Language: 言語 Språk: Jazyk:  All | |
From Twin Diamonds or an Hourglass. Twin Diamonds または Hourglass から. Från Twin Diamonds eller ett Hourglass. Z formací Twin Diamonds a Hourglass.
Outsides 1/2 Zoom and Trade as the Very Centers
Cast Off 3/4 as the Other Centers
Counter Rotate 1/4
(on the outside) to become the Very Outsides. Outside four (外側の 4 人) は 1/2 Zoom をして Trade をし, Very Centers は Cast Off 3/4 をし, 他の Center (centers で外側にいる人) は
Counter Rotate 1/4 をして Very Outside dancer となります. De fyra Outsides 1/2 Zoom och Trade medan Very Centers
Cast Off 3/4 medan de andra Centers (på utsidan)
Counter Rotate 1/4
för att sluta som Very Outside dansare. Outsides 1/2 Zoom and Trade, Very Centers
Cast Off 3/4, další Centers
Counter Rotate 1/4
(venkem) a stanou se Very Outsides.
Strip The Diamond ends in a Tidal Line,
Strip The Hourglass ends in a 3 By 1 Diamond. Strip The Diamond は Tidal Line で終わり,
Strip The Hourglass は 3 By 1 Diamond で終わります. Strip The Diamond slutar i en Tidal Line,
Strip The Hourglass slutar i en 3 By 1 Diamond. Strip The Diamond končí v Tidal Line,
Strip The Hourglass končí v 3 By 1 Diamond.
Occasionally, callers have just the Outsides do a Strip. 時々, コーラーは Outsides だけに Strip をさせることがあります. Ibland, callar man bara Outsides gör en Strip. Občas caller chce Strip pouze po Outsides.
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| before före před Outsides Strip の前 | | after efter po 後 |
Note: Strip (The Diamond | Hourglass) is a 注釈: Strip (The Diamond | Hourglass) は Reverse Checkpoint
Fan The Top By 1/2 Zoom & Trade です. Notera: Strip (The Diamond | Hourglass) är en Poznámka: Strip (The Diamond | Hourglass) je Reverse Checkpoint
Fan The Top By 1/2 Zoom & Trade.
| Page translated by David Tesař. |