| B | | |
Belles and Beaus North Manchester, Indiana
Blue Bluff Steppers Martinsville, Indiana
| D | | |
Dosi Squares Noblesville, Indiana
Double H WEB SITE www.squaredanceky.com Jeffersonville, Indiana
| F | | |
Footloose Square Dance Club (Logo) Anderson, Indiana
| G | | |
Grand Spinners Muncie, Indiana
Greenwood Merry Mixers Greenwood, Indiana
| H | | |
Hoosier Corners WEB SITE miamivalleydancecouncil.org Richmond, Indiana
| I | | |
Indy B'n'B Indianapolis, Indiana
| L | | |
Laughing Squares (Logo) WEB SITE www.laughingsquares.com Indianapolis, Indiana
| M | | |
Mt. Carmel Illinois Promenaders WEB SITE evansvilleareasquaredancing.tripod.com Owensville, Indiana
| P | | |
Purdue Krazy Eights (Logo) West Lafayette (Lafayette), Indiana
| R | | |
Riley Wranglers Square Dance Club WEB SITE www.rileywranglers.org Cumberland (Indy East), Indiana
River City Ramblers WEB SITE evansvilleareasquaredancing.tripod.com Evansville, Indiana
| S | | |
Scatter 8's Bluffton, Indiana
Star Promenaders WEB SITE starpromenaders.wixsite.com Seymour, Indiana
Star Righters (Logo) WEB SITE www.facebook.com Michigan City, Indiana
Stone City Squares & Rounds WEB SITE www.squaredanceky.com Bedford, Indiana
Sugar Creek Squares Crawfordsville, Indiana
Sunnyside Solos Square Dance Club New Albany, Indiana
Swingin' Singles Indianapolis, Indiana
Swinging Singles Lawrence, Indiana
| T | | |
Tips and Slips New Haven, Indiana
| W | | |
Warrick Promenaders WEB SITE evansvilleareasquaredancing.tripod.com Chandler, Indiana
Wrong Way Squares (Logo) WEB SITE www.wrongwaysquares.com Hebron, Indiana
| Y | | |
Y-Knots (Logo) Griffith, Indiana