From a Couple.
Using the dancer nearest the given direction as the pivot point, Cast
Off the given fraction toward the given direction. The
pivot dancer starts and ends on the same floor spot. There is neither a
default direction nor a default fraction for this call.
| |
| vor Right Anchor 1/4 | | nach
The given direction is usually Right or Left, but
could also be In or Out (in reference to the Center of the Set).
Anchor is a positional call (like
Cast Back, Cross Cast Back,
Press direction,
Shove Off,
Tow Truck,
Inactive dancers do not move or otherwise adjust as they
would during normal 'square breathing.'
Do not confuse Anchor with Cast Off. On the call Anchor, the pivot
dancer remains on the same spot throughout the call. On the call Cast
Off, the pivot point is half-way between the two dancers.
| Das ist die Ausgangsformation für die folgenden Beispiele: | |
| |
| nach Cast Right 1/2 | | nach Right Anchor 1/2 |
Variationen: Line of 3 (or more) Anchor.
Anchor The anyone For anything [C4]:
From applicable formations. Do the anything call with the
designated dancer remaining on the same floor spot throughout
the entire call. This frequently results in the ending formation being offset
from the starting formation.