Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a Thar, facing circle, or other applicable formation.

  1. All Arm Turn 1/2 (to end in a Thar);
  2. Centers Star 3/4 as Outsides move up 1/4 around the outside.

Ends in a Thar.

Aus einer Facing Circle (e.g., after Allemande Left):

All 8 Spin The Top
Arm Turn 1/2
Centers Star 3/4
as Outsides move up 1/4
Aus einer Thar:

All 8 Spin The Top
Arm Turn 1/2
Centers Star 3/4
as Outsides move up 1/4


Spin The Top [Mainstream] (Holman Hudspeth 1964): From a Wave or Facing Couples. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends move up 1/4 around the center of the 4-dancer formation. Ends in a Wave

1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top [A1]: From a Thar, a Squared Set after everyone Face In, or from other applicable formations. Arm Turn 1/2; Move forward (Centers in a star, Outsides around the outside) in a Circular path to meet the n-th dancer, where n = 1 for 1/4 Top, n = 2 for 1/2 Top, or n = 3 for 3/4 Top. Ends in a Thar.

Siehe auch All 8 CONCEPT [A2] -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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