From a Wave or Facing Couples.
- Arm Turn 1/2;
- Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back;
- Counter Rotate the Diamond 1/2;
- Flip The Diamond.
Ends in a Wave (of opposite handedness).
Alter The Wave is a 4-part call.
The Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 is often referred to as Star 1/2.
Dancers who Cast Off 3/4 become the Ends of the
resulting Wave no matter how far the Diamond is turned. Dancers who
U-Turn Back always become the Centers.
The Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2 is danced by turning
the whole Diamond 180 degrees around its center of gravity. Centers
retain handholds throughout the Diamond Counter Rotate and the
Points should NOT place their hands into the 'Star', but
instead should point as they would when identifying Diamonds. This is
very important, because if there are 3 or more hands are in the Center,
dancers tend to forget who is to flip whom for the Flip The
Diamond, especially if the caller modifies the amount to 'turn the
From a Wave, Ends remain Ends as Centers remain Centers.
Alter The Wave, Star 1/4: |
Spin Back [C4] (Norm Wilcox 1972):
From Facing Couples or a Wave.
Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back.
Ends in a Diamond.
This is the first 1/2 of Alter The Wave.
参见 Alter & Circulate [C2].