Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a Wave or a Two-Faced Line. EN: 10
Z formací Wave a Two-Faced Line. CZ: 10

As one movement, Lockit and Spread. EN: 20
Jako jeden pohyb Lockit a Spread. CZ: 20

Ends in a Wave or Two-Faced Line. EN: 30
Končí ve Wave nebo Two-Faced Line. CZ: 30

Z Wave:

Cross Lockit
Z Two-Faced Line:

Cross Lockit

Dancing hint: Centers Arm Turn 1/4 and Spread as Ends slide in and Arm Turn 1/4. The Ends should pause before moving in order to allow the Centers vacate their spots. EN: 40
Rada: Centers Arm Turn 1/4 and Spread, Ends se sesunou do středu a provedou Arm Turn 1/4. Ends musí chvilku počkat a dát čas Centers pro uvolnění místa. CZ: 40

Cross Lockit is not a 2-part call, and should not be fractionalized as such. The call is danced as one smooth movement. Everyone can Roll upon completion of the call. EN: 50
Cross Lockit nemá dvě části a figura by neměla být dělena. Figura je prováděna jako jeden plynulý pohyb. Po skončení mohou všichni udělat Roll. CZ: 50

Cross Lock The Hinge [C3B]:
Cross Lockit; Hinge. EN: 310
Cross Lockit; Hinge. CZ: 310

Hinge The Cross Lock [C3B]:
Hinge; Cross Lockit. EN: 309
Hinge; Cross Lockit. CZ: 309

anything The Cross Lock [C3B]:
Do the anything call; Cross Lockit. EN: 773
Proveďte figuru anything a pak Cross Lockit. CZ: 773 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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