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A1 definitions from the ![]()
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Arm Turn 1/2; Move forward (Centers in a star, Outsides around the outside) in a Circular path to meet the n-th dancer, where n = 1 for 1/4 Top, n = 2 for 1/2 Top, or n = 3 for 3/4 Top.
Ends in a Thar.
Ends in a Wave. This is a 2-part call.
Outside 6 Circulate as Very Center 2 Trade.
Ends in the same formation as the starting formation, unless two dancers meet on the same spot.
The Beau is the Left-side dancer and the Belle is the Right-side dancer.
Adjust as necessary to end in Parallel Lines.
A 1/4 Tag formation ends in Parallel Waves.
As one movement, Circulate & Half Sashay.
Pass Thru and Half Sashay.
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
Mini-Wave dancers Recycle as the Couple dancers Wheel & Deal.
If both Ends start facing the same direction, the rightmost End and adjacent dancer go in front of the leftmost End and adjacent dancer.
Ends in either Facing Couples (if the Ends start facing opposite directions), or Tandem Couples (if the Ends start facing the same direction).
Ends in half-sashayed Back-to-Back Couples.
As one movement, the Ends
Explode [Plus]. From a Wave. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 In (face the dancer beside you). Ends in Facing Couples.
Explode [A1]. From a Generalized Line. As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead, and all adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples.
Explode and anything [Plus,A1]. From a Wave. Explode; then do the anything call.
This is a 2-part call.
#1 dancer, as one movement, 1/2 Circulate & U-Turn Back (Roll twice) as the Others 1/2 Circulate & Arm Turn 3/4.
Ends in a Wave of 2n.
Ends in Normal Facing Couples.
Brace Thru is a 2-part call.
Ends Cloverleaf as Centers Partner Tag (turn 1/4 to face each other & Pass Thru).
Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru.
Centers Arm Turn 1/4 as the Ends move up 1/4 of a Circle around the center point of the 4-dancer formation (i.e., Ends do your part Fan The Top).
Usually ends in the same formation, but rotated 90°.
A Line of 4 ends in a Line of 4.
Walk forward if necessary to meet the facing dancer, then Face Out (individually turn 1/4 to face away from the center of the set).
Do 1/2 of a Trade.
Ends in a Mini-Wave.
Turn 1/4 in place to face the adjacent dancer (1/4 In); Pass Thru.
Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers.
Ends in a Couple.
Pass Thru; 1/4 In; Left Touch.
Ends in a L-H Wave.
Leaders Dodge (sidestep into the adjacent position as in Walk & Dodge) as Trailers do your part Scoot Back (Extend, Trade, and Extend).
A Mini-Wave Box ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives (1/4 In);
all Finish a
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
Centers Step Ahead as Ends Slide into the vacated adjacent Center position.
A Line of 4 ends in a 2 x 2 or a "Z".
Facing Couples end in Back-to-Back Couples.
First two dancers in the Column (#1 and #2) move forward in Single File around the outside of the other Column until parallel with the Center Box and then individually Face In (to end as a Couple) as the Last Two dancers (#3 and #4) Circulate (to form a Center Box) and Cast Off 3/4; all Extend.
Ends in Parallel Waves.
Fra 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns eller andre anvendelige formationer.
De 6 der kan laver en diagonal Pull By med udvendige hånd.
En 1/4 Box ender i Mini-Wave Columns. Mini-Wave Columns ender i en 3/4 Box.
The aforementioned Starting Double Pass Thru formation ends in normal Back-to-Back Lines.
Center Six (3 pairs of dancers) Trade.
Ends in same formation as starting formation.
As one movement, 1/2 Tag then turn 1/4 in place toward your initial turning direction.
Ends in a 2 x 2.
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.