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About Choreography 

  • Choreography is a repository for square dance sequences.
  • Choreography currently contains 9948 sequences.
  • To locate specific sequences, use a link from the menu bar above.
  • Callers:
  • Inappropriate choreography will be deleted. This includes sequences that are too long, contain calls from illegal positions, have bad flow, or have timing issues (singing call sequences).


  • Although all choreography has been checked via the CSDS program, occasionally a sequence may be incorrect. Use sequences at your own risk.
  • Before using, please check the sequences to ensure that the level of difficulty is appropriate for your group.
  • The database administrator will attempt to ensure that
    • Sequences contain reasonable choreography
    • Sequences correctly resolve
    • Sequences are marked with the correct level
    • Duplicate sequences are avoided
    • Data format appears consistent across the dataset
  • Should you encounter any incorrect information, please Contact Vic


  • Anyone can add comments to an existing record. To do so, click the ID=nnn link to display the entire data record for the sequence. Then click on the 'add comments' button.
  • To print a sequence, click on the 'printable page' link (visible from either the normal view or the single record view). A new browser window is opened and the sequence displayed in a large font. Click your browser's print button to print it.
  • CSDS users can click the 'Import sequences into CSDS' link located near the top of the normal view page.

Additional Comments 

  • Sequences from a squared set always begin with Heads, unless the sequence is asymmetric and requires Sides to start.
  • Sequences marked "*** not validated ***" have not been checked for:
    1. valid choreography
    2. level (i.e., CALLERLAB "program")
    3. bad flow, overflow, bad hand usage
    4. duplicate entry in database

    The author sets the difficulty field. This is changed only if blatantly wrong.

    Singing call figures are not automatically checked for timing. However, if I find one that is too long I will fix or remove it.

    Sequences containing calls that are on multiple levels (e.g., Extend, Recycle, Explode, Chain Reaction, Rotates) sometimes are listed with the wrong level. Please notify me if you find one, and I will manually change the level.
  • Sequences deemed inappropriate or controversial, having bad flow, or are too long will be removed.
24-March-2025 00:18:47
Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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