade
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6891   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Sides Right & Left Thru,
Heads Promenade 3/4,
Sides Star Thru,
   Pass Thru,
   Promenade Left 3/4,
Others Star Thru,
   Pass Thru,
   Promenade Left 3/4,
Others Star Thru,
   Pass Thru,
   Promenade Half,
Others Star Thru,
   Pass Thru,
Allemande Left

CDP This figure was named Walk Walk and published in SIO in the 1950s. At the end of the final Pass Thru the FASR = Zero Box.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=11218   Print 
(Lesson 1),
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Heads Pass Thru,
Heads Wheel Around,
Heads Back Away While The Sides Promenade Halfway,
Sides Pass Thru,
Sides Wheel Around,
You're Home
Basic - SSD Week 3 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6932   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Pass Thru & U Turn Back,
Circle 8 (8 steps),
Men Forward & Back,
Ladies Dosado,
Swing The Nearest Man,
Promenade Home

Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=11211   Print 
(Lesson 1),
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Sides Pass Thru And Wheel Around,
Sides Back Away,
Heads Star Right To Your Corner,
Allemande Left,
Basic - SSD Week 10 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6390   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
   Come Down The Middle,
   Square Thru 4,
Pass Thru,
Trade By,
Star Thru,
Right & Left Thru,
Pass Thru,
Wheel And Deal,
Centers Right And Left Thru,
   Pass Thru,
Ladies Chain,
Left Allemande
Basic - SSD Week 10 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10977   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
 Come Down The Middle & Square Thru 4,
Right & Left Thru,
Veer Left,
Ladies Trade,
Bend The Line,
Pass Thru,
U-Turn Back,
Star Thru,
Trade By,
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6948   Print 
All Four Ladies Chain,
Head Two Ladies Chain,
Heads Promenade 3/4,
Sides Right & Left Thru With A Full Turn Around,
Allemande Left With The Corner,
Go Home And Swing Your Own,
Four Boys Star Left In The Middle,
Dosado At Home,
Then Promenade The Square

CDP Can be used as a singing call with no partner change
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=11223   Print 
(Lesson 1),
Join Hands Circle Left Halfway,
Allemande Left,
Promenade Home,
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Sides Circle Up Four Halfway,
Sides Back Away,
Boys Star Left,
(pick up your partner),
Star Promenade Home
Basic - SSD Week 3 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=11213   Print 
(Lesson 1),
Circle Left,
Circle Right,
Promenade Go Single File, Ladies Turn Out Go The Other Way (Backtrack),
(When You Meet Your Partner) Dosado,
Gents Promenade Inside Once Around,
Swing & Promenade Home
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6892   Print 
*** not validated ***
First Couple Bow & Swing,
Go Down The Center And Split The Ring,
Around One Four In Line You Stand,
Forward Four & Back On The Run,
Go Down The Center Let?S Have A Little Fun,
Break In The Middle And Go Around Just One (as a couple),
Four In Line You Stand,
Forward Eight & Back With You,
Center Four Pass Thru,
Split The Outside Two Around Just One,
Pass Your Partner To The Corner One,
Swing The Corner And Promenade

CDP Published in 12/1952 in SIO as Couple Around One.
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6914   Print 
Partner Dosado,
Allemande Left With The Corner,
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Promenade 1/2,
Circle Left Back To Home,
Allemande Left With Corner,
Promenade Home (Full Around)

Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Basic - SSD Week 1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve - Complete Dance Routine   Easy   ID=6917   Print 
*** not validated ***
Turn Corner By The Left,
Dosado Partner,
4 Ladies Promenade Inside Single File,
Dosado Partner,
4 Men Promenade Inside Single File,
Dosado Partner,
All Promenade Home

Cal15 CDP These routines are timed be exactly 64 steps. This means they will fit 64 beat singing call music. Contributed by Jim Mayo
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=2835   Print 
*** not validated ***
Head 2 Ladies Only Lead Right,
Circle Three, Ladies Break To A Line Of 3,
Side Boys Put Arm Around Each Lady & Promenade 1/2 Way,
Lonesome Boys Promenade 1/2 Way,
Same Boys Lead Right, Circle 4, Head Boys Break To A Line Of 4,
Forward & Back,
Star Thru,
Square Thru 3/4,
Allemande Left
Basic - SSD Week 9 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11318   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Sides Pass Thru & Step Ahead,
All Promenade,
Heads Wheel Around,
All Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Square Thru 3,
Basic - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10553   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
Sides Right & Left Thru,
Heads Promenade 3/4,
Sides Star Thru & Pass Thru,
 (same 4) Promenade 3/4,
New Centers Star Thru & Pass Thru,
  (same 4) Promenade 3/4,
New Centers Star Thru & Pass Thru,
  (same 4) Promenade 1/2,
Others Star Thru & Pass Thru,
Basic - SSD Week 9 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=6079   Print 
Head Ladies Chain 3/4,
   (Side Man turn her &) Rollaway,
Lines Of 3 Forward & Back,
Lines Of 3 Pass Thru,
Girls Trade,
Head Man (Single) Promenade 3/4,
Waves Of 3 Right Swing Thru,
Waves Of 3 Right Swing Thru (again),
Everybody Star Thru,
California Twirl,
Centers Wheel & Deal,
New Centers Pass Thru,
Basic - SSD Week 2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11129   Print 
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Heads Star Thru, Pass Thru,
Allemande Left,
Swing And Promenade Home
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11111   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Circle Up Four Halfway Round And Back Away,
Boys Star Left Inside Full Around,
Star Promenade Home
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11177   Print 
(Lesson 6-11),
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Sides Lead Right,
Star Thru,
Pass Thru,
Wheel Around,
Two Ladies Chain,
Star Thru,
Dive Thru,
Centers Left Square Thru 3,
Everyone Square Thru 3,
Promenade Home
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11164   Print 
(Lesson 5-12),
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Sides Lead Right,
Star Thru, Pass Thru,
Wheel Around,
Two Ladies Chain,
Star Thru,
Dive Thru,
Centers Pass Thru,
Square Thru 3,
Centers Left Square Thru On 3,
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11346   Print 
(Lesson 10-6),
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Into The Middle And Pass The Ocean,
Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Star Thru And Back Away,
Basic - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10866   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
 (down the middle &) Box The Gnat,
Same 4 Pass Thru,
 Separate Around 1 To A Line,
All Pass The Ocean,
Swing Thru,
Girls Circulate, Boys Trade,
Girls Run,
Girls Trade,
Girls Cross Run,
Promenade Home
Basic - SSD Week 4 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11160   Print 
Heads Promenade 3/4,
Sides Square Thru 3,
Star Thru,
Pass Thru, Wheel Around,
Two Ladies Chain,
Star Thru,
Square Thru 3,
Allemande Left,
Promenade Home
Basic - SSD Week 2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11133   Print 
Heads Promenade 3/4 (stand behind the sides),
Sides Pass Thru,
Star Thru,
(In your own group of 4...),
Ladies Chain Across,
Circle Left,
Swing Your Partner,
Promenade Home
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=6994   Print 
*** not validated ***
Four Ladies Chain 3/4,
Heads Right & Left Thru,
New #1 Promenade 1/4,
Those Who Want To Square Thru 3/4,
Other Four California Twirl,
If The Couple In Front Has Their Back To You And You Want To Centers In Or Double Centers In,
If You Did That Cast Off 3/4,
If You Did That Star Thru,
All Face Your Partner,
If You Want To Box The Gnat,
Bend The Line,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Square Thru 3/4,
Left Allemande

If You Want To figure.
Basic - SSD Week 2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=6145   Print 
*** not validated ***
Four Ladies Chain 3/4,
Heads Promenade Half-Way,
Sides Half Sashay,
Heads Pass Thru,
Everybody Join Hands,
   Circle One Way Or The Other,
(Find Your Corner) Allemande Left

Circle with two couples facing out
Basic - SSD Week 4 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=6126   Print 
Four Ladies Chain 3/4,
Head Position Promenade 3/4,
Others Square Thru 3/4,
Circle Left 3/4,
Square Thru 3,
Allemande Left

After the final Square Thru 3/4 the Formation = LFO (0). This routine times nicely as a singing call. Dancers like the 3/4 theme.
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4424   Print 
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Couple #1 And #2 Promenade 1/2 Way,
Heads Do Your Part: Double Pass Thru (& step forward),
Sides Do Your Part: Double Pass Thru (& step forward),
Couple #3 And #4 Promenade 1/2 Way,
   Others California Twirl,
You're Home
Basic - SSD Week 4 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10612   Print 
Four Ladies Chain,
Circle Left,
Allemande Left,
Promenade, Don't Stop,
Heads Wheel Around,
1/2 Square Thru,
Centers 1/2 Square Thru,
All U-Turn Back,
Circle Left,
Basic -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Hard   ID=1600   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Right And Left Thru & Rollaway & Backaway,
Heads Right And Left Thru,
Heads Ladies Chain,
Heads Ladies Chain 3/4 (Side boy courtesy turn),
Lines Of 3: Boys Touch 1/4,
Girls Left Touch 1/4,
Bow To Your Corner (or allemande left),

I use to make something fun fore the lonesome boys, like a bellybump, or Yellorock ... The nearest girl. The dancers loves this one
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10951   Print 
Heads Square Thru 4,
Square Thru 4,
Bend The Line,
Square Thru 3,
Bend The Line,
Star Thru,
Right & Left Thru, Full Turn Around,
Outsides Promenade (left) 1/4,
 Centers Touch 1/4 & Walk & Dodge,
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10509   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
  Pass The Ocean,
Girls Run,
1/4 Tag The Line,
Boys Swing Thru,
Very Centers Boys Trade,
Swing And Promenade

Mainstream - SSD Week 12 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10764   Print 
Heads Promenade 3/4,
  Sides Swing Thru 2 Times,
Swing Thru 2 Times,
Circulate 2 Times,
Square Thru 3,
(then) R.L.G
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11030   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides 1/2 Square Thru,
All 1/2 Square Thru,
Tag The Line, Face In,
Touch 1/4,
Boys Run,
Mainstream - SSD Week 6 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=1601   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Right And Left Thru & Rollaway,
Heads Right And Left Thru,
Heads Ladies Chain,
Heads Ladies Chain 3/4 (Side boy courtesy turn),
Lines Of 3 Slide Thru,
Bow To Your Corner (or allemande left),

I use to make something fun fore the lonesome boys, like a bellybump, or Yellorock ...The nearest girl. The dancers loves this one
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10878   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
 Sides Slide Thru & Touch 1/4,
Heads Half Sashay,
 Sides Walk & Dodge,
Separate Around 1 To A Line,
Left Touch 1/4,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
 End Boy Run,
Mainstream - SSD Week 3 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11136   Print 
Heads Promenade Halfway, Come Into The Middle And Star Thru,
Centers (Same 4) Pass Thru,
Star Thru,
Pass Thru,
Bend The Line,
Slide Thru,
Allemande Left,
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=2897   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way,
   Come Down The Middle,
   Turn Thru,
Separate Around 1 To A Line,
All Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Turn Thru,
All Left Turn Thru,
Centers Turn Thru,
Centers Left Swing Thru,
   Left Turn Thru,

Good exercise on Turn Thru!
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4511   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way,
   Come Down The Middle,
   Left Square Thru 4,
Left Swing Thru,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
Lead Boy Run,
Centers Walk & Dodge,
Everybody Cast Off 3/4,
Lead Boy Run,
Centers Pass The Ocean,
Ends Star Thru,
Mainstream - SSD Week 4 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11151   Print 
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Same 4 Square Thru 2 Hands,
Everyone Square Thru 2 Hands,
Dance Out & Back,
Bend The Line,
Slide Thru,
Allemande Left,
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10812   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
 Same 4 Lead Right, Circle To A Line,
Right & Left Thru,
Pass Thru,
Tag The Line Right,
Bend The Line,
Pass Thru,
Tag The Line Left,
Promenade Home
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11308   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way & Lead Right,
Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
Tag The Line, Face Right,
Couples Circulate,
Tag The Line, Face In,
Pass Thru,
Tag The Line, Face Left,
Ferris Wheel, Centers Sweep 1/4 & Backaway,
You're Home
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10324   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
   Lead Right,
Veer Left,
1/4 Tag The Line,
Scoot Back,
Boys Cloverleaf,
Girls Spin The Top,
Girls Recycle & Pass Thru,
Star Thru,
Promenade Home
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=6979   Print 
Heads Promenade 3/4,
Sides Square Thru 3/4,
Pass To The Center,
Centers Pass Thru,
Circle Four To A Line (ZL),
Forward & Back,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Center Four Star Thru,
Outsides Promenade 3/4,
Centers Square Thru 3/4 (ZB),
Left Allemande

Theme is 3/4 movements Names "Four Three Quarters" in SD Mag 9/1965
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10930   Print 
Heads Promenade 3/4,
Sides Turn Thru,
Dosado To A Wave,
Swing Thru,
Girls Run,
All Turn Thru,
Bend The Line,
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=6995   Print 
*** not validated ***
Four Ladies Chain 3/4,
Couples 1 & 2 Right & Left Thru,
Couples 3 & 4 Right & Left Thru,
New Couples At The Head Position Pass Thru,
Promenade Left 3/4 Around,
Original #1 Gent & Your Girl California Twirl,
Square Thru 3/4,
In The Middle Star Thru,
Square Thru,
If You Can Square Thru 3/4,
If You Want To Centers In Or Double Centers In,
Cast Off 3/4,
If You Did Star Thru,
All Face Your Partner,
If You Want To Box The Gnat,
Bend The Line,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Centers Square Thru 3/4,
Left Allemande

If You Want To Figure
Mainstream -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=11321   Print 
Couple #3 Half Sashay,
Sides Promenade 1/2,
Heads Square Thru 4,
Swing Thru,
Ends Circulate, Centers Trade,
Boys Run,
Those Facing Square Thru 3,
Each Line Wheel & Deal,
Those Facing Right & Left Thru,
 Same 4 Dive Thru,
Center 4 Swing Thru, Turn Thru,
Mainstream - SSD Week 11 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4425   Print 
4 Ladies Chain,
Heads Promenade 1/2,
   Come Down The Middle,
   Square Thru 2,
Square Thru 2,
Tag The Line, Face In,
Square Thru 2,
Centers Square Thru 2,

Fun with "Square Thru 2"
Mainstream - SSD Week 10 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10806   Print 
4 Ladies Chain,
Heads Promenade 1/2,
    Same 4 Lead Right, Circle To A Line,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Double Pass Thru,
Centers In, Cast Off 3/4,
Pass Thru,
Wheel & Deal,
Girls Square Thru 3,
Boys Courtesy Turn The Girls (to a) Roll Promenade Home
Mainstream - SSD Week 10 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Hard   ID=10825   Print 
4 Ladies Chain 3/4,
Head Position Promenade 1/4,
 Centers Pass Thru,
All Dosado, Step To A Wave,
Centers Cast Off 3/4,
  Others Face In,
Extend (L-H),
Cast Off 3/4,
Centers Circulate 3 Times,
All Left Swing Thru,
Centers Circulate 3 Times,
Plus -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=10869   Print 
Head Ladies Chain,
All Promenade,
Heads Wheel Around,
Two Ladies Chain,
Star Thru,
Dive Thru,
Dixie Grand,
Plus -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=6476   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
   Come Down The Middle,
   Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru,
Track 2,
Swing Thru,
Boys Trade,
Single Hinge,
Scoot Back (Girls go),
Swing & Promenade
Plus -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=3918   Print 
Heads Step To A Wave & Recycle,
   Sides Promenade 1/4,
All Double Pass Thru,
Track 2,
Swing Thru,
Acey Deucey 1 & 1/2,
Wave Of 6 Grand Swing Thru,
4 Girls Diamond Circulate Double,
Wave Of 6 Grand Swing Thru,
4 Girls Diamond Circulate,
Center Diamond Cut The Diamond,
   Others Cast Off 3/4,
Extend Twice,
Centers Explode The Wave,
Plus -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4449   Print 
Heads Lead Right,
Fan The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Girls Run,
Outsides Promenade 1/2 Way (half-sashayed),
Centers Tag The Line,
Split The Outsides,
   First Left, Next Right Around 1 To A Line,
All Touch 1/4,
Boys Run,
Centers Square Thru 3,
Plus -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4224   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way,
Heads Half Sashay,
Heads 1/2 Square Thru,
All Swing Thru,
Single Hinge,
Fan The Top,
Grand Swing Thru,
Slide Thru,
Dixie Grand,
Plus -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=4479   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
   Come Down The Middle,
   Square Thru 4,
All Square Thru 3,
Left Chase,
Single Hinge,
Trade The Wave,
Grand Swing Thru,
Step Thru,
3/4 Tag,
Centers Single Hinge & Roll,
Plus -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=7596   Print 
Heads Promenade Halfway,
   Pass The Ocean,
Spin Chain And Exchange The Gears,
Swing Thru,
Boys Run,
Tag The Line In,
Slide Thru (See notes),
(those that can start) Dixie Grand,
Allemande Left

(The first run thru I have the boys right touch a quarter and the girls left touch a quarter) ( You are now in a magic column)
A1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=7594   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way,
   Square Thru,
Step To A Wave, Ladies Trade,
Boys Run Right,
Cast A Shadow,
Right & Left Grand
A1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5900   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2 Way,
Heads Pass The Ocean,
   Swing Thru,
Chain Reaction,
1/4 Thru,
Square Thru But On The 3rd Hand,
Right & Left Grand,
All 8 Spin The Top & Spread,
Slip The Clutch,
Allemande Left,
Promenade Home
A1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1685   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/2,
Sides Fan The Top,
Ping Pong Circulate,
Chain Reaction,
A1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=5767   Print 
Heads Promenade Halfway,
Sides Pass The Ocean,
Centers Swing Thru, Explode And Touch 1/4 And Cross,
All Swing Thru, Boys Run,
Couples Circulate,
Bend The Line,
All Square Thru 4,
Cross Clover And Touch 1/4 And Cross,
A2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Easy   ID=1677   Print 
Allemande Left, Allemande Thar,
Remake The Thar,
Girls Run,
Head Man And Side Lady Wheel Around,
Right & Left Thru,
Load The Boat,
Single Circle To A Wave,
A2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=3893   Print 
Allemande Left, Allemande Thar,
Remake The Thar,
Slip The Clutch,
Remake The Thar,
Boys Run,
Heads Wheel Around, Move Along Make Lines,
Pass In,
Triple Star Thru & Roll,
Pass Thru,
A2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10357   Print 
Allemande Left ,Allemande Thar,
Remake The Thar,
Slip The Clutch,
Remake The Thar,
1/2 Top,
Girls Run,
Head Leaders Cast A Shadow,
Center 4 Cross Run,
Left Swing Thru,
Centers Trade,
Allemande Left,
Promenade Home
A2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Medium   ID=10382   Print 
Near 2 Promenade 1/2,
Sides Pass Thru & Face The Caller,
All Trail Off,
Center 4 As Couples Run Right,
Ferris Wheel,
Near 4 Trade,
1/2 Tag,
Brace Thru,
Pass & Roll,
Walk & Dodge,
Belles Run,
Lead Boys Run,
Outsides 1/4 In,
You're Home
A2 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Hard   ID=9644   Print 
Sides Right & Left Thru,
Near 2 Promenade 1/2,
Heads Partner Tag,
Near 2 Pass Thru,
Cycle & Wheel,
Spin The Windmill Left,
Center Boys Trade,
Centers Circulate,
1/2 Tag,
Near 4 Trade,
Trailers Crossover Circulate,
Bend The Line,
Brace Thru,
Centers Pass The Ocean, Outsides Touch 1/4,
6x2 Acey Deucey, Outer 6 Go Twice,
All Boys Run,
Centers Bend The Line,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Hard   ID=9468   Print 
Heads Promenade 1/4,
Finish Rotary Spin,
Outer 4 Tandem Cross Fold,
Triple Cross,
Triple Box Walk & Dodge,
Triple Box Chase Right,
Outer 4 Triple Box Walk & Dodge,
Make Magic,
Trailers Start Percolate,
Grand Swing Thru,
Ah So,
Centers Circulate,
Counter Rotate,
Explode Outsides Roll Centers Backaway,
C1 -- Static Set ➔ Resolve   Hard   ID=9487   Print 
Near 2 Promenade 1/2,
Heads Tandem Divide,(odd),
Far Centers Pass Thru,
All Split Counter Rotate & Roll,
Split Square Chain The Top,
The Axle,
Centers Pass Thru,
Girls Trade,
Ends Start Load The Boat,
Pass The Ocean,
Boys Run,
As Couples Tag Back To A Wave,
Acey Deucey,
Ferris Wheel Centers Sweep 1/4 Home
31-August-2024 18:23:47
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