Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From Facing Lines (or a R-H Tidal Wave). Aus Facing Lines (oder einer R-H Tidal Wave). Från Facing Lines (eller en R-H Tidal Wave). Z formace Facing Lines (nebo R-H Tidal Wave).

  1. Concentric Pass In;
  2. Ends Pass In as Centers Pass Out; Ends Pass In, während die Centers Pass Out; Ends Pass In medan Centers Pass Out; Ends Pass In, Centers Pass Out;
  3. all Pass In. alle Pass In. alla Pass In. všichni Pass In.

Ends in Facing Lines. Endet in Facing Lines. Slutar i Facing Lines. Končí ve formaci Facing Lines.

Chisel Thru is a 3-part call. Chisel Thru ist ein 3-teiliger Call. Chisel Thru är ett 3-delars call. Chisel Thru má tři části.

Alternative definition: Concentric Pass In; Split Pass In; Pass In. Alternative Definition: Concentric Pass in; Split Pass In; Pass In. Alternativ definition: Concentric Pass In; Split Pass In; Pass In Alternativní definice: Concentric Pass In; Split Pass In; Pass In.

before vor före před
Chisel Thru
after nach efter po
Concentric Pass In
(1/3 Chisel Thru)
after nach efter po
Split Pass In
(2/3 Chisel Thru)
after nach efter po
Pass In
(done) (fertig) (klart) (hotovo)

Hints: Tips: Tips: Rady:

Notes: Hinweise: Kommentarer: Poznámky:

Split Pass In [NOL]: From Facing Couples or other applicable formations. Pass Thru; 1/4 In (i.e., working in your 4-dancer setup do a Pass In). Aus Facing Couples oder anderen passenden Formationen. Pass Thru; 1/4 In (d.h. tanze ein Pass In bezogen auf Deine 4-Tänzer Formation). Från Facing Couples eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Pass Thru; 1/4 In (dvs, arbeta i din 4-dansare uppställning och gör en Pass In). Z formace Facing Couples nebo dalších vhodných. Pass Thru; 1/4 In (tzn. ve svém boxu čtyř tanečníků provedete Pass In). -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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