Do a total of three Triangle Circulates except that when you become 1) the Apex
dancer (for Apex-to-Apex Triangles), or 2) the In-Facing Base dancer
(for Base-to-Base Triangles); do your next Circulate to the other Triangle.
(From Apex-to-Apex Triangles, the Circulate is an Interlocked Triangle
Circulate; from Base-to-Base Triangles, the Circulate is to the diagonal
opposite position.)
Exchange The Triangle can be fractionalized into
EN: 20 Gör totalt tre Triangle Circulate utom att när 1) du blir
Apex dansare (i Apex-to-Apex Triangles), eller 2) du blir In-Facing Base
dansare (i Base-to-Base Triangles); gör då din nästa Circulate
till den andra Triangle. (Från Apex-to-Apex Triangles, är Circulate
en Interlocked Triangle Circulate; från Base-to-Base Triangles, är
det Circulate till den diagonalt motsatta positionen.)
Exchange The
Triangle kan fraktionaliseras i tredjedelar.
SE: 20