Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

Hubs | Rims Trade Back starts from Parallel Lines or a Thar | Promenade. EN: 10
Hubs | Rims Trade Back börjar från Parallel Lines eller en Thar | Promenade. SE: 10

Hubs | Rims Trade anything starts from a Line or other applicable formations. EN: 20
Hubs | Rims Trade anything börjar från en Line eller andra tillämpliga formationer. SE: 20

Hubs Trade Back | anything:
All Partner Trade; original Hubs (original Centers who are now Ends) Circulate or do the anything call. EN: 30
Alla Partner Trade; ursprungliga Hubs (ursprungliga Centers som nu är Ends) Circulate eller gör anything callet. SE: 30

Rims Trade Back | anything:
All Partner Trade; original Rims (original Ends who are now Centers) Circulate or do the anything call. If the anything call is not an 8-dancer call, the new Centers do the call Concentrically (i.e., working in the Center). EN: 40
Alla Partner Trade; ursprungliga Rims (ursprungliga Ends som nu är Centers) Circulate eller gör anything callet. Om anything callet inte är ett 8-dansare call, gör de nya Centers callet Concentric (dvs, arbetar i Center). SE: 40


Rims Trade Turn Thru:

Rims Trade Turn Thru
Original Rims Turn Thru
Hubs Trade Counter Rotate 1/4:

Hubs Trade Counter Rotate 1/4
Original Hubs Counter Rotate 1/4
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