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C3B definitions from the ![]()
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Končí ve formaci Parallel Waves.
Trailers Any Shoulder Wheel Thru, Leaders 3/4 Out.
Mini-Wave Box končí v Mini-Wave Box.
Pro Boomerang existují dvě trochu odlišné definice v závislosti na výchozí formaci.
Z formace Parallel Two-Faced Lines a dalších vhodných formací.
Leaders Keep Busy (Couples Circulate With The Flow). Trailers udělají krok dopředu a zformují kompaktní formaci ("normalizují") a provedou figuru anything.
Z formací Parallel Waves nebo Eight Chain Thru.
Končí ve formaci Parallel Waves.
Pro tuto figuru není definovaná žádná implicitní hodnota fraction.
Z formace Parallel Lines s Centers v Mini-Wave Box a dalších vhodných formací.
Centers Any Hand Remake & Spread. Ends Circulate & Crossover Circulate.
Parallel Lines končí v Parallel Lines.
Z formací Wave nebo Facing Couples.
Obě figury končí ve formaci Wave a mají čtyři části.
Z formací 2 x 4.
Centers Phantom Columns Circulate 2x. Ends Split Circulate 2x.
Parallel Lines a Columns končí v Columns; T-Bones končí v různých formacích.
Change Your Image má dvě části a figura může být rozdělena na čtvrtiny.
Z formace Parallel Lines s Centers zády k sobě.
Obě figury končí ve formaci Eight Chain Thru.
Z formace Parallel Waves, vhodných 2 x 4 T-Bones, nebo z formace získané po All 4 Couples Touch 1/4.
Trailers Cross Extend, Arm Turn 3/4 and Spread. Leaders 1/2 Split Circulate a pak Phantom Crossover Circulate.
Končí v Parallel Waves, Point-to-Point Diamonds nebo Thar.
Končí ve Facing Couples.
Tato figura má tři části a calleři často použijí 2/3 Cross Cycle.
Jako jeden pohyb proveďte (Facing or Box) Recycle & Slither.
Končí ve formaci Two-Faced Line.
Z formace Two-Faced Line.
Jako jeden pohyb Centers Cross Run a všichni Any Shoulder Tag The Line dané Tagové formace ( fraction Tag). Pokud není fraction řečeno, proveďte plný Tag The Line.
Z formací Wave a Two-Faced Line.
Jako jeden pohyb Lockit a Spread.
Končí ve Wave nebo Two-Faced Line.
Formace Diagonal Box má rozměr 2 x 2 a je posunutá (offset) o dvě pozice.
Z formací Parallel Lines, Columns a dalších vhodných.
Ne T-Bone formace 2 x 4 končí v Parallel Lines. Disband má dvě části.
Z formace Generalized Tidal Line.
Outside 4 Cast Off 3/4 a
Cross Concentric
Vertical 1/2 Tag
Obvykle končí v Parallel Lines.
Z formací Twin Diamonds, 3/4 Tag a dalších vhodných.
Centers Explode The Wave, Ends Circulate a koncový tanečník koukající ven U-Turn Back.
Twin Diamonds končí v Parallel Inverted Lines.
Fan CONCEPT se používá u figur, které začínají Arm Turn 1/2 (Swing) následované Centers Cast Off 3/4. Počáteční Arm Turn 1/2 se vynechá a udělá se zbytek figury. Pokud se začíná z formace Facing Couples (tzn. Facing Lines, Eight Chain Thru), jako první se udělá Step To A Wave.
Z formace 1/4 Tag.
Provedení Flip Your Lid obsahuje čtyři různé akce:
Končí ve formaci 1/4 Tag.
Z formace Parallel Lines.
Pár koukající ven (nebo označení tanečníci) udělají svoji část Cross Fire, ti ostatní udělají svoji část Vertical Tag The Line.
Končí ve formaci Columns.
Pro potřeby konceptů Stingy a Generous je pohyb Arm Turn limitován na následující pohyby definované v {anything} figurách:
From a 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, or other applicable formations.
Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold) as Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 and (normal) Counter Rotate 1/4.
A R-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines.
Z formace Generalized 1/4 Line a dalších vhodných.
Outsides Rally, Centers Step And Cross Fold (Interlocked Little) and Peel & Trail.
Generalized 1/4 Line končí v Tidal Line. Pro Centers má tato figura dvě části.
From a 3/4 Line or other applicable formations.
Outsides Cast Back as Centers Once Removed Fold (danced as an Any Shoulder Turn & Deal); all Slide Thru.
A 3/4 Line ends in Generalized Columns. This is a 2-part call.
Ends Split Circulate as Centers Split Counter Rotate 1/4.
Ends in a 2 x 4.
Leaders As Couples 1/4 Right, ostatní Left Dodge; Belles Distorted Box Circulate; As Couples Extend; Couples Circulate.
Končí v Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines.
From applicable Tidal Lines or applicable Parallel Lines.
This is a 4-part call.
From a Mini-Wave Box, Tandem Couples, or applicable "Z".
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag in which the Very Centers are directly facing an outside dancer.
Ends in Parallel Lines.This is a 3-part call.
From a 4 x 4 Matrix, visualized as 4 adjacent Columns | Lines | Waves.
Inside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a 2 x 4 Matrix as the Outside Columns | Lines | Waves work together in a (Disconnected) 2 x 4 Matrix.
Quadruple formations consist of four adjacent formation some of which may have positions occupied by phantoms. The given formation is usually a 4-dancer formation such as a Box, Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave. Work with the dancers and phantoms within your formation. Keep track of the phantoms and allow spaces for them upon completion of the call. When formation is a 4-dancer formation, there should be a total of 16 dancer | phantom positions before and after each call.
Části jednotlivých figur jsou součástí našich definic. Viz také Calls with Parts.
Například Oddly Tandem Swing & Mix znamená Tandem Swing, normálně Centers Cross Run, Tandem Centers Trade.
From an applicable Generalized 1/4 Tag.
Very Centers and directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 around the outside; Center 6 Trade; Very Outsides and the Very Centers Phantom Hourglass Circulate.
Ends in Parallel Lines or Parallelogram Parallel Lines (if dancers come to the same spot).
Do the any Tagging call (or any variation of a Tagging call) to the 1/2 Tag position; Tandem Arm Turn 1/4 (i.e., Split Counter Rotate 1/4); complete the any Tagging call.
From a Mini-Wave Box (or other applicable 2 x 2 if fractionalized).
Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. Reset is a 4-part call.
From applicable formations.
Center 4 do the first anything call and the resulting Ends (of that Center 4) move away from the Center of the Set without changing their facing direction (i.e., Stable). The Others (original Outsides) work around the Very Centers to do the second anything call, ending as close as possible to the positions vacated by the resulting Ends of the Center 4.
Break up the call into its component parts, and do the parts in reverse order.
From Tandem Couples.
Ends in Tandem Couples.
Reverse The Pass is a 3-part call that can be fractionalized into sixths.
From a Wave, Facing Couples, or other applicable formations.
Ends in a Wave. This is a 2-part call.
Rotates (Rotate, Reverse Rotate, Single Rotate a Reverse Single Rotate) jsou rozprostřeny přes několik Challenge levelů podle toho, z jaké výchozí formace jsou prováděny.
Střed vaší formace je zároveň střed čtverylky (zvaný "flagpole"), kromě následujících případů:
Rotate | As Couples 1/4 To Promenade |
Reverse Rotate | As Couples 1/4 To Reverse Promenade |
Single Rotate | Individuálně 1/4 do směru promenády (To Promenade) |
Reverse Single Rotate | Individuálně 1/4 proti směru promenády (To Reverse Promenade) |
Z formace Squared Set se aktivní tanečníci otáčejí kolem středu čtverylky. Neaktivní tanečníci by se měli přesunou doprostřed čtverylky.
From Parallel Lines with the Ends Back-to-Back, or other applicable formations.
Ends Bend and Turn Thru as Centers Face In and Cross Trail Thru.
Parallel Lines end in Back-to-Back Lines. Scramble is a 2-part call.
Rozdělte si figuru anything na jednotlivé části. Až do dané části provádějte figuru normálně. Pak na danou část aplikujte daný CONCEPT, zbytek figury následně proveďte opět normálně.
From a 2 x 2.
Leaders do their part of a Shakedown as Trailers do their part of a Reverse Split Swap.
Ends in a 2 x 2.
From applicable formations.
Sidetrack is a 3-part call.
Single Sidetrack [C3B]: From a 1 x 4 Column. Zig-Zag; Lockit (i.e., Counter Rotate with respect to the 1 x 4); Roll. Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru.
Split Sidetrack [C3B]: From a 2 x 4 or 1 x 8 Column. Zig-Zag; Split Counter Rotate 1/4; Roll.
Split Split Sidetrack [NOL]: From appropriate formations. Split the setup twice to work with one other dancer (who must be in your Generalized Tandem position). Zig-Zag; Hinge (i.e., Counter Rotate with respect to the 1 x 2); Roll.
V Single verzi figury provádí každý tanečník pohyb, který by byl normálně prováděn útvarem dvou tanečníků. Proto aby mohla mít figura Single verzi, musí být možné rozdělit všechny tanečníky do útvarů po dvou, ve kterých oba tanečníci během provádění figury vždy koukají stejným směrem.
Tanečníci v každém útvaru většinou provádějí svou část
O Single můžete uvažovat v tom smyslu, že nahrazujete každou skupinu dvou tanečníků jedním, který stojí přesně uprostřed mezi nimi, a ten pak v takovém postavení provádí celou figuru, jakoby dělal normální verzi.
From a 2 x 8 Matrix.
Split the 2 x 8 Matrix into two 2 x 4 Matrices. Work in the 2 x 4 on each side.
Z formace Columns.
Prvních n tanečníků Peel Off tak, aby skončili v Line of n, v případě potřeby Step Ahead pro vytvoření Concentric Line of 2n, a Bend The Line of 2n. Ostatní Extend (za použití Circulates) tak, aby vytvořili kompaktní formaci, pak Trade and Roll.
n Step(s) At A Time se dělí na třetiny.
From Columns.
Circulate; 1/2 Circulate; Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4 and 1/2 Press Ahead as Others Hinge & Grand Fan The Top (Center 4 Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides move up).
Ends in Parallel Waves.
From a Double Pass Thru or a R-H 1/4 Tag.
Centers Pass Thru, Right | Left Turn To A Line and Spread to become #1 (Very End) and #3 in a Tidal Line as others Step Ahead and Veer Right | Left to become #2 and #4 in a Tidal Line.
From Parallel Waves, Eight Chain Thru, or a Thar.
Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Trade and Spread as Ends U-Turn Back and Crossover Circulate.
Parallel Waves or Eight Chain Thru ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
From Back-to-Back Lines.
The n dancers on the right-hand side of each Line do a 'Shakedown' movement (1/4 Right, Counter Rotate 1/4, and Roll) and adjust to end in Concentric Facing Lines of n as the others 1/4 Right and Step Ahead to join hands creating a compact symmetric formation.
From Parallel Lines or a Generalized Thar.
A Trapezoid is a Distorted 2 x 2 that can be formed from a normal 2 x 2 after any two adjacent dancers each move a distance of one matrix position directly away from each other.
From a 2 x 4, there are two Trapezoids. The Ends of one side work with the Centers of the other side within a Distorted Box.
Triple formations Working direction is a precise way to state how to do some 12-Matrix calls.
This concept allows for 8-dancer calls to be done from Triple formations such as Triple Boxes | Columns | Diamonds | Lines | Waves. Normally from these formations we are limited to 4-dancer (or fewer) calls, since each sub-formation (Box, Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave) contains only four spots.
On Triple formations Working direction, each dancer selects a subset of eight (out of 12) spots in which to work. The dancers within the outside Triple formations must always select to work within the four spots in their Triple formation and the four spots in the center Triple formation. The dancers in the center Triple formation work with the four spots in their Triple formation and the four spots in the outside Triple formation which is toward the given direction. If the direction is forward, the Center dancers work with the outside Triple formation which they are facing. If the direction is backward, they work with the outside Triple formation which is behind them. If the direction is Right (or Left), they work with the outside Triple formation which is toward their Right (or Left). If the direction is Together, they work with the outside Triple formation that is closest to them. If the direction is Apart, they work with the Triple formation that is furthest from them.
From applicable 4-dancer (and 8-dancer) formations.
Centers (Touch, if necessary, and) Cast Off 3/4 as Ends 1/4 Right.
From applicable formations.
Ends in various formations. Turn The Key is a 3-part call.
From various formations.
Replace each Arm Turn 1/2 (i.e., Swing or Slip) with a Partner Trade and do the given call. (E.g., Two-Faced Spin The Top would start from a Two-Faced Line and would be a Partner Trade; Fan The Top.)
From Eight Chain Thru, from the formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Pass Thru, or from other applicable formations.
Press Ahead; Outsides do their part of designated dancer Kick Off as Centers have the designated dancer Walk and the others Dodge.
Ends in various formations. Wave The anyone is a 2-part call.
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem, or from other applicable formations.
Centers Hinge and the Very Centers Hinge as the Ends 1/2 Circulate; those as a Couple step forward to become Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines as the others have the Centers U-Turn Back (by turning away from each other) and do your part of a Couples Hinge.
Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
Formace "Z" je formace o rozměru 2 x 2, která je v jednom směru posunutá o jednu pozici (offset). (tzn. jedná se o formaci získanou z formace Mini-Wave Box po 1/2 Press Ahead). Pracujte v Offset 2 x 2 a dodržujte/ctěte taneční místa (footprints) této formace.
Z formace "Z" získané z Line s Centers ve formaci Mini-Wave po provedení Step & Slide.
Končí ve formaci Line. "Z"-Axle má 3 části.