Heads Fan The Top, Scoot & Plenty, Centers Ah So & Spread, New Centers Pass The Sea, Diamond Circulate, Center 4 Switch The Wave, Interlocked Diamond Chain Thru, Crossover Circulate, Centers Scoot & Weave, Cut The Diamond, Boys 2/3 Recycle, Girls Turn & Deal & Roll, Couples Circulate, Cross Roll To A Wave, Extend, R.L.G
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Plenty, Chain Reaction, Switch The Wave, Crossover Circulate, Cast A Shadow, Boys Run Left, Girls Circulate, Left Turn And Deal, L.A
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Plenty, Extend, In Roll Circulate, Walk & Dodge, Chase Your Neighbor, Left 1/4 Thru, Boys Trade, Pass Thru, Twist The Line, Double Pass Thru, Leaders Only Trade & Roll, And Begin A Split Dixie Sashay, Bend The Line, Flutter Wheel, Sweep 1/4, Rotary Spin, Boys Run, Double Star Thru & Roll, R.L.G
All 4 Couples Vertical Tag Back & Weave, Heads Single Hinge, Swing & Circle 1/4, Scoot & Plenty Centers Skip The Last Part, Make Magic, Magic Transfer The Column, The Windmill Outer 4 Forward, 1/2 Diamond Chain Thru ( dia circ ctrs hinge ), Center Diamond Flip The Diamond, Cut The Diamond, Triple Box Walk & Dodge, Ends Run, 8 Circulate, 1/4 In Centers Twice & Backaway, Home
Heads Star Thru, Magic Dixie Style To A Wave, Swing The Fractions, Diamond Circulate, Flip The Diamond & Roll, Rotary Spin, Flip Back, Follow Thru, Mini Busy, Scoot & Plenty, Scoot & Ramble, Magic Transfer The Column, Stretch Recycle, Magic Dixie Style To A Wave, Recycle, R.L.G
Head Fan The Top, Scoot & Plenty Replace The Split Circulates, With A Swing The Fractions, Chain Reaction, Follow Your Neighbor & Spread, Motivate, Star 1/4, Trade Circulate, Alter The Wave, R.L.G
Heads Flutter Wheel With The Flow & Weave, Scoot & Plenty, Follow Thru & Roll, Reverse Flutter Wheel With The Flow, In Tandem Peel The Top, Flip The Line, Zing Twice, R.L.G
Heads Flutter Wheel & Back Away, Sides Swing Thru & Roll, Siamese Dixie Sashay, Heads Crossfire, Vertical 1/2 Tag, Flip Back, Percolate But Boys Concentric Lockit & Hinge, (boys replace last part), Sides Magic Column Transfer And, Head Boys Press Ahead, Heads 1/4 Thru, Scoot & Plenty Replace Star With 1/4 Thru, Extend, Boys Run, Wrong Way Promenade Home
Heads Pass The Ocean & Swing Thru, Sides Half Sashay, Scoot & Plenty, Chain Reaction, Spin The Top, Grand Swing Thru, Stretch Linear Cycle, Tandem Fan The Top, Swing The Fractions & Mix, L.A
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Plenty, Do 3 Split Circulates, Centers Reverse Explode, All Press Ahead, Tally-Ho, Extend, Centers Swing Thru, All Linear Action, Swing Thru, Reverse Explode, Vertical Tag The Line Zag-Zig, L.A
Heads Pass The Sea, Left Scoot & Plenty, Center 4 Switch The Wave, Chain Reaction, 4 Boys With The Flow, Boys Run Right, Boys Circulate, Ferris Wheel, Centers Reverse Wheel Around, Allemande Left
Heads Pass The Sea, (L) Scoot & Plenty, Girls Roll, Center 6 Circulate, Girls Jaywalk, Boys Zing, Lines Of 3: Grand Swing Thru & Spread, Other Girl Reverse Single Rotate 1/4, All Grand Swing Thru & Spread, Triple Trade, Ah So, Acey Deucey, Scatter Scoot Chain Thru, L.A
All 8 Dixie Style To A Wave, All 8 Diamond Chain Thru, Left Roll To A Wave, All 8 Flutter Wheel, Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Plenty Replace The Split Circulates With Rotary Spin, Very Centers Run Right, Jaywalk The Windmill In, Beaus Scoot Chain Thru Belles Dodge, Stretch Split Circulate, Slip, Couples Circulate, Motivate, Star 3/4, Ferris Wheel, Centers Sweep 1/4 & Backaway, Home
Heads Touch 1/4, Grand Reverse Swap Around, Wheel & Peel The Top, Scoot & Plenty Replace Star With Ends Zing, Belle Point Triangle Circulate, Girls Start Diamond Chain Thru, Center 4 Left Touch 1/4, Split Counter Rotate, Walk & Dodge, Acey Deucey, Split Square Thru On 3 Ah So, Spin Chain The Gears, Stars 1/2, Cross By, Acey Deucey, All 8 Spin The Top, Explode Home
Heads Vertical Tag Back & Weave, Scoot & Plenty Replace The Split Circulates With Rotary Spin, All 8 Recycle Girls 2/3, Boys Slip Slide Slither, Diamond Circulate (bs same spot), Girls Slip Slide Slither, Concentric Cycle & Wheel, Girls Left Wheel Fan Thru, Percolate, Tag Back, Centers Box Counter Rotate 1/2, Stretch Recycle, Swing And Circle 1/4, Centers Left Swing Thru 1 & 1/2 & Explode Backaway, Home
Heads Single Rotate 1/4, Sides Veer Left, Siamese 1/4 Thru, Tandem Base Triangle Circulate, (YOUR CHOICE ), Girls Trade ( or ), (Siamese Slip-Slide-Swing-Slither ), Girls Bend The Line & Roll, Alter The Wave Turn The Diamond 1/4, Relay The Shadow, Stretch Recycle, Centers Swing Thru, Scoot & Plenty Replace Split Circulates, With A Swing The Fractions, Swing & Circle 1/4, All 8 Recycle Girls 2/3, Boys Slip, Cut The Diamond, Wrong Way Promenade Home
Heads Face, In Your Distorted Lines "O" Square The Bases, O Pass & Roll, Boys Squeeze, Magic Column Coordinate, Concentric Recycle, Scoot & Plenty (left handed), Linear Action, Concentric Pass The Ocean, Alter The Wave, Linear Cycle & Roll, Extend, Clover And Linear Cycle, Centers Reverse Swap Around, Centers 1/4 In Home
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Plenty Interrupt Before Star With Ends Zing, Do Your Part Ping Pong Circulate, Boys Jaywalk, Wave Base Triangle Left 1/4 Thru, 1/2 Triple Trade, Those Facing Start Chain Reaction, Center 4 Do Your Part Left Spin The Windmill, Split Counter Rotate, Those Who Can Tandem All Circulate, Concentric Peel & Trail, Girls Cast Off 3/4, Boys Cross Roll To A Wave, Chain Reaction, Explode & Slide Thru, Horseshoe Turn, Centers 1/4 In & Backaway Home
Heads Pass The Ocean, Scoot & Plenty Replace Each Split Circulate With 2/3 Recycle, All 8 Recycle Girls 2/3, Boys Hinge, Girls U-Turn Back, Lead Boys Run, Ends 1/4 In Centers Backaway Home
1/4 To Promenade, Sides Squeeze, Split Counter Rotate Boys Roll, 8 Circulate (off set diamonds), Outpoint Triangle Circulate, Flip The Diamond, Outer 4 Concentric Ah So, Transfer The Column Centers To A Wave, Scoot & Plenty, Jaywalk & Little, Trade Circulate, Mini-Busy, Centers Explode, Home
(Zero Line) Pass The Ocean, Stretch Explode And Touch 1/4, Triple Cross, Wheel And (Boys) Scoot And Weave (Lefty), Left Scoot & Plenty (outsides go Left), Girls Left Swing Thru, Extend, Follow Your Neighbor, Turn Thru, Allemande Left
Heads Pass The Sea, (L) Scoot & Plenty, Replace The Split Circulates With A Tally Ho, Switch And Circle 1/4, Chain Reaction, Vertical Grand Chain 8, Lines Reverse Split Swap Thru, Boys Do An Ends Bend, Split Trade Circulate, Boys Cross Kick Off, On A Double Track Left Dixie Diamond, Cut The Diamond, Switch The Line, R.L.G
Heads Circle By 1/2 By Fan The Top, Scoot & Plenty, Outlet, In Roll Circulate, Criss Cross The Shadow, Grand Cross Trade & Wheel, 2/3 Mini-Busy, Hourglass Circulate, Squeeze The Hourglass, Galaxy Circulate, Unwrap The Galaxy, Cross Invert The Column 1/2, Leads Wheel The Sea, Cross Concentric Scoot Back, R.L.G
Heads Pair Off, Push Off, Split Counter Couple Up, Trapezoid Cross Trail Thru, Ripsaw, Jam Thru, Pass & Roll Your Leader, 1/4 Stable Fancy, Fan The Gate, Scoot & Plenty, Ping Pong Circulate, Jay Circle To A Wave, Lines Mirror Single Polly Wally Thru, Switch The Line, Long Trip, Split Phantom Lines Stroll Down The Lane, Finish Explosion, Ease Off, Centers Square Thru 3, L.A