Heads Pass The Ocean, Jaywalk, Ramble, Tandem Boys Run, Coordinate, As Couples Peel The Top, Crossfire, Alter The Wave, 1/2 Scatter Scoot, Concentric Recycle, Scoot And Ramble, Track 2, Swing Thru, R.L.G
Heads Wheel Fan Thru, Pass & Roll Your Cross Neighbor, 1/2 Press Ahead, Triple Line Linear Cycle, Triple Box Spin The Top, Peel The Top, Alter The Wave, Stretch Flip Back, 3/4 Tag, Ramble, Tally Ho, Circulate, R.L.G
Heads Fan The Top, Scoot & Ramble, Double Pass Thru, Partner Tag, Girls Single Wheel, Siamese Extend, Girls Counter Rotate, Everybody Ramble,( Odd ), 3 By 2 Acey Deucey, Ends Start Any Hand 1/4 Thru, As Couples Cross Roll To A Wave, Concentric Wheel & Deal, Centers Pass In & Pass Out, Concentric Zing & Centers Roll Home
Heads Pass The Ocean, Center 6 Swap Around & Ramble, Girls Zing & Boys Zoom, Boys Run, Siamese Peel The Top, Wave Base Triangle Circulate, Siamese Flip The Diamond, Sides Jaywalk, Girls Reverse Explode, Split Circulate 1 & 1/2, Finish Alter The Wave Star 1/4, Explode, Stretch Left Wheel Thru, Track 2, Centers Box Counter Rotate, Ends Zing, Centers 1/4 In & Backaway Home
Heads Slide Thru & Spread, Touch 1/4, 8 Circulate, Boys Squeeze, O Circulate, O Transfer & Walk & Dodge, Boys Touch 1/4, All Ramble, Those Who Can Tandem Of 3 All Swing Thru, Outer 6 Tandem Of 3 All Switch To A Diamond, Outside Triangle Any Hand 1/4 Thru, Finish Coordinate (ctr 6 trade v ctrs & ends hg circ), Chain Thru, Boys Trade, Outer 4 Concentric Recycle, Centers 1/4 In & Backaway Home
Couples 2 & 3 Half Sashay, Sides Flutter Wheel & Backaway, Heads Pass The Ocean, Center Wave Slip & Boys Swing, Scoot & Left Plenty (tandem trade for circ), Center Wave Slip, Swing & Circle 1/4,(left handed), Chain Reaction,(left handed), Extend & Ramble, Those Facing Start Pass The Axle, Ends Start Load The Boat, Left Alter The Wave Don't Turn The Star, Stretch Recycle, Centers Slide Thru & Backaway Home
(Zero Line) Right And Left Thru, Touch 1/4, Triple Cross, Outsides Ramble, Centers Box Transfer, Centers Cross Your Neighbor, Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll, Very Center 2 Girls Hinge, Centers Flip Your Diamonds, All R.L.G