From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.
Leaders Box Circulate twice and 1/4 In as
Trailers Extend, Arm Turn 3/4, and Extend.
A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
起始于 R-H Mini-Wave Box: |
起始于 L-H Mini-Wave Box:
| |
| Box Transfer 之前 | | 之后 |
起始于 T-Bone 2 x 2:
| |
| Box Transfer 之前 | | 之后 |
Split | Box Transfer was originally named Split Transfer The Column.
At C3 and above, the term Single Transfer is often used instead.
In today's terminology, Single Transfer is a better name for the call
because it is more precise.
An odd characteristic of Split | Box Transfer is that there are two
names for the same 4-dancer movement. The name
(Split versus Box) is dependent upon the formation from which the call is
done. This is a dumb idea. We don't have formation-dependent names for
other 4-dancer calls! Wouldn't it be silly if we had two names for
Right & Left Thru (one name for when the call is done from Facing Lines,
and one name for when the call is done by the Centers)? In our opinion,
it's better to have one name for the call
(preferably Single Transfer) than to have two different
names for the same call depending upon whether or not each Box of 4 does
the call.
Trailers end on the same spot from which they started,
but turned 1/4 (as if they did a 1/4 Out).
Only the original Leaders can Roll.
From a Mini-Wave Box, everyone ends next to the same dancer that they
started with, holding the same hand with which they started.
The hardest part of Box | Split Transfer seems to be the
Trailers Cast Off 3/4.
- 3/4 turns are easier if you think of them as
"half then a quarter more".
- Leaders should make a wide arc for the Split Circulate Twice. This
gives the Trailers more space, and allows them to smoothly
execute the call.
- Trailers should Extend, do a "tight" and quick Arm Turn 3/4, and
then Extend. Often Split | Box Transfer breaks down because
the Trailers don't turn far enough.
Formation awareness (being able to quickly identify your position
and relative orientation within the formation) helps in executing
Box | Split Transfer. From Columns, you need to know to work in
each Box and to not cross the center of the set into the other Box.
Split | Box Transfer rotates your Box by 90° (as if you did
a Split | Box Counter Rotate 1/4 & Trade).
What's the difference between Split and Box?
- Split is appropriate when starting from an 8-dancer
formation (such as Parallel Waves or Columns) in which the call is
done in each Box. That is, the overall 2x4 formation is "split" into
two 2x2 formations, and the call is done within each 2x2.
- Box is appropriate when the call is done from all other formations.
For example: Centers Box Transfer; As Couples Box Transfer;
All Eight Box Transfer.
- It is inappropriate for the caller to simply say "Box Transfer" from
Parallel Waves or Columns and expect just the Centers to do the call.
The caller should be explicit and say "Centers Box Transfer". Some callers
correctly assume that "Split" means each side, but then incorrectly assume
that "Box" means Centers. From Parallel Waves, if a caller said
"Box Transfer", We'd expect the call to be done on each side, just like
any other 4-dancer call.
Transfer The Column [A1] (Lee Kopman 1974):
From Mini-Wave Columns.
First Two dancers in the Column (#1 and #2) move forward in Single File
around the outside of the other Column until parallel with
the Center Box and then individually Face In (to end as a Couple) as the
Last Two dancers (#3 and #4) Circulate (to form a Center Box) and Cast Off 3/4;
all Extend.
Ends in Parallel Waves.
3 By 1 Transfer The Column [C2]:
From Columns.
The First Three dancers Transfer (as a 3-dancer group
Trail Off ,
then individually 1/4 In) as the #4 dancers Circulate 1 & 1/2 and Cast Off 3/4;
Center 4 Extend The Tag as Others Step Ahead to end in Parallel 3 & 1 Lines.