Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From Twin Diamonds or Point-to-Point Diamonds. EN: 10
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Do a total of 4 Diamond Circulates, one of which is Interlocked. The Interlocked Diamond Circulate is done after you become the Very Centers. Exchange The Diamond can be fractionalized into fourths. EN: 20
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Exchange The Diamond:

Exchange The Diamond
the upper Diamond
after 1/4 EN: 60
the upper Diamond
after 1/2 EN: 70
the upper Diamond
after 3/4 EN: 80

Diagrammed below are the ending positions of all 8 dancers for the fractional Exchange The Diamond shown above. EN: 90
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Exchange The Diamond
1/4 Exchange The Diamond
1/2 Exchange The Diamond
3/4 Exchange The Diamond

Dancing hint: Dancers leading the exchange should raise a hand to identify themselves so that the other dancers in their Diamond can follow them. EN: 100
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Exchange The Box [C3A]:
From a 2 x 4. Do a total of four Split Circulates, except that when you become the In-facing Center do your next Circulate to your diagonal opposite position (crossing over into the other Box). Exchange The Box can be fractionalized into fourths. EN: 326

Exchange The Triangle [C3A] (Dave Hodson 1979):
From Twin Triangles. Do a total of three Triangle Circulates except that when 1) you become the Apex dancer (for Apex-to-Apex Triangles), or 2) you become the In-facing Base dancer (for Base-to-Base Triangles); do your next Circulate to the other Triangle. (From Apex-to-Apex Triangles, the Circulate is an Interlocked Triangle Circulate; from Base-to-Base Triangles, the Circulate is to the diagonal opposite position.) Exchange The Triangle can be fractionalized into thirds. EN: 325

General Notes for all ExchangesEN: 110
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  • Do Circulates staying on the inside of your formation until the crossover point, and then do Circulates staying on the outside of the other formation (and adjust to end on footprints of the original formation). EN: 120
  • The crossover point is the Very Center (if there is one), or the In-Facing Center (otherwise). EN: 130 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.