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Clover | Cross Clover And {anything} [A1]
   (Jack Lasry 1965)
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Aus anwendbaren Formationen mit einem oder mehreren Out-Facing Couples, die nicht direkt irgendwelche Tänzer anblicken.

Clover And anything [A1]:
Out-Facing Couples (Tritt vorwärts wenn nötig und) Cloverleaf. Die anderen (bewegen sich ins Zentrum wenn nötig und) und mache den anything call.

Cross Clover And anything [A1]:
Out-Facing Couples Cross Cloverleaf (in einer Bewegung Half Sashay und Cloverleaf). Das Out-Facing Couples geht aneinander Left-shoulders vorbei, weil die Belle vor dem Beau Half Sashay macht. Die anderen (bewegen sich ins Zentrum wenn nötig und) und mache den anything call.

Clover And Touch 1/4:

Clover And Touch 1/4
Out-Facing Couples
New Centers Touch 1/4
Clover And Hinge:

Clover And Hinge
Cross Clover And Fan The Top:

Cross Clover And
Fan The Top

  • Müssen sich ins Zentrum bewegen, wenn sie nicht bereits da sind.
  • On Cross Clover And anything, the Out-Facing Couples pass Left-shoulders with each other since the Belle moves in front of the Beau on a Half Sashay.
  • Clover | Cross Clover And anything is occasionally used from formations where everyone is facing out (e.g., Completed Double Pass Thru after Centers Face Out). From here, the Ends Cloverleaf as the Centers do the anything call.

Starting positions for Clover | Cross Clover And anything:


Criss Cross Clover And anything [NOL]: Out-Facing Couples Cross Cloverleaf and Half Sashay as Others (move in and) do the anything call.

Wheel And anything [C1] (Herb Lamster): Aus passenden Formationen mit einem oder mehreren Out-Facing Couples, welche keine anderen Tänzer direkt anschauen. Out-Facing Couples tanzen (Step Ahead, falls erforderlich, und) Promenade 1/4 auf der Außenseite (As Couples 1/4 Left; Counter Rotate 1/4; As Couples 1/4 In). Die Anderen (gehen, falls erforderlich, in die Mitte und) tanzen den anything Call.

CALLERLAB definition for Clover and (Anything)
CALLERLAB definition for Cross Clover And (Anything)

Choreography for Clover | Cross Clover And anything

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
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28-March-2025 08:50:28
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