Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
These Plus definitions will eventually be incorporated into a future Ceder Chest Definition Books Ceder Chest book.

This page is still being constructed. Not all calls have associated definitions.

3/4 Tag (The Line)

From a Line of 4.

Turn 1/4 toward the center of the Line, step forward to a Single 3/4 Tag formation (Centers Pass Thru; all Pass Thru; Centers Step to a Wave).

Ends in a Right-Handed Single 3/4 Tag formation.

Acey Deucey

From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations.

Outer 4 Circulate as Center 4 Trade.

All Eight Spin The Top

From a Thar, facing circle, or other applicable formation.

  1. All Arm Turn 1/2 (to end in a Thar);
  2. Centers Star 3/4 as Outsides move up 1/4 around the outside.

Ends in a Thar.

Chase Right | Left

From Back-to-Back Couples.

Chase Right:
Belles Right-face U-Turn Back; all Box Circulate twice. Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box.

Chase Left:

Beaus Left-face U-Turn Back; all Box Circulate twice. Ends in a L-H Mini-Wave Box.


From Columns or other applicable formations.

  1. Circulate;
  2. 1/2 Circulate;
  3. Center 6 Trade;
  4. Very Centers Veer Out as Very Outsides do your part Fan The Top.

Columns end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Cross Fire

From a Two-Faced Line or other applicable formation.

Ends Cross Fold as Centers Trade & Step Forward.

A Two-Faced Line ends in a Mini-Wave Box.

Cut The Diamond

From a Diamond.

Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points slide together & Trade (Cross Run) to end in the furthest Center position.

A normal Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line; a Facing Diamond ends in a Wave.

Diamond Formation | Circulate

A Diamond is a 4-dancer formation that can be setup from a Line of 4 after Centers Hinge.

A Diamond consists of two Centers (those with handholds), and two Ends (also known as Points).

Diamond Formation:

Diamond Footprints   Typical facing directions
R-H Diamond L-H Diamond Facing Diamond

Diamond Circulate [Plus] (Dewey Berry 1972): From a Diamond. Walk forward to the next position in the Diamond while turning 90° toward the center of the Diamond. Centers become Points and vice-versa. Dancers facing along the Circulate path pass Right-Shoulders with each other.

From a R-H Diamond:

Diamond Circulate
From a L-H Diamond:

Diamond Circulate
From Facing Diamonds:

Diamond Circulate
  part-way  after
From Facing Diamonds, always pass right-shoulders.

Dixie Grand

From applicable formations.

  1. Those who can Right Pull By;
  2. all Left Pull By;
  3. All Right Pull By.

Ends in a Facing Circle (e.g., from a Squared Set after "Face Your Corner").

Explode And anything

The call Explode And anything is on two levels, Plus and A1.

  • At Plus, the starting formation is restricted to a Wave (or occasionally an Inverted Line).
  • At A1, the starting formation can be any Line of 4.

Explode [Plus]. From a Wave. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 In (face the dancer beside you). Ends in Facing Couples.

Explode [A1]. From a Generalized Line. As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead, and all adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples.

Explode and anything [Plus,A1]. From a Wave. Explode; then do the anything call.

Explode The Wave

From a Wave (or Inverted Line).

  1. Step Thru & 1/4 In (turn 1/4 in place toward the center of the 4-dancer formation);
  2. Right Pull By.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.


Extend means move up to the next fractional tag position.

Fan The Top

From a Wave, Facing Couples, or other 4-dancer applicable formation.

From Facing Couples, first Step To A Wave. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends move up 1/4 around the center of the 4-dancer formation.

A Wave or Facing Couples ends in a Wave.

Flip The Diamond

From a Diamond.

Centers do your part Diamond Circulate as Points Flip In (180°) towards the the nearest Center position.

A normal Diamond ends in a Wave; a Facing Diamond ends in a Two-Faced Line.

Follow Your Neighbor

From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.

Leaders as one movement 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back while Trailers Extend & Arm Turn 3/4.

A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Wave.

Grand Swing Thru

From a Wave of more than 4 dancers (e.g., a Tidal Wave), Facing Lines of 3 or more, or from other applicable formations.

  1. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2.

Ends in a Wave of more than 4 dancers.

Linear Cycle

From a Wave or applicable Line of 4.

  1. Hinge;
  2. Leaders Fold behind Trailers (who do not adjust);
  3. Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru;
  4. Peel Off in direction of Shoulder Pass.

Ends in Facing Couples. This is a 4-part call.

Load The Boat

From Facing Lines or other applicable formations.

1.  Pass Thru;
2.  Face Out (turn 1/4 in place away from the center of the set);
3.  Partner Trade;
4.  Pass Thru.
Walk forward (using Circulates) to Pass 3 dancers (right-shoulders) and immediately after passing the third dancer
Face In (turn 1/4 in place towards the center of the set).

Facing Lines end in an Eight Chain Thru.

Peel Off

From an applicable 2 x 2 (usually a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples) or a "Z".

As one movement, Leaders flip 180° away from the center of the 4-dancer formation and step forward if necessary as the Trailers step forward if necessary and U-Turn Back by turning away from the center of the 4-dancer formation.

A Non-T-Bone starting formation always ends in a Line.

Peel The Top

From a Mini-Wave Box, from the "Z" obtained from a Wave after the Ends Fold, or from an applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.

  1. Leaders Peel Off as Trailers step ahead (to join inside hands with each other);
  2. Fan The Top.

A Mini-Wave Box or "Z" ends in a Wave.

Ping Pong Circulate

From a 1/4 Tag.

As one movement, Extend twice & new Outsides Trade (or Left-shoulder Trade if the starting formation was a L-H 1/4 Tag).

Ends in a 1/4 Tag.

Relay The Deucey

From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru (in which case dancers first step to Parallel Waves).

  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Center 4 Arm Turn 3/4 as Others 1/2 Circulate;
  3. Wave Of 6 Arm Turn 1/2;
  4. Center Wave Of 4 Arm Turn 1/2 as Others (do a Big) Diamond Circulate;
  5. Wave Of 6 Arm Turn 1/2;
  6. Center Wave Of 4 Arm Turn 3/4 as Others move up.

Ends in Parallel Waves.


From any formation.

If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call, then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction. If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call, then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction.

Single Circle To A Wave

From Facing Dancers.

Join hands (in a group of 2), Circle Left 1/2 way, drop hands and Step to a Right-Hand Mini-Wave.

Ends in a Right-Hand Mini-Wave.

Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears

From Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru (in which case dancers first step to Parallel Waves).
  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides U-Turn Back;
  3. Very Centers Trade as the Outsides slide inward to form two Stars;
  4. Turn each Star 3/4;
  5. New Very Centers walk forward around the other Star (like a figure "S") as the Others in their Star follow them in Single File;
  6. After the Leaders (#1 dancers in the Stars) have gone 3/4 around the other Star, the #1 and #3 dancers in the Star do a U-Turn Back (turning toward the Center of the Star) and form a Wave with the dancers behind them.

Ends in Parallel Waves.

Spin Chain The Gears

From Parallel Waves or an Eight Chain Thru formation.

  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back;
  3. Very Centers Trade as Outsides slide inward to form two Stars;
  4. Star 3/4;
  5. Very Centers Trade;
  6. Center Wave Cast Off 3/4 as Others U-Turn Back by flipping away from the center of the set.

Ends in Parallel Waves.


There are four different versions of Spread (only the first two are used at Plus):

  1. From Columns: Centers spread apart as ends move in.
  2. From a Line: Ends and adjacent Centers exchange places by sidestepping into each other's position.
    • If adjacent dancers are in a Mini-Wave, slide nose-to-nose;
    • If adjacent dancers are a Couple, do a Half Sashay (Belle slides in front of Beau).
  3. Designated dancers Spread (e.g., from Columns: Ends Spread, check a Butterfly)
  4. The call Wheel & Spread. From a One-Faced Line. Wheel & Deal; Leaders sidestep apart from one another (and backup slightly) as Trailers move in between.

Teacup Chain

From a normal Squared Set (or everyone turning opposite sex by the Left).

Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain proceeds as follows:

  • Head Ladies:
    1. to center, R-H Star 3/4
    2. L-H turn corner
    3. R-H turn new corner (original opposite man)
    4. to center, L-H Star 1 & 1/4
    5. R-H turn new corner (next man)
    6. L-H to original partner for a Courtesy Turn
  • Side Ladies:
    1. R-H turn corner
    2. to center, L-H Star 1 & 1/4
    3. R-H turn new corner (original opposite man)
    4. L-H turn new corner (next man)
    5. to center, R-H Star 3/4
    6. L-H to original partner for a Courtesy Turn
  • Ladies -- Important points:
    • Start with the R-H, and use alternating hands.
    • Head Ladies start to the Center, Side Ladies start with the corner.
    • Visit each man exactly once, progressing counter-clockwise through the men, starting with the corner, then opposite, then corner's opposite, and finally original partner.
    • Concentrate on progressing to the next man, rather than worrying about alternating hands (or how far to turn the star), as handholds (and star turns) become automatic.
  • Men -- Important points:
    • Head Men always send the Ladies to the Center.
    • Side Men always send the Ladies to the Right.
    • Take whatever hand the ladies give you, and send them to their next destination. At some point, men use the same hand is twice in a row.
    • Be sure to lead the Ladies. Don't be a wimp - send the ladies to their destination with a firm but gentle lead.
    • The final L-H turn (with original partner) blends into a Courtesy Turn to end in a Squared Set.

Ends in a Squared Set, everyone paired with original Partner.

Track 2

From a Completed Double Pass Thru formation.

Beaus (left-side dancers) work around the outside in a wide loop for 3 Column Circulates as
Belles (right side dancers) work inside for 3 Column Circulates.

Ends in Parallel Right-Hand Waves.

Trade The Wave

From a Wave.

As one movement, Step Thru, Trade, and Step to an opposite-handed Wave.

Ends in an opposite-handed Wave.

Triple Scoot

From Mini-Wave Columns.

#1 dancer Circulate as the Others Grand Extend (1/2 Circulate), Arm Turn 1/2, and Grand Extend (take a small step forward).

Ends in Mini-Wave Columns. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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