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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Bail Out [C4]
   (Damon Coe 并做 Ben Rubright 并做 Lynette Bellini 1995)
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From applicable formations. EN: 10

Centers Short & Sweet and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Outsides 1/2 Circulate & Hinge. EN: 20

This is a 2-part call. EN: 30

起始于 Inverted Lines:

Bail Out
 Centers Short & Sweet
同时 Outsides 1/2 Circulate
 Centers Counter Rotate 1/4
同时 Outsides Hinge
起始于 Completed Double Pass Thru:

Bail Out
 Centers Short & Sweet
同时 Outsides 1/2 Circulate
 Centers Counter Rotate 1/4
同时 Outsides Hinge

Bail Out But anything [C4]:
Centers replace the Counter Rotate 1/4 with the anything call. EN: 365

Short & Sweet [C4] (Lee Kopman 1979):
From a 2 x 2. Leaders do their part of a Mini-Chase as Trailers do their part of a Short Cut [C4] (Beaus Phantom Touch 1/4 as Belles Partner Tag). Ends in a 2 x 2. EN: 168

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19-March-2025 15:27:49
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