Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From applicable Tidal Lines or applicable Parallel Lines. $BE,@Z$J(B Tidal Line $B$^$?$O(B, $BE,@Z$JJ?9T$J(B Line $B$+$i(B. Från tillämpliga Tidal Lines eller tillämpliga Parallel Lines. 起始队形为可适用的 Tidal Lines 或可适用的 Parallel Lines.

  1. Lockit;
  2. Hinge;
  3. Centers Hinge as medan jako 同时 Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers $B$O(B Hinge $B$r(B, Outsides $B$O(B Counter Rotate 1/4 $B$r(B; Centers Hinge medan Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Hinge, 同时 Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4;
  4. Centers Lockit as medan jako 同时 Outsides Roll. Centers $B$O(B Lockit $B$r(B, Outsides $B$O(B Roll $B$r$7$^$9(B. Centers Lockit as medan jako 同时 Outsides Roll. Centers Lockit, 同时 Outsides Roll.

This is a 4-part call. 4 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G$9(B. Detta är ett 4-delars call. 这是一个 4 部分口令.

Easy way to memorize Lock 'Em Up: Lock 'Em Up $B$N3P$($d$9$$J}K!(B: Lätt sätt att memorera Lock 'Em Up: Lock 'Em Up 较容易的记法:
Lock The Hinge; Centers Hinge the Lock as Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll. Lock The Hinge $B$r$7$F(B; Centers $B$O(B Hinge the Lock $B$r(B, Ends $B$O(B Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll $B$r$7$^$9(B. Lock The Hinge; Centers Hinge the Lock medan Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll. Lock The Hinge; Centers Hinge the Lock 同时 Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 & Roll.

From a Från en Z 起始于 Tidal Wave:

before före před
Lock 'Em Up
$B$NA0(B 之前
after efter po
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
Centers Hinge
as medan jako 同时 Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
Centers Lockit
as medan jako 同时 Outsides Roll
$B$N8e(B 之后
(done) ($B=*$o$j(B) (klart) (hotovo) (完成)
From Från Z 起始于 Parallel Two-Faced Lines:

before före před
Lock 'Em Up
$B$NA0(B 之前
after efter po
Lock The Hinge
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
Centers Hinge
as medan jako 同时 Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
Centers Lockit
as medan jako 同时 Outsides Roll
$B$N8e(B 之后
(done) ($B=*$o$j(B) (klart) (hotovo) (完成)

Cross Lock 'Em Up [C3B]: Cross Lockit; Hinge; Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. Cross Lockit; Hinge; Centers $B$O(B Hinge $B$r(B, Outsides $B$O(B Counter Rotate 1/4 $B$r$7(B; Centers $B$O(B Lockit $B$r(B, Outsides $B$O(B Roll $B$r$7$^$9(B. Cross Lockit; Hinge; Centers Hinge medan Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit medan Outsides Roll. Cross Lockit; Hinge; Centers Hinge 同时 Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit 同时 Outsides Roll.

anything 'Em Up [C3BV]: Hinge; Centers Hinge as Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll. I.e., do the last 3/4 of a Lock 'Em Up. Hinge; Centers $B$O(B Hinge $B$r(B, Outsides $B$O(B Counter Rotate 1/4 $B$r$7(B; Centers $B$O(B Lockit $B$r(B, Outsides $B$O(B Roll $B$r$7$^$9(B. $B$9$J$o$A(B, Lock 'Em Up $B$N8e$N(B 3/4 $B$r$7$^$9(B. Hinge; Centers Hinge medan Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit medan Outsides Roll. T.ex., gör de sista 3/4 av en Lock &#039;Em Up. Hinge; Centers Hinge 同时 Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4; Centers Lockit 同时 Outsides Roll. 也就是说, 做后 3/4 部分的 Lock 'Em Up. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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