Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a Squared Set, after some dancers are instructed to face their partner.

Grand Square is a 32-beat figure that should be danced in time to the music.
Start moving on beat 1, and take a full 32 beats to complete the call.

Starting on beat #1 of an 8-beat phrase, proceed as follows:

Sides Face, Grand Square:

  • Heads' part:
    Beats 1-4:Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face your partner;
    Beats 4-8:Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face the dancer beside you;
    Beats 9-12:Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 13-16:Forward 3 steps, then pause (do not turn). You may 'Patty-cake' with your partner if you'd like). We're 1/2 way through. Now reverse it...
    Beats 17-20:Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 21-24:Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 25-28:Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 29-32:  Backup 3 steps and pause. You're done!
  • Side's part:
    Beats 1-4:Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 5-8:Forward 3 steps (to meet someone), then turn 1/4 to face in (as a couple);
    Beats 9-12:Forward 3 steps to meet original partner, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 13-16:Backup 3 steps and pause (do not turn). Now reverse it...
    Beats 17-20:Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 21-24:Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 25-28:Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in;
    Beats 29-32:  Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in. You're done!

Grand Square
(after Sides Face)
beat 4
 beat 8
 beat 12
 beat 16
beat 20
 beat 24
 beat 28
 beat 32

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