Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave).

Pass Thru and Half Sashay.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

From Facing Couples:

Cross Trail Thru
Pass Thru
(after 3/4 Cross Trail Thru)
From a R-H Wave:

Cross Trail Thru
Pass Thru
Half Sashay


Half Sashay [Basic]: From a Couple. Without changing your facing direction, exchange places by having the Belle sidestep in front of the Beau as the Beau sidestep behind the Belle. Ends in a Couple. From a Mini-Wave, do your part (i.e., from a L-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding back-to-back; from a R-H Mini-Wave, exchange places by sliding nose-to-nose).

Cross Trail Thru To The Corner [A1V]: Cross Trail Thru and 1/4 Out (turn 1/4 in place away from your partner). Cross Trail Thru To The Corner is sometimes called from normal (1P2P) Facing Lines prior to an Allemande Left. Alternative definition: Pass Thru and Left-shoulder Partner Tag.

Cross Trail Thru is used within the definition of many calls. Some examples are listed below.

Cross The "K" [C2] (Bill White 1970): From Facing Lines, Eight Chain Thru, or other applicable formations. Cross Trail Thru; Centers Trade as Ends U-Turn Back by turning away from the Center (i.e., 1/4 Out & Roll).

Scramble [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971): From Back-to-Back Lines or other applicable formations. Outsides do an Ends Bend and Turn Thru as Centers 1/4 In and Cross Trail Thru. Back-to-Back Lines end in Back-to-Back Lines.

Cross Chuck-A-Luck [C3B] (Lee Kopman 1971): From Parallel Lines with the Centers facing out. Centers Cross Run and Pass In as Ends Face In, Step Forward, and Cross Trail Thru. Ends in an Eight Chain Thru formation.

Cross Horseshoe Turn [C4]: From a 2 x 4 with the Ends in Columns facing Out. Ends Cross Cloverleaf (as one movement, Half Sashay and Cloverleaf) as the Centers 1/4 In and Cross Trail Thru. Generalized Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru. This is a 2-part call for the Centers.

Cross Trail [obsolete]: From a Couple. Left-shoulder Partner Tag. Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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