Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem or from Promenade (in which case designated dancers act as Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines).

1/2 Zoom, Cast Off 3/4 and Spread (to become Ends of Lines);

Out-Facing Centers:

In-Facing Centers:
Extend, Arm Turn 1/4, and Extend.

Adjust as necessary to end in Parallel Lines.

The following illustrates the Ends part of Cast A Shadow:

Ends Cast A Shadow
1/2 Zoom
Cast Off 3/4
Spread to become Ends of Lines
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines:

Cast A Shadow
Ends 1/2 Zoom
as Lead Centers 1/3 Cloverleaf
as Trailing Centers Extend
Ends Cast Off 3/4
as Lead Centers complete the Cloverleaf
as Trailing Centers Arm Turn 1/4
Original Ends Spread
as Original Centers step into the vacated space
From Parallel Waves:

Cast A Shadow
From Parallel 3 & 1 Lines:

Cast A Shadow
From Promenade: (see note below):

Heads (lead) Cast A Shadow
Heads Step Forward
as Sides bend in behind
Cast A Shadow



Criss Cross The Shadow [C2] (Ross Howell 1974): From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem or from Promenade (in which case designated dancers act as Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines). Ends 1/2 Zoom & Slide, Cast Off 3/4 and Spread as Out-Facing Centers Cloverleaf and Slither as In-Facing Centers Cross Extend, Arm Turn 1/4, & Extend. Adjust as necessary to end in Parallel Lines.

Relay The Shadow [C1] (Lee Kopman 1975): From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations. Arm Turn 1/2; Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 as Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; resulting Center Wave Arm Turn 1/4 & Spread (to become Ends of Parallel Waves) as Others do the Centers part of Cast A Shadow (Leaders Cloverleaf as Trailers Extend; Arm Turn 1/4; Extend). Ends in Parallel Waves.

Shadow The Column [C4] (Jack Lasry): From Columns. #1 and #3 dancers act as Ends while #2 and #4 dancers act as Centers of Parallel Two-Faced Lines, and all Cast A Shadow.

Shadow To A Diamond [C4]: From applicable Parallel Lines. Ends Cast A Shadow as Lead Centers Run & Extend (making a wide arc as in Cast A Shadow) as Trailing Centers 1/2 Circulate & Trade. Ends in Twin Diamonds. The Centers' part of Shadow To A Diamond is an exaggerated Peel & Trail.

Shadow formation anything [C4]: From applicable Parallel Lines, applicable Twin Diamonds, or other applicable formations. Outsides Cast A Shadow But Don't Spread (1/2 Zoom, Cast Off 3/4) as Centers do the anything call. Formation is the name of the center formation. For example, from Twin Diamonds, a Shadow Wave Spin The Top has the Ends Cast A Shadow But Don't Spread as the Center Wave does a Spin The Top. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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