Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, または他の適切な formation から. Från en 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, eller andra tillämpliga formationer.

Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold) as Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 and (normal) Counter Rotate 1/4. Outsides は Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, Step & Fold) をし, Centers は Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 をして (普通の) Counter Rotate 1/4 をします. Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, och Step & Fold) medan Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 och (normal) Counter Rotate 1/4.

A R-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. 右手の 3/4 Line からは平行な左手の Wave で終わり, 左手の 3/4 Line からは平行な左手の Two-Faced Line で終わります. En R-H 3/4 Line slutar i Parallel L-H Waves; en L-H 3/4 Line slutar i Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines.

before före před
Interlocked Counter
after efter po
Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4
as medan jako Outsides Cast Back & Touch 1/2
after efter po
Centers Counter Rotate 1/4
as medan jako Outsides Step & Fold
(done) (終わり) (klart) (hotovo)

Notes: 注釈: Kommentarer: Poznámky:

Variation: 応用: Variant: Interlocked Counter But Centers Cast Off 1/2 (instead of 3/4). This variation is not well defined. There are two different ways (resulting in different ending formations) that the Centers could do the Cast Off 1/2: (3/4 の代わりに). この応用は, きちんと定義されていません. Centers が行う Cast 1/2 には, 次の 2 つの異なる方法があり, 異なる formation で終わります: (istället för 3/4). Denna variant är inte bra definierad. Det finns två olika sätt (resulterande i olika slutformationer) som Centers kan göra Cast Off 1/2:

  1. Once Removed Cast Off 1/2; or Once Removed Cast Off 1/2, または Once Removed Cast Off 1/2; eller
  2. Very Centers 'Back-to-Back Slither' then Cast Off 1/2. Very Centers が 'Back-to-Back Slither' をして Cast Off 1/2. Very Centers 'Back-to-Back Slither' sedan Cast Off 1/2.

We disapprove of the above variation since it is ambiguous, but would opt for the first case if it was encountered while dancing. 私達は, この応用にはあいまいさがあるので良くないと思いますが, ダンス中に出てきたら始めの方を選ぶでしょう. Vi ogillar denna variant eftersom den är tvetydig, men skulle välja det första alternativet om vi träffade på det i en dans.

Counter [C2] (Lee Kopman): From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Centers Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Outsides Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold. A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. 3/4 Tag または他の適切な formation から. Centers は Cast Off 3/4 をして Counter Rotate 1/4 をします. 外側の人は Cast Back, Touch 1/2, そして Step & Fold をします. 右の 3/4 Tag からは, 平行な左の Waves になり, 左の 3/4 Tag からは, 平行な左の Two-Faced Lines になります. Från en 3/4 Tag eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Centers Cast Off 3/4 och Counter Rotate 1/4 medan Outsides Cast Back, Touch 1/2, och Step & Fold. En R-H 3/4 Tag slutar i Parallel L-H Waves; en L-H 3/4 Tag slutar i Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. Z formace 3/4 Tag a dalších vhodných formací. Centers Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4, Outsides Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold. R-H 3/4 Tag končí v Parallel L-H Waves; L-H 3/4 Tag končí v Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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