Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From a Generalized 2 x 4 (usually Parallel Lines), Generalized Thar, or other applicable formations.

As one movement, Circulate & Half Sashay.

Fra R-H Two-Faced Lines:

Crossover Circulate
  halv vejf  efter
Fra R-H Waves:

Crossover Circulate
  halv vejf  efter
Fra en Thar:

Crossover Circulate
Fra en T-Bone:
(used only at C1 or above)

Crossover Circulate

Traffic patterns:


From Parallel Lines, there are two 4-dancer Circulate paths. When teaching Crossover Circulate, we often show these two paths by placing the Boys in one path, and the Girls in the other. Then we say Boys only Crossover Circulate or Girls only Crossover Circulate.

Crossover Circulate
Crossover Circulate
Crossover Circulate
Crossover Circulate

The realization that there are two Circulate paths helps some dancers to better visualize the call. Also, activating the dancers in only one of the two Circulate paths reinforces the idea that Ends become Centers and Centers become Ends.

Half Sashay [Basic]: From a Couple. Without changing your facing direction, exchange places by having the Belle sidestep in front of the Beau as the Beau sidestep behind the Belle. Ends in a Couple. From a Mini-Wave, do your part (i.e., from a L-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding back-to-back; from a R-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding nose-to-nose).

Trade Circulate [A2] (Holman Hudspeth): From applicable Parallel Lines (usually Waves or Two-Faced Lines). Leaders Trade (with each other) as Trailers Diagonal Pass Thru. From Parallel Waves only, Trade Circulate is identical to Crossover Circulate.

Cross By [C1] (Lee Kopman 1969): From Parallel Waves or a Thar. As one movement, 1/2 Circulate and Slide (nose-to-nose). A Thar ends in an opposite-handed Thar; Parallel Waves end in a Thar. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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