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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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1/4 (or 3/4) The Deucey [C3A]
   (Cliff Rosser and Ed Foote 1973)

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From Parallel Waves.

1/4 The Deucey: Arm Turn 1/4; Centers Cast Off 1/4 as the Lead End Circulate as the Trailing End 1/2 Circulate; Center Star turn 1/4; those who meet (Center Wave) Cast Off 1/4 as lonesome Center move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate) to become the End of a Wave. Ends in Parallel Waves.

3/4 The Deucey: Same as 1/4 The Deucey except each of the four 1/4 turns is replaced with a 3/4 turn.

1/4 The Deucey
Arm Turn 1/4
Centers Arm Turn 1/4
as Lead End Circulate
and Trailing End 1/2 Circulate
Center Star turns 1/4
Center Wave Cast Off 1/4
as lonesome Center
dancer moves up

  • As with all Star movements, wait until all four dancers are in the Star before you turning it.
  • Those who become a Lead End after the first Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4), must do a full Circulate and resist the temptation to Trade with the End of the Center Wave.


  • Star 1/4, Star 1/2, Star 3/4
  • Don't Turn The Star

{i-j-k-l} 1/4 The Deucey [C4]: From Parallel Waves: 1/4 The Deucey replace the first 1/4 Turn with an i/4 Turn; replace the second 1/4 Turn with a j/4 Turn; replace the third 1/4 Turn (the Star) with a k/4 Turn; and replace the fourth 1/4 Turn with an l/4 Turn. Ends in Parallel Waves or Facing Twin Diamonds.

Spin Chain The Star [C4] (Charlie Tilley 1969): From Parallel Waves (or Eight Chain Thru). Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Trailing End 1/2 Circulate (to form center star) as Lead End Circulate; Center Star turns 1/2; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as remaining person in star moves up to end in Parallel Waves. 2-3-2-3 1/4 The Deucey. If the caller says 'Turn the Star n/4', do a 2-3-n-3 1/4 The Deucey.

CALLERLAB definition for 1/4 (or 3/4) The Deucey

Choreography for 1/4 (or 3/4) The Deucey

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