From Columns with the Ends Facing Out, or from other applicable formations.
Ends Cloverleaf as Centers Partner Tag
(turn 1/4 to face each other & Pass Thru).
Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru.
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| før Horseshoe Turn | | efter
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| før Horseshoe Turn | | efter
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| før Horseshoe Turn | | efter
Center dancers may want to give each other a slight tug with
their joined hands, as an assist toward moving in the correct direction.
Don't get in the habit of doing a Cloverleaf just because you
are facing out. Horseshoe Turn is defined in terms of Ends and
Centers. If you are a Center, your part is to Partner Tag,
even if you're facing out and not looking at anybody.
Horseshoe Turn is not the same as Clover And Partner Tag.
Consider a Squared Set after Heads Pass Thru. From this formation, the
call Clover And Partner Tag is legal, but Horseshoe Turn
is not.
We once saw a caller call Horseshoe Turn from Out-Facing Lines. The
caller wanted the Ends to do a 3/4 Out (like a Cloverleaf in place) as
the Centers Partner Tag. From this formation, Horseshoe Turn
is not legal since the Ends are not starting as if they
were in Columns (i.e., the Ends must start as an Out-Facing Couple).
We also once saw a caller call Horseshoe Turn, Centers go 1 & 1/2.
He wanted the Centers to end in a R-H Wave. We believe he was wrong.
The Centers should do a Partner Tag 1 & 1/2 which is a
1/4 In + Pass Thru + 1/4 In. This ends in Facing Couples, not in a Wave.
Dancers verbally respond to Horseshoe Turn by repeating the
first part of the call name (i.e., 'Horseshoe') as if they were sneezing.
Think about pronouncing 'Horseshoe' with a silent 'H'.
Partner Tag [A1] (Willard Orlich 1970):
From a Couple or Mini-Wave.
Turn 1/4 in place to face the adjacent dancer (1/4 In); Pass Thru.
Ends in Back-to-Back Dancers.
Cross Horseshoe Turn [C4]:
From a 2 x 4 with the Ends in Columns facing Out.
Ends Cross Cloverleaf (as one movement, Half Sashay and Cloverleaf)
as the Centers 1/4 In and Cross Trail Thru.
Generalized Columns end in an Eight Chain Thru.
This is a 2-part call for the Centers.