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This page describes a possible method that could be used to describe contra dance formations, similar to a Square Dance FASR.

(Proposed) Contra "Formation" ID String


where <Formation> =
"B" for Becket
"I" for Improper

Where <Sex> =
"" or "N" for normal role (<N1> is a Gent and <N2> is Lady)
"H" for half-sashayed (<N1> is a Lady and <N2> is a Gent)
"M" if both <N1> and <N2> are Gents
"L" if both <N1> and <N2> are Ladies

Where <N1> = Dancer in original #1 Gent position (1 or 2)
Where <N2> = Dancer in original #1 Lady position (1 or 2)
Where <N3> = Dancer in original #2 Gent position (1 or 2)
Where <N4> = Dancer in original #2 Lady position (1 or 2)

<N1>,<N2>,<N3>,<N4> can optionally be followed by a "-", "--", "+", or "++"
(used to indicate dancers such as "shadows" or "neighbor #N", etc.)
"-" = counterpart of given dancer, closer to the caller, one dancer away,
"--" = counterpart of given dancer, closer to the caller, two dancers away,
"+" = counterpart of given dancer, further from the caller, one dancer away,
"++" = counterpart of given dancer, further from the caller, two dancers away.

<N2> need not be specified if <N1> and <N2> are identical.
<N3> and <N4> need not be specified if formation is symmetric.
11-March-2025 21:18:22
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