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C2 definitions from the ![]()
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Ends in (opposite-handed) Parallel Waves. Alter & Circulate is a 5-part call.
All or Center 4 do the anything call. Outside 6 move up one position as in Swing & Circle 1/4.
anything Coordinate [C2]: Do the anything call; then Finish Coordinate (1/2 Circulate; Center 6 Trade; Very Ends do your part Fan The Top as Very Centers Veer Out). Usually ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. The anything call replaces the first Circulate.
anything Motivate [C2]: Do the anything call; then Finish Motivate (Ends 1/2 Circulate as Centers Cast Off 3/4; Center Star|Diamond Circulate twice as Others Trade; those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up as in Phantom Hourglass Circulate). Usually ends in Parallel Waves. The anything call replaces the first Circulate. If the anything call ends with the words 'Circulate' or 'Rotate 1/4', those words are omitted. For example, In Roll Motivate is an In Roll Circulate; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as the Ends 1/2 Circulate; Center 4 Star 1/2 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up.
anything Percolate [C2]: Do the anything call; then Finish Percolate (1/2 Circulate; Center Line Hinge & Cross as the Others Any Hand Turn Thru). Usually ends in Back-to-Back Lines or T-Bones.
anything Perk Up [C2]: Do the anything call; then Finish Perk Up (1/2 Split Circulate; Center Line Hinge, Circulate & Trade as Others (Concentric) Circulate twice). Usually ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. The anything call replaces the first Circulate.
Ends in a Wave.
Ends in a 2 x 2.
Bounce is a 2-part call.
From Facing Couples, a R-H Wave, or other applicable formations.
Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves).
Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn and Veer Left as the Centers Step To A L-H Wave, Very Centers Left-face U-Turn Back (placing R-H on adjacent End's back), Courtesy Turn and As Couples Extend.
Ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines.
From a 1 x 8, Point-to-Point Diamonds, or any other applicable formation in which there are Centers of each side.
The Centers of each side work together, around the Very Center dancers, to do the first anything call (ending, if possible, near the short axis of the starting formation; see note below); Remaining Outsides (2 or 4 dancers) move toward the Center (without changing their facing direction) and work with the original Centermost dancers to do the second anything call.
From Facing Lines (or a R-H Tidal Wave).
Ends in Facing Lines.
Chisel Thru is a 3-part call.
Alternative definition: Concentric Pass In; Split Pass In; Pass In.
From Facing Couples.
Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box.
Circle To A Wave is a 2-part call.
From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations.
Centers Cast Off 3/4 and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Outsides Cast Back, Touch 1/2 and Step & Fold.
This is a 4-part CONCEPT.
Note: If the given call can be done from either a Box or a Line, (e.g., from Parallel Waves, 1/2 Crazy Counter Rotate 1/4) do the Box version of the call.
From Parallel Lines with the Ends in Tandem or from Promenade (in which case, the designated dancers act as Leaders in Parallel Two-Faced Lines).
Adjust as necessary to end in Parallel Lines.
Cross & Wheel | As Couples Hinge; As Couples Step & Fold. |
Cross Trade & Wheel | As Couples Hinge; Very Centers Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. |
Grand Cross Trade & Wheel | As Couples Hinge; Triple Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. |
Single Cross & Wheel | Hinge; Step & Fold. |
Single Cross Trade & Wheel | Hinge; Centers Trade; Step & Fold. |
Grand Single Cross & Wheel | Hinge; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold as Others Step Thru). |
Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel | Hinge; Center pairs of dancers Trade; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold as Others Step Thru). |
From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.
Leaders U-Turn Back as Trailers Diagonally Pull By using outside hands.
A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Mini-Wave Box.
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The inside 4 dancers work together to do the given call but end on the outside, as the outside 4 dancers work together to do the given call but end on the inside.
Cross Concentric is the same as Concentric [C1] except that the inside dancers end on the outside, and vice versa.
Shape-changing rules for Concentric also apply to Cross Concentric. Details are given below, in the 'Shape Changing' section.
From Parallel Columns of {n}, where n is greater than or equal to 3.
The First n dancers (where n corresponds to the given fraction, see first note below) as a unit Trail Off to end in Concentric Columns of n as the remaining dancers, using Circulates, move forward to form a compact formation.
Outsides Cross Cast Back as Centers do an Everybody Cross Fold (danced as a Step Thru & Partner Trade); all Slide Thru.
A 3/4 Tag ends in generalized Columns.
Cross Ramble is a 2-part call.
Facing Lines end in Facing Lines; Eight Chain Thru ends in Eight Chain Thru.
Cross The "K" is a 2-part call.
Outsides 1/2 Zoom & Hinge as Centers Counter Rotate 1/4.
Identified dancers work together in a setup which has gaps (consisting of other dancers or empty space) between some of the identified dancers. Identified dancers must end within the same set of planes as they started, or as close to these planes as possible.
From applicable formations with the Centers in a 2 x 2.
Center 4 (Concentric) Walk & Dodge as the Others do their part of the anything call.
From a Diamond or Generalized Single 1/4 Tag with the Centers in a Mini-Wave.
Centers do your part of Extend the Tag as the Others 1/4 toward the given direction (relative to the 4-dancer formation). Adjust to end in a 2 x 2.
From Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds.
Do a total of 4 Diamond Circulates, one of which is Interlocked. The Interlocked Diamond Circulate is done after you become the Very Centers. Exchange The Diamond can be fractionalized into fourths.
From Parallel Two-Faced Lines or other applicable formations.
Centers Any Hand 3/4 Thru as Ends Circulate once and a half; Outside 4 of the Line of 6 Concentric Wheel & Deal as lonesome outside dancer Counter Rotate 1/4.
Ends in a 1/4 Tag.
From Generalized Columns.
Ends slide apart (to allow for two dancer-sized positions of space between them) as Centers do two Phantom Column Circulates; all adjust to end such that the resulting Lines are close together.
The Funny CONCEPT means that only those dancers who can do the next part of the given call without using phantoms and without ending on the same spot as another dancer do that part of the call.
Note: Funny does not necessarily imply that those facing do the next part.
Do a Circulate to the next position within the given formation if and only if:
{n} indicates the number of times to apply the above rules. After each Funny formation Circulate, re-evaluate your position. Typically, only dancers facing within the Circulate path can move.
From a T-Bone 2 x 2 or other applicable formations.
For each hand, those facing Pull By with the appropriate alternating hand and,
if it is not the last hand, the same dancers 1/4 In (toward the Center of
From Double Pass Thru, Eight Chain Thru, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations.
Those who can Right Pull By; all (move along and) Step to a L-H (Mini-)Wave; Centers Courtesy Turn the Ends 1/4 by doing a Left-face U-Turn Back placing their R-H on the End's back and Bend The Line.
From a Line (usually of 4) with the Ends facing the same direction.
Here Comes The Judge [C2]: The End Belle (Right-most End) do your part Ends Trade, as the Others Run one position towards the original End Belle's position. Ends in a Line.
From applicable formations including all 2 x 4 setups, Twin Diamonds, 1/4 Tag, etc.
Hubs | Rims Trade Back starts from Parallel Lines or a Thar | Promenade.
Hubs | Rims Trade anything starts from a Line or other applicable formations.
From Parallel Waves or applicable Parallel 3 & 1 Lines (Ends must be in Tandem; Lead End & adjacent dancer must be in a Mini-Wave).
Out-Facing End and adjacent dancer Recycle as the In-Facing End and adjacent dancer do your part of a Split or Facing Recycle adjusting to end in the Center Wave.
Ends in a 1/4 Tag.
Examples of (symmetric) Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangles:
As with 3 By 1 Triangles, Interlocked 3 By 1 Triangles are usually a Generalized Tandem-Based Triangle instead of Wave-Based Triangle.
Interlocked Triangles consist of two adjacent Triangles, whose Centermost dancers are working with the furthest Outside dancers in a Triangle.
From Parallel Columns.
The First n dancers (where n corresponds to the given fraction. E.g., from Parallel Columns of 4, n=1 for 1/4; 2 for 1/2; 3 for 3/4; 4 for full), as a Tandem unit of n, Peel Off to end in Concentric Columns of n as the Trailing dancers move forward (using Circulates) to form a compact formation.
Centers (or designated dancers) slide sideways toward the Outsides (or non-designated dancers) who move into the vacated space.
From applicable formations.
Designated dancer does the given calls progressively using other dancers as necessary to complete each call.
Ends in various formations.
From applicable formations in which the Outside 4 can Circulate, such as Parallel Lines, Galaxy, Hourglass, Twin Diamonds, Thar, etc.
Centers do the anything call (working in the Center) as the Outside 4 Circulate.
Ends in various formations.
From a 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations.
A generalized 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel Lines.
Designated dancers Run toward the given direction past the designated number, n, of dancer positions. Non-designated dancers do not move or adjust in any manner.
From Columns.
The First n dancers do the part of the call that is normally done by the First Two dancers as the Last m dancers do the part of the call that is normally done by the Last Two dancers.
For example,
3 By 1 Checkmate [C2] : From Columns. First Three dancers Column Circulate 4 positions & 1/4 In as the #4 dancers Circulate 3 positions, 1/4 In, & Circulate. Ends in Parallel 3 & 1 Lines.
3 By 1 Transfer The Column [C2]: From Columns. The First Three dancers Transfer (as a 3-dancer group Trail Off , then individually 1/4 In) as the #4 dancers Circulate 1 & 1/2 and Cast Off 3/4; Center 4 Extend The Tag as Others Step Ahead to end in Parallel 3 & 1 Lines.
An Offset FORMATION is a formation which has been divided into two equal sub-formations that have been shifted some amount relative to the dividing line.
Divide the overall formation along its long axis into planes of dancers (e.g., a 1 x 8 has eight planes; a 2 x 4 has four planes). Dancers occupying every other plane work together to do the given call. At the end of the given call, the dancers in one set of planes must end within their original set of planes.
A Once Removed Diamond is a Diamond in which you work with the dancers occupying the positions on every other plane from you.
Outsides do their part of a Facing or Split Recycle as the Centers do their part of a Facing or Split Recycle working on the diagonal with the outside dancers with whom the End of the Center Line is facing.
Ends in Parallel Waves.
A Parallelogram is an offset 2 x 4 which is typically in the following shape:
From an applicable 2 x 2 or an applicable "Z" (such as the "Z" obtained from a Wave after the Ends Fold).
Leaders Peel Off | Trail Off, as Trailers (Step Ahead if necessary) & Hinge.
A non-T-Bone ends in a Diamond.
Circulate; 1/2 Split Circulate; Centers Hinge, Box Circulate & Trade as the Ends Circulate twice (around the outside).
Parallel Waves end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
From the given formation or any applicable formation.
Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as the Others Counter Rotate 1/4.
Ends in the given formation.
From Twin Diamonds.
Very Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as the Others Counter Rotate 1/4.
Ends in Twin Diamonds.
Move forward to the next Triangle position, changing your facing direction (by turning toward the Center of the Triangle) 90° or 180° as appropriate to change a Tandem-Based Triangle into a Wave-Based Triangle or vice-versa.
This is a 4-part concept.
From a Diamond.
Ends in a Line.
From a Galaxy.
Ends in Parallel Lines.
From a Line or Alamo Ring.
Designated dancers, working toward the Center of the Line, successively do a Partner Trade with each dancer until reaching the far end of the Line. Ripple n means to Trade with a total of n dancers. n can include a fraction (e.g., Ripple 2 & 1/2 means to Partner Trade with 2 successive dancers and then 1/2 Partner Trade with the third dancer).
Rotary Spin [C1]: Fra Eight Chain Thru (eller Parallelle Right Hand Waves). Alle laver Right Pull By; Outsides laver Courtesy Turn and Roll mens Centers laver Step to a Left Hand Oceanwave og laver Cast Off 3/4. Ender i Parallelle Right Hand Waves.
Rotary anything [C2]: From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn & Roll as Centers Step To A L-H Wave and do the anything call. Ending formation (dependent upon the anything call) can be Parallel Lines, Diamonds, Hourglass, etc.
Rotates (Rotate, Reverse Rotate, Single Rotate, and Reverse Single Rotate) are listed on different challenge lists according to the starting formation.
The center point of your setup is the very center point of the square (commonly called the "flagpole center") except in the following cases:
Rotate | As Couples 1/4 To Promenade |
Reverse Rotate | As Couples 1/4 To Reverse Promenade |
Single Rotate | Individually 1/4 To Promenade |
Reverse Single Rotate | Individually 1/4 To Reverse Promenade |
From a Squared Set, active dancers work around the outside of the set. The inactive dancers should move into the center of the set.
Centers Hinge, Very Center Two Trade, and all 4 Centers Roll as Outsides Circulate 1 & 1/2; any Outsides which line up with the resulting Center Column Face In; those in the Center Column (usually 6, but sometimes 4 or 8 dancers) start a 'Grand' Pass Thru until the original Center 4 have cleared the Center and any Trailing dancers have a compact R-H setup; original Center 4 have the first dancer Left Peel Off as second dancer Right Peel Off and adjust as necessary to end as a Couple (Zag-Zig & Explode).
Usually ends in a R-H 1/4 Line or a L-H 1/4 Tag.
From a Mini-Wave (or Facing Dancers).
Ends in an opposite-handed Mini-Wave.
Shazam is a 2-part call.
Designated dancers or dancers within a designated formation work as a unit (similar to As Couples or Tandem) to perform the given call.
From Facing Couples or T-Bone 2 x 2s in which everyone is a Trailer.
Facing Couples end in Back-to-Back Couples.
From an Inverted Box (one R-H Mini-Wave and one L-H Mini-Wave) or other applicable 2 x 2.
Leaders Box Circulate as Trailers Crossover Circulate (within the Box).
Ends in a 2 x 2.
From Tandem Couples, Mini-Wave Box, or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.
All 1/4 In; original Leaders move ahead to the dancer in front of them and join R-H while original Trailers adjust sideways as necessary to end in a R-H Mini-Wave Box.
A non-T-Bone 2 x 2 ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box.
Stagger means to take a 16-Matrix formation, typically Interlocked Blocks [C1], and to work as if you were in Columns. Upon completion of the given call, each dancer must end on one of the footprints of the original formation. Shape-changing calls are allowed with the restriction that it must be possible for each dancer to unambiguously adjust to end on one of the footprints of the original formation. When the starting formation is Interlocked Blocks, the Diagonal acts as the controlling feature for re-establishing the footprints of the resulting formation.
From various formations.
Centers Step Ahead (usually a Press Ahead); Ends do the anything call.
From an 8-dancer formation (a 2 x 4 for Stretched Box; a 1 x 8 for Stretched Column | Line | Wave).
Viewing the formation along its long axis, group the dancers into pairs (two adjacent dancers). Each center pair works with the furthest outside pair to do the given call, ending such that the 4 dancers are entirely on that far side.
From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or a 1 x 8 Inverted Line.
Arm Turn 1/2; Center pairs of dancers Hinge and (Columns of 3) Circulate as the Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; Center pairs of dancers Grand Peel & Trail (#1 Peel Off, others Extend and Trade) as the others Extend.
A Tidal Wave or Facing Lines ends in Parallel Waves.
Do the anything call; Centers Trade as Ends U-Turn Back by turning away from the Center of the (4-dancer) formation (i.e., 1/4 Out & Roll).
The Triangle [Working As A Box] CONCEPT allows for a call normally done from a 2 x 2 to be done from a generalized Tandem-Based Triangle.
Unless otherwise specified by the caller, the Apex dancer always acts as a Trailer whereas the Base dancers have clear Leader-Trailer roles. This leaves one 'phantom' in the execution of the call. The three dancers and the phantom work together to execute the given call. At the completion of the call, a space may be reserved for the phantom dancer (see note below).
From an applicable 2 x 2.
As one movement, Zig-Zag, Complete The Tag (Tandem Step Thru) and Turn 1/4 in your initial turning direction.
A Non T-Bone 2 x 2 ends in a Generalized Line.
From the given formation.
The two dancers who are closest to the Center of the set and who are facing in lead the Unwrap by walking straight ahead (moving slightly inward as necessary) to become #1 in a Column. Other dancers do formation Circulates until reaching the lead dancer's starting position & then walk straight ahead to follow the lead dancer.
Ends in Columns.
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2.
Lead Couples (if any) Single Wheel as Trailing Couples (if any) do 1/2 of a Half Sashay as Mini-Wave dancers (if any) do an 'adjusting' Leads Fold; all do the anything call. Typically the anything call is done from the resulting 1 x 4.
From Back-to-Back Couples or Tandem Couples.
Wheel The Ocean | Sea is a 2-part call.
From Columns.
#1 og #2: | Trail Off and new Ends (#1) Run; |
#3: | Circulate and U-Turn Back (by turning toward the Center); |
#4: | Circulate and Press Out. |
Mini-Wave Columns end in Parallel Waves.
From a 2 x 4 in which the Centers are in Generalized Columns, or from other applicable formations.
Centers 1/4 Out and Run (away from the Center of the Set) around the Outside dancers (who move into the Center without changing their facing direction) so that original Centers are facing on the Outside. This is a Zip Code 1. Ends Pass Thru (Zip Code 2); Ends Bend (Zip Code 3); Ends Pass Thru (Zip Code 4); Ends Bend (Zip Code 5); Ends Pass Thru (Zip Code 6); Ends Bend (Zip Code 7); etc.