Four Girls right-hand star 1/2 way across to the opposite Boy, giving the
Boy their left-hand. Boys take the Girl's left-hand in their left-hand,
then (Boys) face left to place their right-hand on the Girl's lower back.
Boys backup to the left, turning the Girls about 3/4 (270°) to end in a
Squared Set. The pivot point is between the two dancers -- Boys
backup while slightly pushing the Girls with their right-hand.
EN: 50 Čtyři Girls zatočí hvězdu o půl k dalšímu Boy a podají mu
svou levou ruku. Boys je uchopí svou levou rukou,
vezmou Girls kolem pasu a zatočí ji o 3/4.
Končí ve formaci Squared Set.
Bod otáčení je mezi dvěma tanečníky. Při otáčení trochu ustupte dozadu.
CZ: 50