From a Squared Set, after some dancers are instructed to face their partner.
Grand Square is a 32-beat figure that should be danced in time to the music.
Start moving on beat 1, and take a full 32 beats to complete the call.
Starting on beat #1 of an 8-beat phrase, proceed as follows:
Sides Face, Grand Square:
Heads' part:
Beats 1-4: | Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face your partner; |
Beats 4-8: | Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face the dancer beside you; |
Beats 9-12: | Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 13-16: | Forward 3 steps, then pause (do not turn).
You may 'Patty-cake' with your partner if you'd like).
We're 1/2 way through. Now reverse it... |
Beats 17-20: | Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 21-24: | Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 25-28: | Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 29-32: | Backup 3 steps and pause. You're done! |
Side's part:
Beats 1-4: | Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 5-8: | Forward 3 steps (to meet someone), then turn 1/4 to face in (as a couple); |
Beats 9-12: | Forward 3 steps to meet original partner, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 13-16: | Backup 3 steps and pause (do not turn). Now reverse it... |
Beats 17-20: | Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 21-24: | Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 25-28: | Backup 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in; |
Beats 29-32: | Forward 3 steps, then turn 1/4 to face in. You're done! |
Usually cued as 'Sides Face, Grand Square', but could also be cued
as 'Heads Face...', 'Girls (or Boys) Face...'.
Join hands whenever you become a couple (side by side with someone)
Each turn 1/4 is always toward the center of the set. You must
turn 1/4 even if you think you are already facing the center of the set.
Do not turn on beat 16.
Grand Square ends in a Squared Set. Those who originally faced at the
start need to turn 1/4 on beat 32 to end as a couple.
Dance to the beat of the music. Take the full 32 beats.
Turn precisely 1/4 (90°) in place on beats 4, 8, 12, 20, 24, 28, and,
if necessary, 32.
Each dancers traces a small square pattern on the floor.
The caller often says 'Reverse' right before beat 17. At this point dancers
reverse the traffic pattern to end back home.
The caller can fractionalize the call.
For example, Sides Face Grand Square go 10 beats to end in Facing Lines.