Note that the above list of calls only includes calls in which the Centers
remain Centers throughout the entire call. For example, on calls such as
Sets In Motion
or on
Strut Right | Left,
the Centers do not end as the Center 4 dancers.
On these calls there are normally some outside
dancers who end in the Center. Hence, on the
Central version of
these calls, since there are no outside dancers involved it is ambiguous where
the dancers end. Do they leave space for phantoms?
EN: 40 注釈: 上記のコールリストには, コールの間中 centers が centers に居続けるものだけを載せています.
Sets In Motion
Strut Right | Left では,
centers は center の 4 人では終わりません.
これらのコールでは, 普通 outside のある人が center で終わります.
したがって, これらのコールの
Central では, どこで終わるかがあいまいです.
Phantom のために場所を残しますか?
JP: 40