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Crossover Circulate [A1]
   (Holman Hudspeth 1968)
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From a Generalized 2 x 4 (usually Parallel Lines), Generalized Thar, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Z obecné formace 2 x 4 (obvykle Parallel Lines), obecného Thar a dalších vhodných formací. CZ: 10

As one movement, Circulate & Half Sashay. EN: 20
Jako jeden pohyb Circulate & Half Sashay. CZ: 20

Z R-H Two-Faced Lines:

Crossover Circulate
  half-way  po
Z R-H Waves:

Crossover Circulate
  half-way  po
Z Thar:

Crossover Circulate
Z T-Bone:
(used only at C1 or above) EN: 30
(používáno pouze od C1 výše) CZ: 30

Crossover Circulate

Traffic patterns: EN: 40
Způsoby provedení (Traffic patterns): CZ: 40
  • From Parallel Two-Faced Lines: Leaders Tag The Line and Face In as Trailers Circulate and Half Sashay by having the Belles slide in front of the Beaus (i.e., do your part of Cross Trail Thru). EN: 50
    Z Parallel Two-Faced Lines: Leaders Tag The Line and Face In, Trailers Circulate and Half Sashay s tím, že Belles jdou před Beaus (např. do your part of Cross Trail Thru). CZ: 50
  • From Parallel Waves: Leaders Trade (as in Trade The Wave) as Trailers Diagonal Pass Thru. Everybody passes right-shoulders. Ends in opposite-handed Waves. EN: 60
    Z Parallel Waves: Leaders Trade (jako při Trade The Wave), Trailers Diagonal Pass Thru. Všichni se míjejí pravým ramenem. Končí ve Waves za druhou ruku. CZ: 60
  • From Facing Lines: Pass Thru and Half Sashay (Cross Trail Thru). EN: 70
    Z Facing Lines: Pass Thru and Half Sashay (Cross Trail Thru). CZ: 70
  • From Out-Facing Lines: Tag The Line and Face In. EN: 80
    Z Out-Facing Lines: Tag The Line and Face In. CZ: 80

  • From Parallel Lines, Ends become Centers and Centers become EndsEN: 90
    Z formace Parallel Lines, Ends se stanou Centers a Centers se stanou EndsCZ: 90
  • Crossover Circulate can be done from any 2 x 4 Lines. EN: 100
    Crossover Circulate může být provedeno z libovolných 2 x 4 Lines. CZ: 100
  • The most common starting formation is Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 110
    Nejběžnější výchozí formace je Parallel Two-Faced Lines. CZ: 110
  • From Parallel Two-Faced Lines, think of Crossover Circulate as a Circulate but exchange places with the dancer next to you as you go. Drop hands with adjacent dancers and move individually (don't move as a Couple). Trailers move forward, crossing from an End to a Center, without changing facing direction. EN: 120
    Z formace Parallel Two-Faced Lines uvažujte o Crossover Circulate jako o Circulate s výměnou místa s tanečníkem vedle vás. Rozpojte ruce s tanečníkem vedle sebe a pohybujte se sami za sebe, (ne jako pár). Trailers jdou dopředu a kříží se beze změny směru pohledu. CZ: 120
  • The CALLERLAB definition of Crossover Circulate is described in terms of a diagrammed traffic pattern, and only allows the call to be done from Parallel Lines. EN: 125
    CALLERLAB ve své definici Crossover Circulate popisuje cirkulační cesty diagramme a povoluje figuru pouze z Parallel Lines. CZ: 125

From Parallel Lines, there are two 4-dancer Circulate paths. When teaching Crossover Circulate, we often show these two paths by placing the Boys in one path, and the Girls in the other. Then we say Boys only Crossover Circulate or Girls only Crossover CirculateEN: 130
Z formace Parallel Lines dvě cirkulační cesty čtyř tanečníků. Když učíme Crossover Circulate, tak často tyto dvě cesty ukazujeme tak, že Boys jsou po jedné z nich a Girls po druhé. Pak řekneme Boys only Crossover Circulate nebo Girls only Crossover CirculateCZ: 130

Crossover Circulate
Crossover Circulate
Crossover Circulate
Crossover Circulate

The realization that there are two Circulate paths helps some dancers to better visualize the call. Also, activating the dancers in only one of the two Circulate paths reinforces the idea that Ends become Centers and Centers become EndsEN: 140
Pochopení existence dvou cirkulačních drah pomůže některým tanečníkům ve vizualiaci figury. Také aktivace tanečníků pouze v jedné cirkulační dráze upevňuje myšlenku, že CZ: 140

Half Sashay [Basic]:
From a Couple. Without changing your facing direction, exchange places by having the Belle sidestep in front of the Beau as the Beau sidestep behind the Belle. Ends in a Couple. From a Mini-Wave, do your part (i.e., from a L-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding back-to-back; from a R-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding nose-to-nose). EN: 80
Z formace Couple. Beze změny směry pohledu si tanečníci v páru vymění místo. Belle se posunuje před Beau, Beau se přesunuje za Belle. Končí v Couple. Z formace Mini-Wave udělejte svou část(např. z L-H Mini-Wave se prohoďte zády k sobě, z R-H Mini-Wave čelem k sobě). CZ: 80

Trade Circulate [A2] (Holman Hudspeth):
From applicable Parallel Lines (usually Waves or Two-Faced Lines). Leaders Trade (with each other) as Trailers Diagonal Pass Thru. EN: 81
Z vhodných Parallel Lines (obvykle Waves nebo Two-Faced Lines). Leaders Trade (spolu), Trailers Diagonal Pass Thru. CZ: 81
From Parallel Waves only, Trade Circulate is identical to Crossover CirculateEN: 145
Pouze z formace Parallel Waves je Trade Circulate totéž jako Crossover CirculateCZ: 145

Cross By [C1] (Lee Kopman 1969):
From Parallel Waves or a Thar. As one movement, 1/2 Circulate and Slide (nose-to-nose). A Thar ends in an opposite-handed Thar; Parallel Waves end in a Thar. EN: 82
Z formace Parallel Waves nebo Thar. Jako jeden pohyb 1/2 Circulate and Slide (čelem k sobě). Z Thar se končí v Thar za druhou ruku; Z Parallel Waves se končí v Thar. CZ: 82

CALLERLAB definition for Cross Over Circulate

Choreography for Crossover Circulate

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

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18-October-2024 03:01:34
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