Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

Grand Working direction anything is a precise way to state how to do the Grand version of a 4-dancer call. In the past, the Grand version of each call often had to be memorized, since there were slight differences that no single rule would cover.

In order to define Grand Working, we must first define what we mean by a pair. A pair is a set of 2 dancers such that:

  1. The 2 dancers within the pair are physically adjacent.
  2. Each dancer is a member of only one pair.
  3. Pairs are constructed along the long axis of the formation. To obtain the pairs within a formation you need to draw imaginary lines perpendicular to the long axis of the formation, dividing the formation into sets of 2 dancers.

Perhaps another way of looking at a pair is that if the caller were to call a 2-dancer call (such as Partner Tag or Right Roll To A Wave) the paired dancers would (usually) be working with each other.

Examples of pairs:

But be careful: the following diagram does not show pairs as
defined for this purpose, since the grouping violates above rule #3:


With this understanding of a pair in mind, we now look at Grand Working. For Grand Working, each dancer within the overall formation selects a 4-spot sub-formation in which to work. This 4-spot sub-formation consists of the 2 spots in the dancer's pair and the 2 spots in an adjacent pair, which is determined by the given direction.

Each dancer who is in an Outside pair works within the 2 spots in their pair and the 2 spots in the adjacent Center pair.

Each dancer who is in a Center pair works within the 4-spot sub-formation that includes the 2 spots in their pair, and the 2 spots occupied by the nearest pair of dancers that exist toward the given direction. Each of these dancers must individually determine in which 4-spot sub-formation they are to work. The determination is done relative to their own facing direction or to their own position within the overall formation.

When the overall formation is a 1 x {n}, the sub-formations consist of 1 x 4s; when the overall formation is a 2 x {n}, the sub-formations consist of 2 x 2s.

The given direction can be any of the following:


Grand Working (aus einer 1 x 8):

From a 1 x 8 formation,
there are three 4-dancer sub-formations
consisting of adjacent pairs:
sub-formation # 1 sub-formation # 2 sub-formation # 3

Grand Working As Centers (Together):
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 1.
  • Dancers and work within sub-formation # 2.
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 3.

Grand Working As Ends (Apart):
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 1.
  • Dancers and work within sub-formation # 2.
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 3.

Grand Working As Centers | Ends (aus einer 1 x 8):

Das ist die Ausgangsformation
für die folgenden Beispiele:
Grand Working As Centers
Grand Working As Ends

Grand Working As Centers | Ends (aus einer 1 x 6):

Das ist die Ausgangsformation
für die folgenden Beispiele:
Grand Working As Centers
Step & Fold
Grand Working As Ends
Step & Fold

More examples:

Grand Working Left
Travel Thru
Grand Working Right
Wheel Thru

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