<A> is the arrangement number
0 or null = normal pairing
1/2 = all half sashayed
3 = reference pairs normal, others half sashayed
4 = reference pairs half sashayed, others normal
<F> is the formation indicator
B = Eight Chain Thru (reference pair = "A" and "C")
F = Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines (reference pair = "E" and "Y")
L = Facing Lines (reference pair = "E" and "Y")
W = Parallel R-H Waves (reference pair = "E" and "Y")
P = Double Pass Thru (reference pair = "A" and "E")
Q = R-H 1/4 Tag (reference pair = "E" and "Y")
Formations C, T, D, LW, LF, and LC have not been implemented.
<S> is the sequence state number
1 = Men IN sequence, Ladies IN sequence
2 = Men OUT of sequence, Ladies OUT of sequence
3 = Men IN sequence, Ladies OUT of sequence
4 = Men OUT of sequence, Ladies IN sequence
<R> is the relationship indicator
p = reference man with partner
r = reference man with R-H lady
o = reference man with opposite lady
c = reference man with corner
To exchange two dancers:
If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is checked:
If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is not checked:
Private record, when checked, marks the current getin/getout record as private (meaning you don't want anyone else to use it).
Text contains the text (square dance calls) of the record. For a getin record, the calls should start from a static set and should end in the displayed formation. For a getout record, executing the given calls starting from the displayed formation should result in a valid resolve (the last line of text should be a resolve such as Right & Left Grand, Left Allemande, Promenade Home, etc.)
Previous text (F1) replaces the text field with the text from the previously edited getin/getout record. This feature is useful when you are adding several records with similar text.
Use count contains the number of times that the record was used within sequences. The use count must be between 0 and 32767 inclusive.
Quickie count contains the number of times that the record was used within opening biggie sequences. The quickie count must be between 0 and 32767 inclusive. Incrementing the quickie count of the getin/getout record does not change the Level used at field.
Level used at contains the level at which the sequence was last used. That is, this field contains the level that was selected the last time the use count was incremented.
Save edits saves the contents of the record, sets the proofread status of the record to 'NO' (since the record has been modified), and closes this window. Note that if the record was originally within the sorted region of the database and the perm number was changed, then the original record is marked as deleted and a new record is added to the end of the database.
Cancel edits (Esc) cancels any edits made, and closes this window.