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Definitions (Text Only) --> Plus | A1 | A2 | C1 | C2 | C3A | C3B | C4 | NOL | ![]() ![]() |
Dancing and Studying Hints | Tagging Calls | Calls with Parts | Shape Changing | Types of Distortions |
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Turn 1/4 toward the center of the Line, step forward to a Single 3/4 Tag formation (Centers Pass Thru; all Pass Thru; Centers Step to a Wave).
Ends in a Right-Handed Single 3/4 Tag formation.
Outer 4 Circulate as Center 4 Trade.
From a Thar, facing circle, or other applicable formation.
Ends in a Thar.
Columns end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
From a Two-Faced Line or other applicable formation.
Ends Cross Fold as Centers Trade & Step Forward.
A Two-Faced Line ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points slide together & Trade (Cross Run) to end in the furthest Center position.
A normal Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line; a Facing Diamond ends in a Wave.
A Diamond consists of two Centers (those with handholds), and two Ends (also known as Points).
Diamond Formation:
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Diamond Circulate [Plus] : From a Diamond. Walk forward to the next position in the Diamond while turning 90° toward the center of the Diamond. Centers become Points and vice-versa. Dancers facing along the Circulate path pass Right-Shoulders with each other.
From a R-H Diamond:
From a L-H Diamond:
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From Facing Diamonds:
From Facing Diamonds, always pass right-shoulders. |
From applicable formations.
Ends in a Facing Circle (e.g., from a Squared Set after "Face Your Corner").
Explode [Plus]. From a Wave. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 In (face the dancer beside you). Ends in Facing Couples.
Explode [A1]. From a Generalized Line. As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead, and all adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples.
Explode and anything [Plus,A1]. From a Wave. Explode; then do the anything call.
From a Wave (or Inverted Line).
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
Extend means move up to the next fractional tag position.
From Facing Couples, first Step To A Wave. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends move up 1/4 around the center of the 4-dancer formation.
A Wave or Facing Couples ends in a Wave.
Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points Flip In (180°) towards the the nearest Center position.
A normal Diamond ends in a Wave; a Facing Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line.
Leaders as one movement 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back while Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4.
A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave.
Ends in a Wave of more than 4 dancers.
From a Wave or applicable Line of 4.
Ends in Facing Couples. This is a 4-part call.
Facing Lines end in an Eight Chain Thru.
As one movement, Leaders flip 180° away from the center of the 4-dancer formation and step forward if necessary as the Trailers step forward if necessary and U-Turn Back by turning away from the center of the 4-dancer formation.
A Non-T-Bone starting formation always ends in a Line.
A Mini-Wave Box or "Z" ends in a Wave.
From a 1/4 Tag.
As one movement, Extend twice & new Outsides Trade (or Left-shoulder Trade if the starting formation was a L-H 1/4 Tag).
Ends in a 1/4 Tag.
From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru (in which case dancers first step to Parallel Waves).
Ends in Parallel Waves.
From any formation.
If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call, then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction. If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call, then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction.
From Facing Dancers.
Join hands (in a group of 2), Circle Left 1/2 way, drop hands and Step to a Right-Hand Mini-Wave.
Ends in a Right-Hand Mini-Wave.
Ends in Parallel Waves.
From Parallel Waves or an Eight Chain Thru formation.
Ends in Parallel Waves.
There are four different versions of Spread (only the first two are used at Plus):
From a normal Squared Set (or everyone turning opposite sex by the Left).
Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain proceeds as follows:
Ends in a Squared Set, everyone paired with original Partner.
Ends in Parallel Right-Hand Waves.
As one movement, Step Thru, Trade, and Step to an opposite-handed Wave.
Ends in an opposite-handed Wave.
#1 dancer Circulate as the Others Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2, and Grand Extend (take a small step forward).
Ends in Mini-Wave Columns.