Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2

Trailers Cross Extend and Arm Turn 3/4 (Cross Your Neighbor) & Spread as Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate & Cross Run.

A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave.

Traffic pattern: Those doing the Cross Run should make a wide loop so as to go around those doing the Cast Off 3/4.

Mini-Wave Box から:

Criss Cross Your Neighbor
 Trailers Cross Extend
as Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate
 Centers Arm Turn 3/4 & Spread
as Ends Cross Run
T-Bone 2 x 2 から:

Criss Cross Your Neighbor
 Trailers Cross Extend
as Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate
 Centers Arm Turn 3/4 & Spread
as Ends Cross Run

It is interesting to note that although there is a Grand Follow Your Neighbor [A1] and a Grand Cross Your Neighbor [C1V], there is no such thing as a Grand Criss Cross Your Neighbor.

Chase Your Criss Cross Neighbor [C2]: From Back-to-Back Couples. Belles Right-face U-Turn Back & all Box Circulate; Criss Cross Your Neighbor. Ends in a L-H Wave.

any Tagging call Your Criss Cross Neighbor [C2V]: Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Criss Cross Your Neighbor. Ends in a Wave.

Criss Cross The Deucey [C3B]: From Parallel Waves, applicable 2 x 4 T-Bones, or the formation obtained after All 4 Couples Touch 1/4. Trailers Cross Extend, Arm Turn 3/4 and Spread as Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate and then Phantom Crossover Circulate. Ends in Parallel Waves, Point-to-Point Diamonds, or a Thar. For 6 of the 8 dancers, Criss Cross The Deucey is the same as Criss Cross Your Neighbor.

次も見てください Cross Your Neighbor [C1]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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