Hotlanta Squares is a non-profit organization in Atlanta, GA, dedicated to the practice and
promotion of Modern Western Square Dancing within the LGBTQ community, and allies.
We also host dances with national callers about 7 times per year, and a 3-day
"fly-in" convention over the MLK holiday weekend in January each year.
We welcome singles and couples of all genders and lifestyles to join us for some
all-position, high-energy dancing to cool music. We have no dress code. Visit our Events page at for more details on our dances.
If you've never square danced before or if you're a seasoned dancer interested in
moving up to the next level, then join us for one of our weekly classes in Basic/Mainstream,
Plus, Advanced, and Challenge. Visit our Classes page at
for class schedules as well as details on our twice yearly open house.
Tuesday night classes (A1-C1) are taught by club caller, Mike Shagina.
Monday night classes (M/S-Plus)are taught by club call Clara Welch.