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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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C1 definitions from the Ceder Chest of C1 and C2 Ceder Chest of C1 and C2.

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2/3 Recycle

In Challenge dancing, Recycle from a Wave is a 3-part call.

From a Wave:

  1. Centers Fold behind Ends and all adjust to a Mini-Wave Box;
  2. Box Counter Rotate 1/4.
  3. Roll.

3 By 2 Acey Deucey

From applicable formations.

Outside Triangles Circulate as the Very Centers Trade.

any Tagging call Back (To A Wave)

Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Back. Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.

anything Chain Thru

Do the anything call; Very Centers Trade; Center 4 Cast Off 3/4.

anything The Axle

From any formation in which the anything call ends in a Trade By, Completed Double Pass Thru, or R-H 3/4 Tag.

Do the anything call; Outsides Cross Cast Back as Centers Complete The Tag (Pass Thru or Step Thru as necessary so that the Centers are back-to-back); all Trade; Centers Trade.

Ends in Facing Lines.

anything The Windmill

From various formations.

All or Center 4 do the anything call; Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Outsides 1/4 toward the given direction & Circulate twice. Ends in various formations.

anything To A Wave

Do the anything call, omitting the final Extend or Step Thru. Optionally, the caller could say Hold The Line | Wave to mean the same thing.

Ah So

From any Line of 4.

Ends Cross Fold while holding onto adjacent dancers.

A Wave ends in a Mini-Wave Box.

All 8 Recycle

From a 1/4 Tag (or Squared Set or Thar).

Wave dancers Recycle, taking a wider arc than normal, to end as Couples on the outside as the Outside dancers move into the Center & do a Box Recycle to end in the Center Wave.

A 1/4 Tag setup ends in a 1/4 Tag.

Alter The Wave

From a Wave or Facing Couples.

  1. Arm Turn 1/2;
  2. Centers Cast Off 3/4 as Ends U-Turn Back;
  3. Counter Rotate the Diamond 1/2;
  4. Flip The Diamond.

Ends in a Wave (of opposite handedness). Alter The Wave is a 4-part call.

Block Formation

A Block FORMATION consists of two overlapping Boxes of 4. Typically, one of the corners of one Box is positioned at the very center of the other Box, and vice-versa. Dancers in each Box work together in a disconnected setup, independent of the dancers in the other Box.


Who works with whom in a Block.

Box Recycle

From Facing Couples, a Mini-Wave Box, or a Box consisting of one R-H Mini-Wave and one In-facing Couple.

Those who are a Couple do your part of a (Facing) Recycle as those in a Mini-Wave do a Leaders Trail Off as Trailers 1/2 Box Circulate and U-Turn Back by turning toward the Center of the 4-dancer formation.

Ends in a Wave.

Butterfly Formation

A Butterfly consists of dancers occupying the following spots in a 4 x 4 Matrix:


From here... imagine you are here.

A Butterfly is considered to be distorted Columns, as if the outside dancers slid apart from normal Columns.

Cast Back, Cross Cast Back

From a 2 x 2.

Cast Back:
Leaders or those designated, as one movement, Peel Off & Step Ahead to end adjacent to the dancer (or the position) that was immediately behind them. Trailers and non-designated dancers do not move.

Cross Cast Back:
Leaders or those designated, as one movement, Trail Off and Step Ahead to end adjacent to the position that is diagonally opposite in their Box.

Chain Reaction [by definition, C1]

From an applicable generalized 1/4 Tag.

Very Centers and the directly facing Outside dancers do a Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line Counter Rotate 1/4 (on the Outside); Centers of each side Hinge; Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade; Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate).

Ends in Parallel Lines|Waves.

Chase Your Neighbor

From Back-to-Back Couples.

Belles Right-face U-Turn Back & all Box Circulate; Follow Your Neighbor.

Ends in a L-H Wave.


From Columns.

First Two Checkmate The Column as Last Two Extend (using Circulates) to a Box, Cast Off 3/4, Slither, and As Couples Extend.

Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.

Circle By fraction By fraction | anything

From Facing Couples.

  1. Circle Left the first given fraction and Step To A R-H Wave;
  2. Arm Turn the second given fraction or do the anything call.

Concentric Concept

From 8-dancer formations consisting of 4 inside dancers and 4 outside dancers.

The inside 4 dancers do the given call working within the Center of the set as the outside 4 dancers do the given call working with each other, around the outside of the set.

Counter Rotate fraction

From applicable formations.

Walk forward in an arc, for a total of fraction of a circle, around the flagpole center of the set, keeping the same distance from the center of the set.

Cross & Turn, Reverse Cross & Turn

From Facing Couples.

Cross & Turn:
Beaus diagonally Right Pull By as Belles U-Turn Back.

Reverse Cross & Turn:
Belles diagonally Left Pull By as Beaus U-Turn Back.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Cross By

From Parallel Waves or a Thar.

As one movement, 1/2 Circulate and Slide (nose-to-nose).

A Thar ends in an opposite-handed Thar; Parallel Waves end in a Thar.

Alternative definition: As one movement, Slip The Clutch & Spread.

Cross Chain & Roll

From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves).

Right Pull By; outsides Courtesy Turn and Roll as Centers L-H Star 1/2 to end in Parallel R-H Waves.

Cross Chain Thru

From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves).

Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn as Centers L-H Star 1/2 to face the Outside Couple.

Ends in an Eight Chain Thru.

Cross Extend

From a Single 1/4 Tag or a Mini-Wave Box.

As one movement, Extend the Tag and those ending in a Mini-Wave Slide nose-to-nose.

Ends in an opposite-handed formation.

Cross Roll To A Wave | Line

From any Line of 4.

Centers Cross Run as Ends Run.

A Two-Faced Line ends in a Wave and vice-versa.

Cross Your Neighbor

From a Mini-Wave Box or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2.

Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back (Roll twice) as Trailers Cross Extend & Arm Turn 3/4.

A Mini-Wave Box ends in an opposite-handed Two-Faced Line.

Cut | Flip The Galaxy

From a Galaxy.

Cut The Galaxy [C1]:
Outsides slide together and Trade (Star 1/2) as Centers Galaxy Circulate.

Flip The Galaxy [C1]:
Centers Galaxy Circulate as Outsides Phantom Run (flip in toward each other).

Usually ends in a generalized Thar

Dixie Diamond

From Facing Couples or a Single Double Pass Thru.

  1. Dixie Style To A Wave;
  2. Centers Hinge as the Ends U-Turn Back.

Ends in a R-H Diamond.

Dixie Diamond is a 2-part call.

Dixie Sashay

From Facing Couples or a Single Double Pass Thru.

Dixie Style To A Wave & Slither.

Ends in a L-H Two-Faced Line.

Finish (A) anything

Do the anything call leaving off the first part.

Flip The Line

From a Wave.

As one movement, Centers Run and all Any Shoulder Tag The Line to the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.

Follow Thru

From a Mini-Wave Box, applicable T-Bone 2 x 2, or Single 1/4 Tag.

1/2 Scoot Back.

Galaxy Formation | Circulate

A Galaxy FORMATION consists of a Box inside of a Diamond. This is the opposite of an Hourglass FORMATION which consists of a Diamond inside of a Box.

Galaxy Circulate [C1]: From a Galaxy. The Circulate path of a Galaxy consists of 8 spots. Move up to the next position in the Galaxy (Box dancers move forward into the next outside Diamond position, as Diamond dancers move forward into the next Center position). Your new facing direction is determined by the dancer currently occupying the spot to which you will move. You must either face the same direction as that dancer (i.e., you are following his or her back), or 180° in the opposite direction (facing Galaxy Circulate). This means that sometimes your facing direction will change 90° and sometimes your facing direction will not change at all. From a normal R-H or L-H Galaxy, the traffic pattern of Galaxy Circulate results in all dancers moving in either a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, respectively. If no dancers come to the same spot, then Galaxy Circulate ends in a Galaxy.


There are two different uses of the Ignore CONCEPT.

In both cases the ignored dancers do not move.

Interlocked Diamond Formation

An Interlocked Diamond FORMATION consists of the same footprints as normal Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. The only difference is that each Centermost dancer is working with the 3 dancers in the far Diamond.

Interrupt CONCEPT

  1. Do the first given call up to a specified part of its definition;
  2. do the second given call;
  3. do the remaining portions of the first given call.


From applicable 2-(or more) dancer formations.

All (or designated dancers) do a diagonal Pass Thru, to end in the other dancer's starting position and face opposite to the other dancer's original facing direction.

Linear Action

From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations.

Centers Hinge & Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; those who meet (Center 4) Cast Off 3/4 as the Others move up (as in Chain Reaction).

Ends in Parallel Waves, Parallel 3 & 1 Lines, or a Parallelogram (if outside dancers end on the same spot).


From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations.

Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold.

A R-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Waves, a L-H 3/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines.

Magic Column Concept

A Magic Column typically consists of Parallel Columns in which the Center dancers are holding the opposite hands from the Outside dancers (i.e., the Outsides are holding R-H as the Centers are holding L-H, or vice-versa).

L-H Magic Columns R-H Magic Columns

Magic Column Circulate [C1]: From applicable Generalized Columns. In-Facing Ends and Out-Facing Centers Crossover Circulate as Others Circulate. An alternative way of thinking of this is that you do a Crossover Circulate if and only if your next Circulate would take you from an End to a Center or vice-versa. Otherwise do a normal Circulate. From normal Magic Columns, the traffic pattern has the Out-Facing Center dancer moving first (in front of the In-Facing End dancer who must wait). This is important in case the caller calls a Magic Column 1/2 Circulate, since sometimes this will cause you to pass Right-shoulders and sometimes Left-shoulders.

Make Magic

From Generalized Columns of 4 (usually a 1/4 Box or Magic Columns) or other applicable formations.

Any Out-Facing Centers who are facing an Outside dancer do a Pass Thru with that dancer as any In-Facing Centers diagonally Pull By (with each other) using outside hands.

"O" Formation

An "O" consists of dancers occupying the following spots in a 4 x 4 matrix:


From here... imagine you are here.

An "O" is considered to be Distorted Columns, as if the Centers slid apart from normal Columns.

Pass The Axle

From Eight Chain Thru, Parallel R-H Waves, or other applicable formations.

  1. Pass Thru;
  2. Centers Pass Thru as Ends Cross Cast Back;
  3. all Trade;
  4. Centers Trade.

Ends in Facing Lines. Pass The Axle is a 4-part call.


From Parallel Waves, applicable Parallel Lines, Eight Chain Thru, 2 x 4 T-Bones, or other applicable formations.

  1. Circulate;
  2. 1/2 Circulate;
  3. Those in the Center Line do a Hinge & Cross as the Others Any Hand Turn Thru.

Usually ends in Back-to-Back Lines or T-Bones (with everyone facing out).

Phantom Concept

The idea for the Phantom CONCEPT is to overlap two sets of Parallel Columns | Lines | Waves at 90° to each other, filling in the blank spots with "ghost dancers."

Do the given call working with imaginary dancers (i.e., Phantoms). Assume that the Phantoms are in whatever position, have whatever facing direction, and are of whatever sex is necessary in order to execute the given call. The call is then danced with both the dancers and the Phantoms participating. Keep track of the Phantoms that you are working with and reserve space for them at the completion of the call.


From a Generalized 3/4 Tag (usually a R-H 3/4 Tag) or other applicable formations.

  1. Little (Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold);
  2. Split Circulate twice;
  3. Outsides Counter Rotate 1/4 and Roll as the Center four Concentric 1/2 Zoom.

Usually ends in a 1/4 Tag.


The Prefer CONCEPT does not have a clear-cut definition and in most cases is call-dependent.

In general, the 'Preferred' dancers do the first part of the call, the given part of the call, or the most obvious or active part of the call. The caller will usually say 'Prefer the anyone: anything' or 'anyone is Preferred: anything.' The caller may also indicate which part of the given call the Preferred dancers are to do.

Press direction

Press Ahead [C1]:
Designated dancers move one position forward.

Press Back [C1V]:
Designated dancers move one position backward. Press Back is typically only used as a gimmick.

Press In|Out|Right|Left [C2]:
As one movement, designated dancers move one position forward and one position toward the given direction.


From a 3/4 Tag or other applicable formations.

Outsides Cast Back (Peel Off) as Centers Fold to face each other (danced as a Single Wheel); all Slide Thru.

A 3/4 Tag ends in general Columns. Ramble is a 2-part call.


From Parallel Lines or other applicable formations.

Centers Trade & Roll as Outsides 1/4 Out, Trade & Veer Out (Press Out).

Parallel Lines end in Facing Lines.

Relay The Shadow

From a Tidal Wave, Facing Lines, or other applicable formations.

Arm Turn 1/2; Center 6 Cast Off 3/4 as Very Ends Counter Rotate 1/4; resulting Center Wave Hinge & Spread (to become Ends of Parallel Waves) as Others do the Centers part of Cast A Shadow (Leaders Cloverleaf as Trailers Extend; Hinge; Extend).

Ends in Parallel Waves.

Relay The Top

From Parallel Waves, Eight Chain Thru, or other applicable formations.

Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends 1/2 Circulate; Centers turn the Star 1/4 as Others Trade; those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate).

Ends in Parallel Waves.


Do the given call, X, substituting a given part, Y, of that call with another given call, Z.

Typically the caller will say something like

  • Replace Y with Z: X
  • X, (but) Replace Y with Z

Reverse Explode [from a Wave]

From a Wave or Inverted Line.

As one movement, Step Thru and 1/4 Out.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Rotary Spin | anything

Rotary Spin [C1]: From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn & Roll as Centers Step To A L-H Wave and Cast Off 3/4. Ends in Parallel R-H Waves.

Rotary anything [C2]: From an Eight Chain Thru (or Parallel R-H Waves). Right Pull By; Outsides Courtesy Turn & Roll as Centers Step To A L-H Wave and do the anything call. Ending formation (dependent upon the anything call) can be Parallel Lines, Diamonds, Hourglass, etc.


Rotates (Rotate, Reverse Rotate, Single Rotate, and Reverse Single Rotate) are listed on different challenge lists according to the starting formation.

At C1,
Rotates can only be called from a Generalized Squared Set, or from similar formations (e.g., from Columns, the Ends only).
At C2,
Rotates can also be called from Parallel Lines or from a 2 x 2 (e.g., In Your Block Single Rotate 1/4).
At C3B,
Rotates can also be called from Columns.

Procedure for dancing Rotates:
  1. Identify the center point of your setup.

    The center point of your setup is the very center point of the square (commonly called the "flagpole center") except in the following cases:

    1. If you are in a 2 x 4 formation and are in Lines, the center point is the Center of each Box (i.e., work Split). If you are in a 2 x 4 T-Bone, the center point for the Column dancers is the flagpole center, whereas the Line dancers are working Split.
    2. If Rotate is preceded by the term Split, then divide your formation into two equal subformations. The center point is the Center of your subformation. From a 2 x 4, Split means to divide the setup into two 2 x 2s, not two 1 x 4s.
    3. If Rotate is preceded by the name of a formation in which to work, the center point is the Center of that formation. For example, from Columns consider 'Each Column Single Rotate 1/4'. In this case, the center point is the Center of the 1 x 4 setup.
  2. Turn 1/4 relative to that center point according to the following rules:

    RotateAs Couples 1/4 To Promenade
    Reverse RotateAs Couples 1/4 To Reverse Promenade
    Single RotateIndividually 1/4 To Promenade
    Reverse Single RotateIndividually 1/4 To Reverse Promenade

    1/4 To Promenade
    Turn 1/4 so that your left shoulder is toward the Center of your formation.
    1/4 To Reverse Promenade
    Turn 1/4 so that your right shoulder is toward the Center of your formation.
  3. Counter Rotate the given fraction around that center point.

    From a Squared Set, active dancers work around the outside of the set. The inactive dancers should move into the center of the set.

Scatter Scoot

From Parallel Waves or applicable T-Bone 2 x 4s.

Leaders (all 8) Circulate as Trailers Scoot Back.

Parallel Waves end in Parallel Waves.


From Back-to-Back Couples or a T-Bone 2 x 2 in which everyone is a Leader.

As one movement, Belles 1/4 Out & Run as Beaus Run & Roll.

Left Shakedown:
As one movement, Beaus 1/4 Out & Run as Belles Run & Roll.

Back-to-Back Couples ends in Facing Couples.


Siamese means 'As Couples or In Tandem'. That is, those who are a Couple work As Couples, and the others work In Tandem to do the given call.

Split [Square Thru] Concept

From a T-Bone setup.

Those facing (or those in a R-H Mini-Wave) Right Pull By & individually turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers; all Finish the given call.

Square Chain The Top

From Facing Couples (or a R-H Wave).

Right Pull By & 1/4 In; Step To A L-H Wave; (Left) Spin The Top; (Left) Turn Thru.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Square The Bases

From Facing Lines (or a R-H Tidal Wave).

  1. Centers Square Thru 3 as Ends Pass Thru & Ends Bend;
  2. Split Square Thru 2;
  3. Trade By.

Ends in an Eight Chain Thru.


Side-by-side adjacent dancers (those in a Mini-Wave or a Couple) Trade & Slide apart (allowing for two dancer-sized positions of space between them) while far apart dancers slide together & Trade.

Squeeze is a 2-part call.

anyone Start (A) anything

Those designated do the first part of the anything call; all do the remainder of the anything call.

Step & Flip

From a Line or other applicable 4-dancer formation.

Centers Step Ahead as Ends Run into the adjacent Center position.

Ends in either a Box (2 x 2) or a "Z" (4 spots within a 2 x 3 Matrix).

Step & Fold

From a Wave, Inverted Line or other applicable formations.

Centers Step Ahead (1/2 Press Ahead) as Ends Fold.

A Wave ends in a Mini-Wave Box, an Inverted Line ends in Tandem Couples.

Stretch Concept

From applicable 8-dancer formations.

Do the given 4-dancer call with the resulting Centers ending in the far Center positions. The given call must be a call that can be done with four dancers.

To get to the proper ending position, it is always possible to do the call in each group of 4, and then those who end as the centermost 4 dancers do a 'Substitute' with each other, moving away from the dancers with whom they have done the call. To dance this smoothly, the substitution is accomplished at some time during the call. This optimal time (usually toward call completion) varies and is dependent upon the call.

Swing & Circle (fraction)

From a Double Pass Thru, 1/4 Tag, or other applicable formations.

Centers (Step To A Wave if not already in a Wave) Swing-Slip; Outside 6 move clockwise (if the End of the Center Wave is facing clockwise) or counter-clockwise (if the End of the Center Wave is facing counter-clockwise) one position within the Outside Six and adjust as necessary to end in a 1/4 Tag.

Swing The Fractions

From Parallel Waves, Facing Diamonds, Thar, Alamo Ring, or other applicable formations.

  1. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4;
  2. those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2;
  3. those who can Right Arm Turn 3/4;
  4. those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2;
  5. those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4.

Swing The Fractions is a 5-part call.

Switch The Line

From any Line of 4.

Centers Run as Ends Cross Run.

Ends in a Line.

Switch To An Interlocked Diamond

From applicable Parallel Lines (usually Parallel Waves).

Centers Run as Ends do your part Interlocked Diamond Circulate.

T-Bone Concept

T-Bone is a name given to any (usually rectangular) setup in which at least one dancer's facing direction is 90 degrees off relative to another dancers' facing direction. The word 'T-Bone' is typically not said unless the caller wishes to emphasize that the dancers should pay attention.

When doing calls from T-Bone formations, do your part of the given call. Assume that dancers T-Boned to you are facing in whatever direction is necessary for you to do your part of the call. Usually, you will not interact much with those who are T-Boned to you, and the call may feel quite different than when done from a normal setup.


From Parallel Waves, applicable Parallel Lines, Trade By, applicable 2 x 4 T-Bones, or other applicable formations.

1/2 Circulate; those in the resulting Center Line|Wave Hinge & 1/2 Box Circulate as the Others Trade; those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as the Others move up (Phantom Hourglass Circulate).

Ends in Parallel Lines|Waves (or a Parallelogram if dancers end on the same spot).


A Tandem unit consists of one dancer immediately behind another. Both dancers must be facing the same direction. The two dancers work together as if they were a single dancer to do the given call. Tandem is similar to As Couples [A1], but instead of being side-by-side, the dancers are front-to-back.

Triangle Formation | Identification

Triangle FORMATION [C1]: A Triangle is a 3-dancer formation consisting of 2 Base dancers and an Apex dancer.

In a Tandem-Based Triangle the Base dancers form a Generalized Tandem; in a Wave-Based Triangle, the Base dancers form a Generalized Couple.

Triple Box Formation

Triple Box is the name of a formation consisting of three adjacent 2 x 2 setups, some of which contain phantom positions. When doing Triple Box calls, work with the phantoms and real dancers in your 2 x 2. Keep track of the phantoms and allow space for them upon completion of the call.

Triple Column | Line | Wave Formation

A Triple Column | Line | Wave is the name of a formation consisting of three adjacent 1 x 4 formations (Columns, Lines, or Waves) some of which contain phantom positions. Work with the dancers and phantoms within your 4-spot formation. Keep track of the phantoms and allow space for them upon the completion of the call. There should be a total of 12 dancer | phantom positions before and after each call.

Twist And anything

From a Line with the Centers facing the same direction, or from other applicable formations.

Centers Step Ahead and Trade as Ends 1/4 In, Step Ahead and do the anything call.

Twist The Line

From a Line with the Centers facing the same direction.

Centers Step Ahead and Trade as Ends 1/4 In, Step Ahead and Star Thru.

Twist The Line is a sex-dependent call since it involves a Star Thru.

Vertical (fraction) Tag (The Line)

From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2.

Vertical [C2]; Extend to the given fractional Tag formation. Fraction can be 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.

  • From a Mini-Wave, Vertical is a Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate and Roll as Trailers 1/2 Dodge.
  • From an Out-Facing Couple, Vertical is a Single Wheel.
  • From an In-Facing Couple, Vertical is 1/2 of a Half Sashay (Belle goes in front of Beau).


From a Mini-Wave Box (or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2) or a Single Eight Chain Thru.

Pass Thru or Step Thru; Ends 1/4 To Handhold as Centers, using the opposite hand from the shoulder just passed, do a Touch 1/4.

Ends in a Wave.

Wheel And anything

From applicable formations with one or more Out-Facing Couples not directly looking at any other dancers.

Wheel And anything:
Out-Facing Couples (Step Ahead if necessary, and) Promenade 1/4 on the outside (As Couples 1/4 Left; Counter Rotate 1/4, As Couples 1/4 In). The Others (move in to the center if necessary, and) do the anything call.

Reverse Wheel And anything:
Out-Facing Couples Reverse Promenade 1/4; the Others (move in and) do the anything call.

Wheel Fan Thru

From Facing Couples.

Wheel Fan Thru:
Beaus Extend (to join R-H with each other), Arm Turn 3/4 and Extend as Belles 1/4 Right.

Left Wheel Fan Thru:
Belles Extend (to join L-H), Arm Turn 3/4 and Extend as Beaus 1/4 Left.

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

With The Flow

From Facing Couples.

This call must be preceded by a call in which the dancers have some sort of turning flow (i.e., all dancers are moving in a Clockwise or Counter Clockwise direction). Any call that can be followed by Sweep 1/4 can also be followed by With The Flow.

The dancers closest to the flow direction Walk (Circulate) as the others Dodge.

Ends in a Mini-Wave Box.


From an applicable 2 x 2.

Leaders, as one movement, 1/4 Out and Run as Trailers Box Circulate and 1/4 In.

A non-T-Bone ends in Facing Couples.
19-October-2024 08:07:26
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