We also once saw a caller call
Horseshoe Turn, Centers go 1 & 1/2.
He wanted the Centers to end in a R-H Wave. We believe he was wrong.
The Centers should do a
Partner Tag 1 & 1/2 which is a
1/4 In + Pass Thru + 1/4 In. This ends in Facing Couples, not in a Wave.
EN: 80 Také jsem viděli někoho callerovat
Horseshoe Turn, Centers go 1 & 1/2.
Chtěl, aby Centers skončili v R-H Wave. Věříme, že je to špatně.
Centers měli udělat
Partner Tag 1 & 1/2, což je
1/4 In + Pass Thru + 1/4 In. Toto končí ve Facing Couples, ne ve Wave.
CZ: 80