A2 definitions from the ![]()
The All 4 Couples CONCEPT simultaneously activates eight dancers to do a 4-dancer call.
The four dancers at the Heads' position work together to do the given call, while simultaneously, the four dancers at the Sides' position work together to do the same given call.
Dancers at the Heads' position maneuver around the dancers at the Sides' position and vice-versa.
The 4 dancers nearest the Heads' position work together as the 4 dancers nearest the Sides' position work together. All eight dancers work simultaneously using appropriate traffic patterns.
The All 8 CONCEPT is similar to the All 4 Couples CONCEPT [A2] but is usually used from a Generalized Thar instead of from a Generalized Squared Set. Many callers use these terms interchangeably.
Leaders Box Circulate twice and 1/4 In as Trailers Extend, Arm Turn 3/4, and Extend.
A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Mini-Wave Box.
First Two (#1 and #2) Circulate 4 spots & 1/4 In as Last Two (#3 and #4) Circulate twice, 1/4 In, & Circulate.
Normal Columns end in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
Usually ends in Parallel Lines.
Usually ends in Parallel Lines.
Diamond Chain Thru is a 3-part call.
An Hourglass FORMATION consists of a Diamond inside of a Box. Dancers in the Diamond are the Centers of the Hourglass; dancers in the Box are the Ends (or Points) of the Hourglass.
Hourglass Circulate [A2]: From an Hourglass. The Circulate path of an Hourglass consists of 8 spots. Move forward to the next position in the Hourglass, moving from a Diamond position to a Box position or vice-versa. Change your facing direction (by 90°) if and only if you are moving to or from the Point of the Center Diamond. If the Circulate does not involve dancers ending on the same spot, then Hourglass Circulate ends in an Hourglass.
In-Facing Ends Circulate as the Others Flip (180°) one position down the line toward the vacated End position.
Ends in Parallel Lines.
Leaders Any Shoulder Turn & Deal as Trailers 1/2 Circulate; Very Centers Hinge; and Flip The Diamond.
Ends in a 1/4 Tag.
Parallel Waves end in Parallel Waves.
Out-Facing Ends Circulate as the Others Flip (180°) one position down the line toward the vacated End position.
Ends in Parallel Lines.
Ends in a R-H Mini-Wave Box.
Ends in a L-H Wave.
Leaders Peel Off as Trailers Trail Off.
A Mini-Wave Box ends in a Wave; Tandem Couples end in a One-Faced Line.
Beaus 1/2 Box Circulate and Right-face U-Turn Back as Belles Left Dodge and Veer Left.
Ends in a R-H Wave.
Usually ends in the same formation as the starting formation.
Remake is a 3-part call.
Ends in a Thar.
There are two slightly different definitions for Scoot & Weave depending upon the starting formation.
For the above definitions, Weave is equivalent to Leaders 1/2 Box Circulate as Trailers Cross Extend & Hinge. A precise definition of Weave is given below.
Weave [C1] : From a Mini-Wave Box (or applicable T-Bone 2 x 2) or a Single Eight Chain Thru. Pass Thru or Step Thru; Ends turn 1/4 in place toward the shoulder just passed as Centers, using the opposite hand as the shoulder just passed, do an Arm Turn 1/4. Ends in a Wave.
Each dancer works as if they were a Couple: all Wheel & Deal.
A Mini-Wave ends in Facing Dancers; a Couple ends in Tandem Dancers.
Alternate definition: As one movement, Hinge & Roll.
Generalized Columns or Generalized 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel Lines.
Split Counter Rotate fraction [A2]:
Divide the overall formation into two equal-sized sub-formations (e.g., from a 2x4, work in each 2x2). Locate the center point of each sub-formation. Walk forward in an arc for a total of fraction of a circle, around the flagpole center of the sub-formation, keeping the same distance from the center of the sub-formation.
If the given fraction is 1/4, Parallel Waves end in Mini-Wave Columns and vice-versa.
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
Centers Run as Ends Cross Run.
Ends in a Two-Faced Line.
Leaders Trade as Trailers diagonal Pass Thru.
Parallel Waves end in opposite-handed Parallel Waves;
As one movement, Leaders step forward if necessary, Run (180° toward the center of the 4-dancer formation) and Veer Out as the Trailers step forward if necessary and Trade (passing left-shoulders if facing the same direction).
First Two dancers in the Column (#1 and #2) move forward in Single File around the outside of the other Column until parallel with the Center Box and then individually Face In (to end as a Couple) as the Others step forward to form a compact formation ("normalize") and do the anything call.