Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Parallel Lines.

  1. Explode;
  2. End Beau Circulate 1 & 1/2 as End Belle Circulate, Veer inward, and U-Turn Back as Centers Touch 1/2 and the Very Centers Cast Off 3/4 while the other Center Step Ahead to form a R-H Star;
  3. Turn the Star 1/4;
  4. The End of the Center Wave walks forward as everyone else follows to Unwrap The Star, and everyone Face In to end in Facing Lines.

Explode The Top
Ends move to their Star position
während Centers Touch 1/2
Very Centers Cast Off 3/4
as remaining Centers Step Ahead
(i.e., before turning the Stars)
Star 1/4;
Very Outsides lead Unwrap The Star;
and Face In


Variation: Explode The Top turn the Star n less (or more) position(s). The leader of the Unwrap is always the dancer who becomes the End of the Center Wave after the Star has turned. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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