From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are
directly facing an outside dancer.
EN: 10 一般化された 1/4 Tag で Very Centers が外の人と真っすぐに向かい合っているところから.
JP: 10 Från en generaliserad 1/4 Tag där Very Centers tittar
direkt på en outside dansare.
SE: 10 起始队形为广义 1/4 Tag, 其中 Very Centers 直接面对一位 Outside 舞者.
CH: 10 Cross Nuclear Reaction [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1988):
Same as
Nuclear Reaction except that the Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru
with the diagonally-facing outside dancers.
EN: 788 Nuclear Reaction と同じですが,
Very Centers は斜めに向かい合っている外の人と斜めに Pass Thru をします.
JP: 788 Samma som
Nuclear Reaction utom att Very Centers Diagonal Pass Thru

 med den outside dansare de diagonalt tittar på.
SE: 788 与
Nuclear Reaction 一样, 只是 Very Centers 与斜对面的 Outside 舞者做斜角的 Pass Thru.
CH: 788
Those doing the Pass Thru (or Diagonal Pass Thru) should point at each other before moving as in
Chain Reaction.
EN: 90 De som gör Pass Thru (eller Diagonal Pass Thru) bör peka på varandra
innan de rör sig som i
Chain Reaction.
SE: 90
anything (Cross) Nuclear Reaction [C3B]:
Do the
anything call leaving off the final Extend, then do a full
(Cross) Nuclear Reaction. The
anything call is usually a Scoot
Back variation of a Tagging call.
EN: 789 anything call を最後の Extend の前まで行い,
(Cross) Nuclear Reaction を全部行います.
anything call は普通 tagging call の Scoot Back の応用です.
JP: 789 Gör
anything callet och utelämna den slutliga Extend,

 gör sedan en full (Cross) Nuclear Reaction.
Anything callet

 är vanligen en Scoot Back variant av ett Tagging call.
SE: 789 做任何口令 , 但留下最后的 Extend 不做, 然后做完整的 (Cross) Nuclear Reaction.
这个任何口令通常是一个 Scoot Back 形式的 Tagging 口令.
CH: 789