From a Mini-Wave Box or other applicable 2 x 2 formations.
Trailers Any Shoulder Wheel Thru as Leaders 3/4 Out.
A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
A 3/4 Out is a 1/4 Out & Roll & Roll.
From a L-H Mini-Wave Box, Trailers pass Left shoulders.
Trailers often clap hands as in
Wheel Thru [A1].
Some dancers cheat the Leaders part by doing a 1/4 In. This
can get you into trouble if the caller adds a Roll, calls
1/2 Bingo, or uses a concept such as 1/4 Stable or
1/2 Stable.
Fra en Mini-Wave Box: |
Fra en T-Bone Box:
| |
| før Bingo | | efter